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单词 海岸线
释义 〔playa〕from Late Latin plagia [hillside, shoreline] 源自 后期拉丁语 plagia [山坡,海岸线] 〔transgress〕To spread over land, especially over the land along a subsiding shoreline. Used of the sea.侵入:越过土地,尤指侵蚀不断后缩的海岸线。用于指海洋〔Carpentaria〕A wide inlet of the Arafura Sea indenting the northern coast of Australia.卡奔塔利亚湾:阿拉弗拉海的一片宽阔水湾,使澳大利亚北部海岸线成锯齿状〔turnstone〕Either of two wading birds,Arenaria interpres, a widely distributed species that is dark brown above with large areas of chestnut and black, or A. melanocephala, having black and white plumage, that breeds along the coast of Alaska and winters from there to Baja California. 翻石鹬:两种涉禽中的任何一种,翻石鹬 ,是一种分布广泛的物种,身体上部是深褐色,有大片的栗色的黑色,或 黑翻石鹬 ,羽毛黑白相间,在阿拉斯加海岸线繁殖,冬季从这迁徙至下加利福尼亚 〔Caria〕An ancient region of southwest Asia Minor with a coastline on the Aegean Sea. It was settled by Dorian and Ionian colonists and conquered by Alexander the Great in 334b.c. 卡里亚:小亚细亚西南部一古老地区,其海岸线濒临爱琴海。曾是多利安和爱奥尼亚的殖民地,公元前 334年被亚历山大大帝征服 〔Mawson〕British explorer and geologist who charted much of the coast of the Australian Antarctic.莫森,道格拉斯:(1882-1958) 英国探险家和地质学家,曾绘制澳大利亚的南极海岸线〔transgression〕The spread of the sea over land along a subsiding shoreline.海侵:海洋沿着不断后退的海岸线向陆地的扩张〔Reyes〕A promontory on the central California coast northwest of San Francisco. It is reported to be the windiest and foggiest place on the western coast of the continental United States, with an average of 137 foggy days a year.雷耶斯角:加利福尼亚海岸线中部的海岬,位于旧金山西北。据称是美国大陆西海岸上风最多且雾最多的地方,一年平均有137天多雾天〔erosive〕the erosive effect of ocean waves on the shoreline.海浪对海岸线的侵蚀效果〔Shabelle〕A river, about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) long, of northeast Africa rising in central Ethiopia and flowing southeast into Somalia then southwest in a course parallel to the Indian Ocean coastline. It disappears in a swampland in southern Somalia.萨比利河:非洲东北部的河流,长约1,609公里(1,000英里),发源于埃塞俄比亚中部地区,向东南流入索马里,然后向西南方向流动,流向平行于印度洋海岸线。该河消失于索马里南部的沼泽地中〔Valencia〕also [bä-lĕnʹthyä] A region and former kingdom of eastern Spain on the Mediterranean coast south of Catalonia. Inhabited by Iberian peoples in early times, it was colonized by Greek and Carthaginian traders and fell to the Moors in the eighth century. The Cid ruled the region and the city of Valencia from 1094 until his death in 1099. 也作 [bä-lĕnʹthyä] 巴伦西亚:西班牙东部的一个地区和以前的王国,位于卡特罗尼亚以南的地中海海岸线上,早期由伊比利亚人定居于此,希腊人和迦太基商人将其变成殖民地并于8世纪落入摩尔人手中,熙德从1094年直至其在1099年死亡一直统治着这个地区和巴伦西亚城市〔bight〕A bend or curve, especially in a shoreline.弯曲,弓形:弯曲或弓形,尤指海岸线〔coastline〕The shape, outline, or boundary of a coast.海岸线:海岸的形状、轮廓或边界〔Athabaskan〕A group of related North American Indian languages including the Apachean languages and languages of Alaska, northwest Canada, and coastal Oregon and California.阿萨巴斯卡语:一组与北美印第安语有关的语言,包括阿帕契语和阿拉斯加、加拿大西北部、俄勒冈沿海岸线地区和加利福尼亚等地的语言〔Connecticut〕A state of the northeast United States. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1788. Connecticut's coastline was first explored by Dutch navigators after 1614, and in 1635 colonists from Massachusetts Bay began to settle in the Connecticut River valley. The Fundamental Orders, a constitution based on the consent of the governed, was adopted by the colony in 1639. Hartford is the capital and Bridgeport the largest city. Population, 3,295,669.康涅狄格州:美国东北部一州。1788年它被接受为美国最初的十三个独立殖民地之一。1614年后,荷兰的航海家最先到达康涅狄格的海岸线,1635年来自马萨诸塞湾的殖民者开始在康涅狄格河谷定居。在统治政府的同意下,一部基本法-宪法于1639年开始实行。哈特福德是其首都,布里奇波特为最大城市。人口3,295,669〔intercoastal〕Relating to, involving, or connecting two or more coastlines:两岸间的:有关于,包括或与两个或更多海岸线相连的:〔beachhead〕A position on an enemy shoreline captured by troops in advance of an invading force.滩头堡,登陆场:在侵略部队之前军队占领的敌方海岸线上的一个位置〔bench〕A level elevation of land along a shore or coast, especially one marking a former shoreline.沿海平高地:沿海滨或海岸的水平高地,尤指标志出以前的海岸线的平高地〔Valletta〕The capital of Malta, on the northeast coast of the main island. Dating to the 16th century, it contains many relics of the Knights of Malta. Population, 14,013.瓦莱塔:马耳他首都,位于主岛东北海岸线上,从16世纪开始,它容纳了许多马耳他骑士的遗骸。人口14,013〔Sharon〕A fertile plain of western Israel extending along the Mediterranean coast south of Haifa.沙伦平原:以色列西部的一片肥沃平原,沿海法南部地中海海岸线延伸开来〔Nome〕A city of western Alaska on Norton Sound and the southern coast of Seward Peninsula. It was founded as a gold-mining camp in 1896 and was an important center of the Alaskan gold rush from 1899 to 1903. Population, 3,500.诺姆:位于诺顿湾阿拉斯加西都和苏厄德半岛南部海岸线上一城市,1896年作为金矿营地建成,是1899年到1903年阿拉斯加淘金热中的一个重要中心。人口3,500〔Shebelle〕A river, about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) long, of northeast Africa rising in central Ethiopia and flowing southeast into Somalia then southwest in a course parallel to the Indian Ocean coastline. It disappears in a swampland in southern Somalia.谢贝利河:非洲东北部的一条河流,流程约1,609公里(1,000英里),发源于埃塞俄比亚中部并向东南流经索马里,然后向西南以平行于印度海海岸线的路径流动,它消失于索马里南部的沼泽地区〔wrecker〕One who lures a vessel to destruction, as by a display of lights on a rocky coastline, in order to plunder it.毁船打劫者:引诱船只失事的人,如通过在多岩石的海岸线上打信号灯,以掠夺其财物〔chart〕A map showing coastlines, water depths, or other information of use to navigators.航海图:标出海岸线、水深或供航海者使用的其他信息的地图〔Majorca〕An island of Spain in the western Mediterranean Sea off the east-central coast of the mainland. The largest of the Balearic Islands, it was the center of an independent kingdom from 1276 until 1343. Tourism is its major industry.马约卡岛:西班牙在地中海西部的一个岛屿,位于大陆的中东部海岸线之外,是巴利里克群岛最大的一个岛屿,在1276年至1343年间曾是一个独立王国的中心。旅游业是其支柱产业




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