单词 | 海上 |
释义 | 〔Viareggio〕A city of northwest Italy on the Ligurian Sea southeast of Genoa. It is a fishing center and fashionable resort. Population, 58,136.维亚雷焦:意大利西北的一座城市,位于热那亚东南的利古里亚海上,它是渔业中心和疗养胜地。人口58,136〔Florida〕A sea passage between Cuba and the Florida Keys, linking the Gulf of Mexico with the Atlantic Ocean.佛罗里达海峡:古巴和佛罗里达岛之间将墨西哥湾和大西洋连接起来的海上通道〔pirate〕To attack and rob (a ship at sea).抢劫(海上船只)〔Rapallo〕A city of northwest Italy on the Ligurian Sea. It is a resort on the Italian Riviera. The treaty proclaiming Fiume (now Rijeka) an independent city was signed here by Italy and Yugoslavia in November 1920. Population, 28,318.拉帕洛:意大利西北部的一城市,位于在利古里亚海上。是意大利海滨休养区和旅游景点。宣布成为现在的独立城市的条约,正是在这于1920年11月由意大利和南斯拉夫共同签订的。人口28,318〔maneuver〕A strategic or tactical military or naval movement.调遣,换防:陆上部队或海上部队所作的战略或战术移动〔average〕The loss of a ship or cargo, caused by damage at sea.海损:由于海上风险造成的船或货的损失〔navy〕Often Navy A nation's entire military organization for sea warfare and defense, including vessels, personnel, and shore establishments. 常作 Navy 海军:一个国家对海上军事和防御的全部军事组织,包括船只,人员和海军机构〔waif〕Something found and unclaimed, as an object cast up by the sea.无主失物:被发现而无人认领的东西,如丢在海上的东西〔seasickness〕Motion sickness resulting from the pitching and rolling of a ship or boat in water, especially at sea.晕船:由于轮船或小舟在水中摇摆不定而产生的运动病,尤指在海上〔work〕To strain in heavy seas so that the joints give slightly and the fastenings become slack. Used of a boat or ship. 松脱:船在浪大的海上承受巨大压力以至于连接处稍微断裂,系挂物也变松,用于小船或大船〔gam〕A herd of whales or a social congregation of whalers, especially at sea.See Synonyms at flock 1海上聚会:鲸群或老捕鲸者之间的集会,尤指在海上 参见 flock1〔Stevens〕American inventor who was instrumental in the passage of the first U.S. patent laws (1790) and built a seagoing steamboat, thePhoenix (1808). 斯蒂文斯,约翰:(1749-1838) 美国发明家,在通过美国第一个专利法(1790年)中起了重要作用,他建造了第一艘海上轮船凤凰号 (1808年) 〔Pisa〕A city of western Italy on the Arno River near the Tyrrhenian Sea. An important Etruscan town, it developed into a powerful maritime republic in the 9th to 11th centuries but was crushed by Genoa in 1284. Florence controlled the city from 1406 to 1509. The campanile of its cathedral, built 1174-c. 1350, is the famed Leaning Tower of Pisa. Population, 104,334.比萨:意大利西部的一座城市,位于第勒尼安海附近的阿诺河沿岸。重要的伊特鲁斯亚城,在9世纪到11世纪期间曾发展成为强大的海上共和国,但1284年被热那亚摧毁。佛罗伦萨于1406至1509年控制该城。其建于1174年至1350年的大教堂钟楼是著名的比萨斜塔。人口104,334〔seamark〕A landmark visible from the sea, used as a guide in navigation.航海标识:在海上可看见的陆标,被用作导航标志〔spoliation〕Seizure of neutral vessels at sea by a belligerent power in time of war.战时由于好战的力量推动在海上对中立国船只的抢夺〔thalassocracy〕Naval or commercial supremacy on the seas.制海权:在海上行船或进行商贸的权力〔Gilbert〕English navigator who urged exploration for the Northwest Passage, established in Newfoundland (1583) the first English colony in North America, and was lost at sea during a homeward voyage.吉尔伯特,汉弗莱:(1539?-1583) 英国航海探险家,他促进了西北航线的探险,在纽芬兰(1583年)建立了英国在北美的第一个殖民地,一次返程航行时他在海上失踪〔turn〕sea gulls circling above the ocean.海鸥在大海上盘旋。〔Crane〕American writer whose works includeThe Red Badge of Courage (1895) and the short story "The Open Boat" (1898). 克雷恩,斯蒂芬:(1871-1900) 美国作家,他的作品包括有《红色英勇勋章》 (1895年)和短篇小说《海上扁舟》(1898年) 〔sight〕sighted land after 40 days at sea.在海上漂泊了四十天之后看见了陆地〔shore〕a sailor with an assignment on shore.执行一个海上任务的水手〔buccaneer〕The Errol Flynn-like figure of the buccaneer pillaging the Spanish Main may seem less dashing if we realize that the termbuccaneer corresponds to the word barbecuer. The first recorded use of the French wordboucanier, which was borrowed into English, referred to a person on the islands of Hispaniola and Tortuga who hunted wild oxen and boars and smoked the meat in a barbecue frame known in French as aboucan. This French word came from an Arawakan or Tupinamba word meaning "a rack, sometimes used for roasting or for storing things, or a racklike platform supporting an Indian house.”The original barbecuers seem to have subsequently adapted a more remunerative way of life, piracy,which accounts for the new meaning given to the word.Buccaneer is recorded first in 1661 in its earlier sense in English; the sense we are familiar with is recorded in 1690.如果我们认识到buccaneer 一词与 barbecuer 一词词意相当,那么象艾洛尔·弗里恩这样掠夺西班牙船只的海盗也许看起来不算是勇敢了。 法语词boucanier 借用到英语中最早记录下来的意义, 是指生活在伊斯帕尼奥拉岛和托丢伽岛上的人,他们猎野牛和野猪,在boucan 这种烧烤架上烤肉。 这个法语词来自阿拉瓦克语或图皮南巴语,意为“一种架子,有时用来炙烤或贮藏食物,或指架状平台,用来支撑印第安人的房子”。专事炙烤的土著后来适应了海上掠夺这一更有利可图的生活方式。这就是boucan一词为什么被赋予了新的意义。Buccaneer 的早些时候的意义于1661年最早用英语记录下来, 而我们所熟悉的该词的含义是于1690年记录下来的〔Melville〕American writer whose experiences at sea provided the factual basis of his allegorical masterpieceMoby Dick (1851), considered among the greatest American novels. His other works include short stories, such as "Bartleby the Scrivener" (1856), and the novella Billy Budd (published 1924). 梅尔维尔,赫尔曼:(1819-1891) 美国作家,以其海上经历为事实依据写成其寓言杰作《白鲸》 (1851年),这部小说被认为是美国最伟大的小说之一。他其他的作品包括短篇小说,如《书记员巴特子比》(1856年)以及中篇小说 《比利·巴德》 (1924年出版) 〔roguish〕Set adrift by his roguish crew, the captain of the ship spent a week alone at sea.船长被狡诈的船员驱逐,独自一人在海上漂泊了一个星期〔flesh〕"The maritime strategy has an all but unstoppable institutional momentum behind it . . . that has given force and flesh to the theory"(Jack Beatty)“海上战略学背后有一股几乎是不可遏制的习惯力量…这股力量给予了这种学说力度和物质后盾”(杰克·贝蒂)〔Bonaire〕An island of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea off the northern coast of Venezuela. Tourism is important to its economy.博内尔岛:荷兰属安的列斯群岛中的一个岛屿,在加勒地海上,离委内瑞拉北部海滨不远。旅游业对该岛的经济举足轻重〔afloat〕On a boat or ship away from the shore; at sea.在海上地(的):在离岸的船上地(的);在海上地(的)〔maneuver〕To carry out a military or naval maneuver.调动,进行演习:陆上部队或海上部队进行调动或演习〔cocoon〕A protective plastic coating that is placed over stored military or naval equipment.塑料披盖:一种塑料保护涂层,覆盖在备用的军用或海上设备上〔chinook〕A moist warm wind blowing from the sea in coastal regions of the Pacific Northwest.契努克风:在太平洋西北部沿岸地区,从海上吹过来的潮湿而温暖的风〔seaplane〕An aircraft equipped with floats for landing on or taking off from a body of water. Also called hydroplane 水上飞机:一种装备有用来在海上降落或起飞浮体的飞机 也作 hydroplane〔seafaring〕Following a life at sea:以航海为业的:过海上生活的:〔commodore〕The senior captain of a naval squadron or merchant fleet.海上船队或商船船队的队长〔sludge〕Finely broken or half-formed ice on a body of water, especially the sea.半融的雪水,浮冰:一种在水体上(尤指海上)碎得很细或尚未完全形成的冰〔Louisburg〕A town of Nova Scotia, Canada, on eastern Cape Breton Island. It is near the site of the fortress of Louisbourg, built c. 1712-1740 by the French to guard the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In 1758 the fort fell to a British land and sea attack, which reduced it to rubble. A national historical park here includes reconstructed portions of the complex.路易斯堡:加拿大新斯科夏的一个城镇,位于布莱顿岛的东部角上,路易斯堡的碉堡附近。此碉堡由法国人于1712到1740年建成,用来保护圣·劳伦斯河湾的入口。1758年这个要塞纳入英国版图,但海上战争使之毁坏。在此建造一个国家历史公园,包括重建的该建筑体的某些部分〔tragedy〕an expedition that ended in tragedy, with all hands lost at sea.以惨祸而告终的一次探险,所有的人手都在海上丧命了〔seakeeping〕The ability of a vessel to navigate safely at sea for prolonged periods during stormy weather.适航力:指恶劣天候中,船只能在海上安全地延长航行时间的能力〔Ryder〕American painter known for his rhythmic allegorical works, landscapes, and marine scenes, such asToilers of the Sea (c. 1884). 赖德,阿尔贝特·平卡姆:(1847-1917) 美国画家,因其有节律的寓意画、山水画和海景图而知名,作品有《海上辛苦工作的人》 (1884年) 〔pirate〕One who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without commission from a sovereign nation.海盗,海上劫掠者:未受任何主权国家委派的海上抢劫或从海上来到陆地上抢夺的人〔rise〕To cause (a distant object at sea) to become visible above the horizon by advancing closer.使出现:通过向其靠近而使(海上远距离物体)出现在地平线之上而被看见 |
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