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单词 涂抹
释义 〔slump〕To slide down or spread out thickly, as mud or fresh concrete.滑落:将(泥或新拌的混凝土)厚厚地滑下或涂抹〔daub〕The act or a stroke of daubing.涂抹涂抹的行为或手法〔parget〕To cover or adorn with parget.用灰泥涂抹或粉饰〔smear〕To apply by spreading or daubing:敷,涂:用扩散或涂抹的方法使用某物:〔smite〕from Old English smītan [to smear] 源自 古英语 smītan [涂抹,摧毁] 〔smudge〕To smear something as with dirt, soot, or ink.弄污:把脏痕、煤烟或墨水涂抹于(某物)上〔mortar〕Any of various bonding materials used in masonry, surfacing, and plastering, especially a plastic mixture of cement or lime, sand, and water that hardens in place and is used to bind together bricks or stones.灰浆:任何一种用于石造物、表面和涂盖的粘合物质,尤指用水泥、石灰、沙和水的塑料混合物来硬化涂抹处,被用于粘合砖或石头〔slipware〕Pottery coated or decorated with slip.施釉陶器:用泥浆涂抹或装饰的陶器〔bloom〕A similar coating, as on newly minted coins.涂抹粉霜:类似的涂抹,例如涂抹新铸的钱币〔slice〕A similar implement for spreading printing ink.油墨铲:一种用于涂抹印刷用油墨的类似的工具〔blacken〕To coat (fish or meat, for example) with pepper and other spices and then sear in a hot skillet, thereby producing meat that is black on the outside but tender on the inside.香黑煎肉:用胡椒或其他香料涂抹(鱼或肉)然后在热平底煎锅上煎炸,制出外黑内软的肉〔accept〕To be able to hold (something applied or inserted):吸收:能够容纳(涂抹或插入的事物):〔wipe〕To spread or apply by or as if by wiping:涂抹:通过或似乎通过擦而扩散或涂抹〔offset〕To cause (printed matter) to transfer or smear on another surface.平版印刷:使(已印出物的)油墨转移到或涂抹到另一物的表面〔whitewash〕To paint or coat with or as if with whitewash.用石灰水粉刷或涂抹〔smarmy〕From smarm [to smear] 源自 smarm [涂抹] 〔erase〕To remove or destroy as if by wiping out:使忘却:象涂抹掉一样消除、消灭:〔blot〕To obliterate (writing, for example).涂抹(如书写)〔blob〕To splash or daub with blobs; splotch.弄污:用涂料泼墨般洒或涂抹;弄污〔parget〕A mixture, such as plaster or roughcast, used to coat walls and line chimneys.粗灰泥:一种用于涂抹墙和在烟囱上勾印的混合物,比如灰浆或粗灰泥〔erase〕To remove (something written, for example) by rubbing, wiping, or scraping.擦掉,抹掉:通过用橡皮涂抹或刮除(写的字迹或图形等)〔putty〕A fine lime cement used as a finishing coat on plaster.精制石灰胶泥:精制石灰胶泥,用于在灰泥表层涂抹成膜〔overscore〕To cross out by drawing a line or lines over or through.用痕迹来涂抹:通过在…上划线或把…划掉而取消〔parget〕and from Old French porgeter [to roughcast a wall] por- [forward] ultimately from Latin porrō * see per 1 iactāre [to throw] 并源自 古法语 porgeter [用粗灰泥涂抹墙] por- [向前,朝前] 最终源自 拉丁语 porrō * 参见 per 1 iactāre [喷射] 〔slush〕To daub (machinery) with slush.打润滑油:用润滑油涂抹(机械)〔care〕Close attention; painstaking application:留心:密切注意;十分仔细的涂抹〔daub〕To cover or smear with a soft, adhesive substance, such as plaster, grease, or mud.涂抹:用柔软的或粘稠的物质覆盖或涂抹,如灰泥、润滑脂或泥浆〔smearcase〕schmieren [to smear] from Middle High German smirwen from Old High German schmieren [涂抹] 源自 中古高地德语 smirwen 源自 古高地德语 〔erase〕These verbs mean to remove or invalidate something, especially something recorded as by having been written down. Toerase is to wipe or rub out, literally or figuratively: 这些动词都表示消除,使某事(特别是通过写下来记录的事)无效、消失。erase 指确实地或比喻意义上的涂抹掉、擦除掉: 〔slice〕To spread, work at, or clear away with a bladed tool such as a slice bar.用铲:用铲头钎等有刃的工具涂抹、工作或清除〔paint〕To coat or decorate with paint:油漆:用油漆涂抹或装饰:〔erasure〕The state of being erased:被消除掉或涂抹掉的状态:〔roughcast〕To plaster (a wall, for example) with roughcast.用粗灰泥涂抹(例如,墙)〔Spackle〕"Some professional spacklers can do this with a 5-inch knife"(Newsday)“一些职业的涂抹工能用一把5英寸长的小刀做到这些”(新闻日报)〔smear〕A mark made by smearing; a spot or blot.污点:由于涂抹而产生的记号;污点或污渍〔daub〕Matter daubed on; a smear.涂抹的物质;涂抹〔applicator〕An instrument for applying something, such as medicine or glue.敷抹器:涂抹某物的方法,如涂抹药剂或胶水〔paraffin〕To saturate, impregnate, or coat with paraffin.用石蜡使充满、使饱和或涂抹〔slobber〕To wet or smear with or as if with saliva or liquid dribbled from the mouth.(因口水流出而)弄湿:用从嘴里淌出的唾液或液体或用象它们一样的东西浸湿或涂抹〔ointment〕A highly viscous or semisolid substance used on the skin as a cosmetic, an emollient, or a medicament; a salve.油膏,软膏:一种作为化装品、润肤用品或药剂的涂抹在皮肤上的一种高粘度或半固态物质;药膏




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