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单词 消沉
释义 〔lethargy〕"But for the criminal . . . languor which characterized that commander's movements . . . the honor of France might still have been saved" (John Lothrop Motley).“如果不是因为罪犯…指挥官的消沉怠倦的行为…法兰西的荣誉或许能得到挽救” (约翰·娄斯罗普·莫特利)〔sag〕To lose vigor, firmness, or resilience:消沉:失去活力、坚强或适应力:〔downhearted〕Low in spirit; depressed.See Synonyms at depressed 消沉的;沮丧的 参见 depressed〔depressed〕a dispirited and resigned expression on her face;她脸上气馁和消沉的表情;〔gloom〕A state of melancholy or depression; despondency.忧郁,低沉的精神状态;消沉〔doleful〕Filled with or expressing grief; mournful.See Synonyms at sad 忧愁的,消沉的:充满悲伤的或表现悲伤的;悲痛的 参见 sad〔run〕To go when in trouble or distress:投靠:遇麻烦或消沉时去:〔Hughes〕American writer. Through his poetry, prose, and drama he made important contributions to the Harlem Renaissance. His best-known works includeWeary Blues (1926) and The Ways of White Folks (1934). 休斯,(詹姆斯)兰斯顿:(1902-1967) 美国作家。他的诗歌,散文和戏剧对哈莱姆文艺复兴做出了重要贡献。他最著名的作品包括《消沉的蓝色》 (1926年)和 《白人的方式》 (1934年) 〔languor〕A dreamy, lazy mood or quality:倦怠,消沉:恍惚的、懒惰的状态或特性:〔low〕Emotionally or mentally depressed.消沉的:感情上或精神上受压抑的〔flashback〕"Another study shows that women who served in Vietnam still struggle with depression, anxiety, and painful flashbacks from the war"(New York Times)“另外一项研究表明在越南服过役的妇女们仍然在消沉、焦虑和战争的痛苦回忆中挣扎”(纽约时报)〔midlife〕"a midlife lull when it was feared he was finished"(Curtis Wilkie)“一种中年的消沉,人们简直担心他已经完了”(柯蒂斯·威尔基)〔aweary〕Tired; weary.疲倦的;消沉〔think〕"Think languor"(Diana Vreeland)“思想消沉”(戴安娜·弗里兰德)〔flexible〕thin, resilient copper); it also suggests a buoyant capacity to revive, as from depression ( 细而有韧性的铜丝); 它还表示从消沉恢复到心情愉快的能力( 〔doldrums〕A period of depression or unhappy listlessness.忧郁期:没精打采的日子,消沉的日子〔lugubrious〕Mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree.悲痛的:悲伤的,低沉的或消沉的,尤其是达到一种夸张或荒谬可笑的程度




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