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单词 海军军官
释义 〔Bainbridge〕American naval officer who commanded the U.S.S.Constitution to victory over the H.M.S. Java in the War of 1812. 贝里布里奇,威廉:(1774-1833) 美国海军军官,在1812年的战争中指挥美国参议院的宪法号 击败英国皇家海军舰艇 爪哇号 〔Perry〕American naval officer who led the fleet that defeated the British in the Battle of Lake Erie (1813) during the War of 1812.佩里,奥利弗·哈泽德:(1785-1819) 美国海军军官。在1812年英美战争期间,他曾率领美国海军在伊利湖击溃英军(1813年)〔Grasse〕French naval officer who during the American Revolution commanded the French fleet in Chesapeake Bay, thereby preventing British naval forces from aiding Cornwallis at Yorktown (1781).格拉斯,弗朗索瓦·约瑟夫·保罗·德:(1722?-1788) 法国海军军官,在美国内战期间指挥在切萨皮克湾的法国舰队, 阻止了英国海军对在约克敦的康华里的支援(1781年)〔Hull〕American naval officer who commanded theConstitution (known as "Old Ironsides") during the War of 1812. 赫尔,艾萨克:(1773-1843) 美国海军军官,在1812年战争中指挥“宪法号” (被称为“老铁甲军号”) 〔Foote〕American naval officer who abolished (1862) liquor rations in the navy and commanded Union vessels on the upper Mississippi River during the Civil War.富特,安德鲁·赫尔:(1806-1863) 美国海军军官。他废除了海军中酒的配给(1862年)。在美国内战期间,领导联军战舰在密西西比河上游作战〔Maury〕American naval officer and oceanographer who charted the currents and winds of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans and wrote the pioneeringPhysical Geography of the Sea (1855). 莫里,马修·方丹:(1806-1873) 美国海军军官、海洋学家。曾绘制大西洋、太平洋和印度洋的洋流和风区图,并著有最早的现代海洋学教科书《海洋自然地理》 (1855年) 〔Peary〕American naval officer and Arctic explorer who led the expedition credited with first reaching the North Pole (1909).皮尔里,罗伯特·埃德温:(1856-1920) 美国海军军官和北极探险者,他率远征队第一次到达北极(1909年)〔Bellingshausen〕Russian naval officer and explorer who led an expedition that circumnavigated Antarctica (1819-1821).别林斯高晋,费边·戈特利布·冯:(1778-1852) 俄国海军军官和探险者,1819-1821年在其率领下进行了环航南极洲的探险〔Porter〕American naval officer who was court-martialed for unauthorized military activities in Puerto Rico. He later commanded the Mexican navy (1826-1829). His sonDavid Dixon Porter (1813-1891) was a Union naval officer during the Civil War. 波特,戴维:(1780-1843) 美国海军军官,因在波多黎各擅自采取军事行动而受到军事法庭的审判。后来他成为墨西哥海军司令(1826-1829年),他的儿子大卫·迪克森·波特 (1813-1891年)在内战期间是联邦军海军军官 〔Sims〕American naval officer who commanded U.S. naval forces in Europe during World War I and later cowroteVictory at Sea (1920), for which he won a Pulitzer Prize. 西姆斯,威廉·索登:(1858-1936) 美国海军军官,在一次世界大战期间指挥在欧洲的美国海军,后与人合著《海上的胜利》 (1920年),该作品获普利策奖 〔Dewey〕American naval officer known for his victory at Manila Bay (May 1, 1898) in the Spanish-American War.德威,乔治:(1837-1917) 美国海军军官,以他在美国与西班牙战争中取得的马尼拉湾的胜利(1898年5月1日)而著称〔Stockton〕American naval officer who was active in the return of freed slaves to Africa. He also commanded the forces that conquered California and proclaimed it a territory of the United States (1846).斯托克顿,罗伯特·费尔德:(1795-1866) 美国海军军官,积极参与把解放了的奴隶送回非洲的运动。他统帅部队征服了加利福尼亚,并宣布该土地归美利坚合众国所有(1846年)〔same〕The expressionssame and the same are sometimes used in place of pronouns such as it or one, as inWhen you have filled out the form, please remit same to this office. As this example suggests, the usage is associated chiefly with commercial and legal language,and some critics have suggested that it should be reserved for such contexts.But though the usage often does sound stilted,it occurs with some frequency in informal writing, particularly in the phraselack of same, as inIt is a question of money, or lack of same. And blind conformity to the critical injunction would have deprived us of the famously laconic radio message sent by a U.S. Navy officer during World War II: Same 和 the same 这两个表达法有时用作代词以替代 it 或 one, 如句子When you have filled out the form,please remit same to the office(填完表格后请提交给办公室)。 正如这个例子所表示的,这种用法主要出现于商业和法律用语,有些评论家认为应当把这种用法限制于此。尽管这种用法常听起来不太自然,但它有时也会出现在非正式的书面语中,特别是在短语lack of the same 中, 如句子It's a question of money,or lack of same。 并且,如果盲目地遵从评论家的禁令,我们将不会听到二次世界大战期间以简洁著称的美国海军军官的无线电口令: 〔Wilkes〕American naval officer and explorer of Antarctica and the Pacific coast of North America. Wilkes Land was named after him.威尔克斯,查尔斯:(1798-1877) 美国海军军官和探险家,曾到南极洲和北美洲的太平洋沿岸探险。威尔克斯地是以他的名字命名的〔Semmes〕American Confederate naval officer who commanded theAlabama (1862-1864), which took a heavy toll on Union marine commerce until it was sunk by a Union ship off the coast of France (1864). 塞姆斯,拉斐尔:(1809-1877) 美国南部同盟海军军官,曾指挥阿拉巴马 号战舰(1862-1864年)沉重打击了联邦海上贸易,直至它于法国海岸边被一艘联邦战舰击沉(1864年) 〔Taylor〕American naval officer and architect who oversaw the design and construction of U.S. navy ships and aircraft from 1914 to 1922.泰勒,戴维·沃森:(1864-1940) 美国海军军官和设计师,负责从1914年到1922年间美国海军军舰和飞机的设计和建造〔Preble〕American naval officer who commanded a squadron (1803-1804) in the Tripolitan War and ordered the blockade of Tripoli.普莱卜勒,爱德华:(1761-1807) 美国海军军官,曾在的黎波里战争中指挥一分舰队(1803-1804年)并指挥对的黎波里的封锁〔Lawrence〕American naval officer who was killed while commanding the frigateChesapeake during the War of 1812. 劳伦斯,詹姆斯:(1781-1813) 美国海军军官,1812年战争中指挥切萨皮克号 炮舰时身亡 〔Doenitz〕German naval officer who was chief naval commander during World War II and briefly headed the German government after the death of Adolf Hitler (1945).德尼茨,卡尔:(1891-1980) 二战中曾任海军总司令的德国海军军官,1945年希特勒死后曾短期领导德国政府〔master〕Used formerly as a title for a man holding a naval office ranking next below a lieutenant on a warship.(昔日)海军少尉:曾指在战舰上职位仅低于上尉军衔的海军军官〔dogsbody〕British slang [naval rations (obsolete), midshipman] 英语俚语 [海军口粮(古用);低级军官,海军军官候补生] 〔Dahlgren〕American naval officer and inventor of innovative smoothbore armaments for the U.S. Navy.达尔格伦,约翰·阿道尔福斯·伯纳德:(1809-1870) 美国海军军官和发明家,为美国海军设计了革新的滑膛炮〔Mahan〕American naval officer and historian whose written works, such asThe Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783 (1890), prompted a worldwide buildup of naval strength prior to World War I. 马汉,阿尔弗烈德·萨耶尔:(1840-1914) 美国海军军官和历史学家,他的作品,如《海上力量对1660-1783历史的影响》 (1890年)引发了第一次世界大战前夕世界范围内海军军备竞赛 〔Decatur〕American naval officer known for his heroic deeds in the Tripolitan War, the War of 1812, and skirmishes against the Barbary pirates.德凯特,斯蒂芬:(1779-1820) 美国海军军官,因在的黎波里战争、1812年战争和反击巴巴里海盗的军事行动中的表现英勇而闻名〔Byrd〕American naval officer and explorer. After being the first to fly over the North Pole (with Floyd Bennett in 1926), he turned his attention to Antarctica, leading five expeditions between 1929 and 1956 and establishing a base for scientific discovery at Little America.伯德,理查德·伊夫林:(1888-1957) 美国海军军官和探险家,继第一个飞过北极点之后(1926年与弗洛伊德·贝内特一道),他把注意力转向了南极大陆,在1929年和1956年间,率领了五支探险队考察南极大陆,在小亚美利加建立了一个科学考察基地〔Buckingham〕English courtier and statesman whose military and political policies caused continual friction with Parliament. He was assassinated by a disgruntled naval officer.白金汉:英王宠臣和政治家。其军事和政治策略导致他和议会之间的长期摩擦,后被一名心情恶劣的海军军官暗杀〔Perry〕American naval officer who opened diplomatic and trade relations between the United States and Japan (1854).佩里,马修·卡尔布莱斯:(1794-1858) 美国海军军官,1854年他打开了美国和日本之间的外交和商贸关系〔Yamamoto〕Japanese naval officer who planned Japan's naval strategies during World War II, including the attack on Pearl Harbor (1941).山本,五十六:(1884-1943) 日本海军军官,二战期间,他曾策划过日本的海军战略计划,包括对珍珠港的袭击(1941年)〔Jones〕Scottish-born American naval officer. In the American Revolution he raided the British coast and destroyed two warships (1779).琼斯,约翰·保罗:(1747-1792) 苏格兰裔的美国海军军官。在美国独立战争中,他曾袭击英国海岸并摧毁两艘军舰(1779年)〔King〕American naval officer who served as chief of naval operations (1942-1945) during World War II.金,欧内斯特·约瑟夫:(1878-1956) 美国海军军官,第二次世界大战中任海军作战部长(1942-1945年)〔midshipman〕Abbr. Midn.A student training to be a commissioned naval officer, especially a student at a naval academy.缩写 Midn.海军军官学校学员:训练成为海军军官的学生,尤指在海军军官学校的学生〔Barry〕Irish-born American Revolutionary naval officer who commanded theLexington in the capture (1776) of the Edward, the first British ship taken during the war. 巴里,约翰:(1745-1803) 爱尔兰裔美国独立战争时期的海军军官,1776年指挥莱克星顿号 俘获了 爱德华号 ,战争中第一艘被俘获的英国船只 〔Macdonough〕American naval officer who during the War of 1812 defeated and captured the British naval forces on Lake Champlain (1814).麦克多诺,托马斯:(1783-1825) 美国海军军官,1812年战争中在尚普兰湖击败英国海军,俘获许多官兵(1814年)




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