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单词 涌入
释义 〔Nevada〕A state of the western United States. It was admitted as the 36th state in 1864. Part of the area ceded by Mexico to the United States in 1848, it was made into a separate territory in 1861 after an influx of settlers who were drawn by the discovery (1859) of the Comstock Lode. Carson City is the capital and Las Vegas the largest city. Population, 1,206,152.内华达州:美国西部的一州。1864年被承认为第36个州。1848年,墨西哥将其部分地区割让给美国。随着1859年康斯托克矿的发现而涌入大量定居者之后,1816年内华达州成为独立地区。卡森城是其首府,最大城市是拉斯维加斯。人口1,206,152〔roll〕To pour or flow in or as if in a continual stream:涌入:象滚滚的河流一样倾泻或涌入〔descend〕summer tourists descending on the seashore village.夏季旅游者涌入这座海滨小镇〔flux〕The flowing in of the tide.涨潮:潮水的涌入〔mob〕Visitors mobbed the fairgrounds.参观者们涌入商品展览地〔bore〕A high, often dangerous wave caused by the surge of a flood tide upstream in a narrowing estuary or by colliding tidal currents. Also called eagre 海啸,巨浪:一种因洪潮上涌入狭窄河口或撞击潮汐流而引起的很高的,通常很危险的波浪 也作 eagre〔Transvaal〕A region of northeast South Africa. Inhabited by Bantu-speaking Black Africans, the area was settled by Boer farmers who formed an independent state, called the South African Republic, in the 1850's. Great Britain annexed the territory in 1877, but the discovery of gold in 1886 led to an influx of settlers, further tensions between the British and the Boers, and the eventual formation of the Transvaal as a crown colony (1900) after the Boer War. Transvaal became a part of South Africa in 1910.德兰士瓦省:南非东北部一个地区。这一地区居住着讲班图语的非洲黑人,19世纪50年代布尔农民建立此区,布尔人还成立了一个独立国家,称作南非共和国。1877年英国吞并了这个地区,但是1886年在该地区发现黄金后,大批拓居者纷纷涌入,加剧了英国和布尔人之间的矛盾,并最终使德兰士瓦省在布尔战争后成为一个直辖殖民地(1900年)。1910年德兰士瓦省成为南非的一部分〔pour〕Students poured into the auditorium.学生们涌入报告厅〔krummkake〕The Upper Midwest received a great influx of Scandinavian immigrants in the 19th century,and the English that these people learned was augmented by Scandinavian words for their native food and customs.Thus we havekrummkake, the name of a large, light, very thin Norwegian cookiemade from an egg-based batter poured into an embossed hinged iron similar to a waffle iron.Peeled off the iron while warm and pliable,each krummkake is then rolled around a cone-shaped metal tubeso that it hardens in that shapeand is filled with sweetened whipped cream.Krummkake is best known in the Upper Midwest,but the term is familiar elsewhere thanks to the inclusion of the recipe in nationally used cookbooks.美国中西部的北部地区在19世纪涌入了大批斯堪的纳维亚移民,他们在他们所学的英语中加入了食物和风俗方面的斯堪的纳维亚词语。这样就有了krummkake 这个词, 这是一种大而薄的淡色挪威糕点。它由以鸡蛋为主要材料成份的面糊倒入一个类似于烘饼铁钳模的雕花铰链式铁钳模而成。在它还温热和柔韧的时候把它从模子里取下来,然后把它包在一个圆锥形的金属管上,这样它变硬的时候就成了那个形状,再加入加糖的掼奶油。在中西部北部地区最为常见,但是由于在全国通用的烹调书都收进了这种方法,所以各地的人对这个词都很熟悉〔inrush〕A sudden rushing in; an influx.涌入;闯入:突然地闯入;流入




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