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单词 海盗
释义 〔Caniff〕American cartoonist noted for the adventure comic stripsTerry and the Pirates (1934-1946) and Steve Canyon (1947-1988). 卡尼夫,米尔顿·阿瑟:(1907-1988) 美国漫画家,以探险内容的连环漫画《泰利和海盗们》 (1934-1946年)和 《史迪夫·卡尼安》 (1947-1988年)而闻名 〔walk〕To be forced, as by pirates, to walk off a plank extended over the side of a ship so as to drown.走跳板:被海盗等逼迫走出伸出船边缘的木板而被淹死〔piracy〕from Greek peiratēs [pirate] * see pirate 源自 希腊语 peiratēs [海盗] * 参见 pirate〔Trinidad〕An island of Trinidad and Tobago in the Atlantic Ocean off northeast Venezuela. First sighted by Columbus in 1498, it was not settled until the 1570's and was a frequent target for Dutch, French, and British buccaneers. Ceded to Great Britain in 1802, Trinidad was joined with Tobago in 1888 to form the colony of Trinidad and Tobago (1898).特立尼达岛:大西洋上的特立尼达和多巴哥的一个岛屿,位于委内瑞拉东北的水域里。最早在1498年,哥伦布就看到过该岛,而直到16世纪70年代才有人定居,它经常是荷兰、法国、和英国海盗的目标。1802年该岛割让给英国,1888年特立尼达与多巴哥联合组成了特里尼达与多巴哥殖民地(1898年)〔Pines〕An island in the Caribbean Sea off southwest Cuba. Discovered by Columbus in 1494, it was later a penal colony and a rendezvous for pirates. It was claimed by both the United States and Cuba until a 1925 treaty confirmed Cuba's sovereignty.皮内斯岛:古巴西南部的加勒比海的一个岛屿。由哥伦布在1494年发现,后来成为监禁地和海盗聚集地。古巴和美国都曾对其要求领土权,后来通过1925年的协约才确定为古巴的领土〔Dampier〕English buccaneer and navigator who described his circumnavigation of the globe inA New Voyage Round the World (1697) and later explored the South Seas. 丹皮尔,威廉:(1652-1715) 英国海盗、航海家,在《环游世界的一次新航行》 (1697年)中描述了他的环球海上航行,后来到南太平洋探险 〔Tortuga〕An island in the West Indies off northern Haiti. It was a pirate refuge in the 17th century.托尔图加:西印度群岛中一岛屿,离海地北部不远。17世纪为海盗据点〔Recife〕A city of northeast Brazil on the Atlantic Ocean south of Natal. First settled in 1535, it was plundered by English privateers in 1595 and occupied by the Dutch from 1630 to 1654. Population, 1,203,899.累西腓:巴西东北部的一座城市,濒临大西洋,位于纳塔尔南面。1535年开始有人定居,1595年遭到英国海盗的洗劫,1630年至1654年被荷兰占领。人口1,203,899〔religious〕"Thou conclud'st like the sanctimonious pirate, that went to sea with the Ten Commandments, but scrap'd one [Thou shalt not steal] out of the table" (Shakespeare).“你象带着十诫出海的假装虔诚的海盗一样结束了演讲,但是把其中的一条 从桌子上擦除了” (莎士比亚)〔Viking〕One of a seafaring Scandinavian people who plundered the coasts of northern and western Europe from the eighth through the tenth century.海盗:从8世纪到10世纪劫掠欧洲北部和西部海岸的航海的斯堪的纳维亚人〔corsair〕A pirate, especially along the Barbary Coast.海盗海盗,特别是沿北非伊斯兰教各国的海盗〔Penzance〕A municipal borough of southwest England west-southwest of Plymouth. It is a port and summer resort and was frequently raided by pirates until the 18th century. Population, 19,521.彭冉:英格兰西南部一自治城市,位于普利茅斯西南偏西。这里是港口和夏季旅游胜地,18世纪前常被海盗掳掠。人口19,521〔Morgan〕Welsh buccaneer who raided Spanish ships and settlements in the Caribbean and was acting governor of Jamaica (1680-1682).摩根,亨利:(1635?-1688) 抢劫西班牙船只并定居于加勒比的威尔士海盗,曾出任牙买加总督(1680年-1682年)〔pirate〕One who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without commission from a sovereign nation.海盗,海上劫掠者:未受任何主权国家委派的海上抢劫或从海上来到陆地上抢夺的人〔Tarkenton〕American football player. A quarterback mainly with the Minnesota Vikings (1961-1967 and 1972-1978), he passed for 342 career touchdowns and over 47,000 career passing yards.塔肯顿,弗朗西斯:美式足球运动员。作为四分卫,他大部分时间效力于明尼苏达海盗队(1961年-1967年,1972年-1978年),在其运动生涯中,共获342次触地得分和47,000个小禁区传球.〔Teach〕English pirate who established a base on the North Carolina coast after 1713 and conducted acts of piracy off the coast of the American colonies and in the Caribbean. He was killed by British naval forces.蒂奇,爱德华:(卒于 1718) 英国海盗,1713年后在北卡罗来纳海岸建立基地,并在北美殖民地沿岸和加勒比海进行海盗活动。被英国海军剿灭〔Barbary〕A region of northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast between Egypt and the Atlantic Ocean. Settled by Berbers in the 2nd millenniumb.c. , it fell to the Arabs in the 7th century a.d. From the 16th to the 19th century it was used as a base by pirates who raided ships in the Mediterranean Sea and extracted tribute from the European powers trading in the area. 巴巴里:北非一地区,濒地中海海岸,在埃及与大西洋之间。公元前 2000年时柏柏尔人定居于此。 公元 7世纪时被阿拉伯人占领。从16至19世纪成为海盗的据点。海盗们在地中海上洗劫船只,并从在此地区从事贸易的欧洲列强那里勒索钱财 〔filibuster〕Spanish filibustero [freebooter] 西班牙语 filibustero [海盗] 〔Decatur〕American naval officer known for his heroic deeds in the Tripolitan War, the War of 1812, and skirmishes against the Barbary pirates.德凯特,斯蒂芬:(1779-1820) 美国海军军官,因在的黎波里战争、1812年战争和反击巴巴里海盗的军事行动中的表现英勇而闻名〔Veracruz〕A city of east-central Mexico on the Gulf of Mexico east of Puebla. Founded in 1599 on a site visited earlier (1519) by Hernando Cortés, it was frequently sacked by buccaneers in the 17th and 18th centuries. U.S. troops led by Gen. Winfield Scott captured the city in 1847 during the Spanish-American War. Population, 284,822.维拉克鲁斯:墨西哥中东部的一个城市,位于普韦布拉以东的墨西哥湾沿岸,1599年创建于一个赫南多·科尔特斯早先到过(1519年)的地方,在17和18 世纪期间通常被西印度海盗劫掠。在美西战争期间该城于1847年被温菲尔德·斯科特将军率领的美国军队攻陷。人口284,822〔Guayaquil〕The largest city of Ecuador, in the western part of the country near theGulf of Guayaquil, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. Founded in 1535, the city was frequently subject to pirate attacks in the 17th century. Population, 1,204,532. 瓜亚基尔:厄瓜多尔的最大城市,位于该国西部,靠近太平洋内湾瓜亚基尔湾 。该城于1535年建立,17世纪屡遭海盗袭击。人口1,204,532 〔black〕the pirates' black deeds.海盗的恶劣行为〔skald〕A medieval Scandinavian poet, especially one writing in the Viking age.吟唱诗人:中世纪斯堪的纳维亚诗人,尤指海盗盛行时期的创作诗人〔Rollo〕Norse chieftain and the first duke of Normandy.罗洛:古斯堪的纳维亚海盗头子及诺曼底公国的第一位公爵〔Campeche〕A city of southeast Mexico on theBay of Campeche, a section of the Gulf of Mexico west of Yucatán. Founded in 1540, Campeche was frequently sacked by buccaneers in the 17th century. Population, 128,434. 坎佩切市:墨西哥东南部的一座城市,靠近坎佩切海湾, 是尤卡坦州西部墨西哥湾的一部分。建于1540年,17世纪时它频繁地遭受海盗的劫掠。人口128,434 〔Kidd〕British sea captain who turned to piracy after being hired to protect British ships in the Indian Ocean (1696). His cruelty and undiscovered buried treasure, although unsubstantiated, remain legendary.基德,威廉:(1645?-1701) 英国商船船长,被雇用保护英国在印度洋的船只后(1696年)变为海盗。他的残酷和未被发现的宝藏,虽然无事实根据,仍具有传奇色彩〔buccaneer〕The Errol Flynn-like figure of the buccaneer pillaging the Spanish Main may seem less dashing if we realize that the termbuccaneer corresponds to the word barbecuer. The first recorded use of the French wordboucanier, which was borrowed into English, referred to a person on the islands of Hispaniola and Tortuga who hunted wild oxen and boars and smoked the meat in a barbecue frame known in French as aboucan. This French word came from an Arawakan or Tupinamba word meaning "a rack, sometimes used for roasting or for storing things, or a racklike platform supporting an Indian house.”The original barbecuers seem to have subsequently adapted a more remunerative way of life, piracy,which accounts for the new meaning given to the word.Buccaneer is recorded first in 1661 in its earlier sense in English; the sense we are familiar with is recorded in 1690.如果我们认识到buccaneer 一词与 barbecuer 一词词意相当,那么象艾洛尔·弗里恩这样掠夺西班牙船只的海盗也许看起来不算是勇敢了。 法语词boucanier 借用到英语中最早记录下来的意义, 是指生活在伊斯帕尼奥拉岛和托丢伽岛上的人,他们猎野牛和野猪,在boucan 这种烧烤架上烤肉。 这个法语词来自阿拉瓦克语或图皮南巴语,意为“一种架子,有时用来炙烤或贮藏食物,或指架状平台,用来支撑印第安人的房子”。专事炙烤的土著后来适应了海上掠夺这一更有利可图的生活方式。这就是boucan一词为什么被赋予了新的意义。Buccaneer 的早些时候的意义于1661年最早用英语记录下来, 而我们所熟悉的该词的含义是于1690年记录下来的〔Barbarossa〕Greek-born Turkish corsair who with his brotherArouj (died 1518) ravaged the coasts of Spain, Italy, and Greece. 巴尔巴罗萨:希腊裔土耳其海盗,曾与其弟阿鲁依 (死于1518年)一起劫掠过西班牙、意大利和希腊海岸 〔Laffite〕French pirate leader who aided U.S. troops in the War of 1812 in return for an official pardon for his crimes.拉菲特,简:(1780?-1826?) 法国海盗首领,作为对官方赦免他罪行的回报,他在1812年战争中曾帮助过美国舰队〔Visby〕A city of southeast Sweden on western Gotland Island on the Baltic Sea. It was a member of the Hanseatic League and a commercial center from the 10th to the 14th century but declined after its capture by the Danes in 1362. Visby was a pirate stronghold for the next two centuries and passed to Sweden in 1645. Population, 20,100.维斯比:瑞典东南部一城市,位于波罗的海的哥特兰岛西岸。在10世纪到14世纪之间曾是汉萨同盟的一员和商业中心,但自从被丹麦人于1362年占领后开始走向衰败。维斯比成为以后二个世纪海盗据点,1645年划归瑞典。人口20,100〔Nassau〕The capital and largest city of the Bahamas, on the northeast coast of New Providence Island in the Atlantic Ocean east of Miami, Florida. Settled in the 17th century, it was a haven for pirates in the 18th century. Population, 135,000.拿骚:巴哈马的首都和最大城市,位于迈阿密、佛罗里达东部,大西洋新普罗维登斯岛东北岸。建立于17世纪,18世纪时它成为海盗的避风港。人口135,000〔buccaneer〕A pirate, especially one of the freebooters who preyed on Spanish shipping in the West Indies during the 17th century.海盗:尤指17世纪时掠夺在西印度群岛航行的西班牙船只的海盗〔freebooter〕A person who pillages and plunders, especially a pirate.劫掠者:掠夺或抢劫者,尤指海盗〔Youth〕An island in the Caribbean Sea south of western Cuba. Discovered by Columbus in 1494, it was later a penal colony and a rendezvous for pirates. It was claimed by both the United States and Cuba until a 1925 treaty confirmed Cuba's sovereignty.青年岛:加勒比海岛屿,位于古巴西部的南面。1494年哥伦布发现该岛,后成为流放地和海盗窝点。美国和古巴都曾宣称对该岛的主权,1925年的条约确定了古巴的所有权〔Gilbert〕British playwright and lyricist known for a series of comic operas, includingH.M.S. Pinafore (1878) and The Pirates of Penzance (1879), written with composer Sir Arthur Sullivan. 吉尔伯特,威廉·施文克:(1836-1911) 英国剧作家和抒情诗人,因其创作的多部喜剧而闻名,包括《H.M.S围裙》 (1878年)和 《潘扎斯的海盗》 (1879年),它是与作曲家阿瑟·沙利文合写的 〔blackmail〕Tribute formerly paid to freebooters along the Scottish border for protection from pillage.勒索贡物:从前为防止海盗抢劫,沿苏格兰边境向海盗上贡之物〔Matanzas〕A city of northwest-central Cuba east of Havana. Founded in 1693, it was once a haven for pirates. Population, 100,367.马坦萨斯:古巴中部偏西北的一个城市,位于哈瓦那以东。该市建于1693年,曾经是海盗们的避难港。人口100,367〔Clemente〕Puerto Rican-born American baseball player who spent his entire career with the Pittsburgh Pirates (1955-1972). He batted .300 or better 13 times and had exactly 3,000 hits before he was killed in a plane crash.克莱门特,罗伯托·沃克:波多黎各裔美籍棒球选手,职业生涯全都为匹兹堡海盗队效力(1955-1972年)。他的平均打击率是三成并有13次超过三成,在空难前他刚好击出3000支全垒打




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