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单词 海岸边
释义 〔Friesland〕A region of northern Europe on the North Sea between the Scheldt and Weser rivers. The Frisians, a Germanic people, were conquered by the Franks in the eighth century. A portion of the area is now a province of the northern Netherlands.弗里斯兰:北海岸边、威悉河与斯海尔德河之间的北欧地区。8世纪弗里西亚人征服了居住在此的日耳曼人的一支弗兰西斯人。此地区的一部分现为荷兰北部的一个省〔maroon〕The history of the wordmaroon, which we associate with desert islands, takes us back to the days of slavery, when the nounmaroon was a term in English for a Black person who lived in the mountains and forests of Dutch Guiana (Suriname) and the West Indies, a term that is still used in parts of the Caribbean.These were plantation slaveswho had run away to live free in uncultivated parts.The English word is taken from the French wordmarron, "runaway Black slave,”which in turn was an alteration of American Spanishcimarrón, meaning "runaway slave.”Cimarrón is perhaps from cima, "summit.” Having come into English (first recorded in 1666),maroon took on a life of its own and came to be used as a verbmeaning "to be lost in the wilds,”from which our sense "to put ashore on a deserted island or coast" evolved.单词maroon 与荒岛有关联,其历史可追溯到奴隶制时代, 当时英语中的maroon 这个词指的是生活在荷属圭亚那(苏里南)和西印度群岛的黑人, 在加勒比的某些地区这个词仍在使用。这些人本是种植园里的奴隶,他们逃到未开发的土地上自由自在地生活。英语中的这个词源于法语中的marron , 意思是“逃亡的黑奴”,它又是美洲西班牙语cimarron 的变形, 其意为“逃亡的奴隶”。Cinmarron 可能源于 cima ,“顶峰”。 进入英语之后(最早的记载在1666年),maroon 具有了自己的内涵, 而且开始被作为动词使用,意思是“在荒野中迷失方向”,我们的“将…置于一个荒凉的岛上或海岸边”这个意思就是从这里发展而来〔Calicut〕A city of southwest India on the Malabar Coast southwest of Bangalore. It was the site of Vasco da Gama's first landfall in India (1498) and was later occupied by Portuguese, British, French, and Danish trading colonies. Population, 394,447.卡利卡特:印度西南部的一座城市,位于班加罗尔西南部马拉巴尔海岸边。是瓦斯科料·达伽马在印度的登陆点(1498年),后被葡萄牙、英国、法国和丹麦殖民者侵占。人口394,447〔rave〕The storm raved along the coast.风暴在海岸边呼啸而过〔longshore〕Occurring, living, or working along a seacoast.发生、生活或工作在海岸边〔Semmes〕American Confederate naval officer who commanded theAlabama (1862-1864), which took a heavy toll on Union marine commerce until it was sunk by a Union ship off the coast of France (1864). 塞姆斯,拉斐尔:(1809-1877) 美国南部同盟海军军官,曾指挥阿拉巴马 号战舰(1862-1864年)沉重打击了联邦海上贸易,直至它于法国海岸边被一艘联邦战舰击沉(1864年) 〔inlet〕A recess, such as a bay or cove, along a coast.水湾:海岸边弯向大陆的凹进处,例如海港或水湾〔onshore〕Located on the shore:位于海岸边的:〔maroon〕To put ashore on a deserted island or coast and intentionally abandon.放逐:将…置于一个荒凉的岛上或海岸边并有意抛弃〔Canaveral〕A sandy promontory extending into the Atlantic Ocean from a barrier island on the east-central coast of Florida. It is the site of NASA's Kennedy Manned Space Flight Center, the launching area for U.S. space missions.卡纳维拉尔角,肯尼迪角:一多沙海角,从佛罗里达州中东部海岸边的一个滨外岛屿延伸入大西洋。是美国航空航天局肯尼迪宇航中心所在地,为美国宇航发射地区




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