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单词 深奥
释义 〔kabbalah〕often Kabbalah A body of mystical teachings of rabbinical origin, often based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures. often Kabbalah 卡巴拉教学:源自于犹太拉比教义的神秘教学本体,通常依据希伯来经典中深奥的解释而来〔deep〕Difficult to penetrate or understand; recondite:深奥的:难以理解的;不易懂的:〔learned〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "having or showing profound knowledge": 这些形容词所共有的中心意思是“具有或显示出深奥的知识”: 〔abstract〕abstract philosophical problems.深奥的哲学问题〔abstruse〕Difficult to understand; recondite.See Synonyms at ambiguous 难以理解的;深奥的 参见 ambiguous〔initiate〕Instructed in esoteric knowledge.授以深奥知识的〔legalese〕The specialized vocabulary of the legal profession, especially when considered to be complex or abstruse.法律术语:法律行业时的特殊词汇,尤指当被认为是复杂而深奥难解的〔diction〕the abstruse phraseology of physics;物理学深奥的措词;〔profundity〕Something profound or abstruse.深奥的事情:深奥的或复杂的事物〔Murdoch〕Irish-born writer whose intricate and philosophical novels includeUnder the Net (1954) and The Sea, the Sea (1978). 默多克,(简)伊里斯:(生于 1919) 爱尔兰裔美国作家,其深奥而且带有哲理性的小说包括《在网下》 (1954年)和 《海,海》 (1978年) 〔depth〕Intellectual complexity or penetration; profundity:深奥:智力的复杂度或理解度;深奥〔cabal〕The history ofcabal reveals how a word can be transferred from one sphere of activity to another while retaining only a tenuous connection with its past. Ultimately from Hebrewbut transmitted to English probably by way of Medieval Latin and French,cabal is first recorded in English in 1616 in the sense "cabala.” Cabala was the name for the Hebrew oral tradition transmitted by Moses and also the name for a Jewish religious philosophy based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures.The notion "esoteric" is central to the development of this word in English,forcabal, probably following the sense development in French, came to mean "a tradition, special interpretation, or secret,” "a private intrigue" (first recorded in 1646-1647),and "a small body of intriguers" (first recorded in 1660).It is probably not coincidental thatcabal is found with these latter meanings during the mid-17th century, that time of plots and counterplots by Royalists and Parliamentarians.The word gained a false etymology when it was noticed that the five most influential ministers of Charles II were named Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale.单词cable 的历史表现出一个单词在与其过去的含义仅保持微弱联系的情况下,如何能够从一个使用范围转向另一个范围。 最起始是源于希伯来语,但可能是通过中世纪的拉丁语和法语转化为英语,cabal 以“秘教”的含义在英语中最早载于1616年。 Cabala 是对摩西所传的希伯来口头传说的称谓, 也是对基于希伯来圣经神秘解说的犹太宗教哲学的称谓。“深奥的”这个概念对于这个英文单词的发展是很重要的,因为cabal 可能是沿用法语里发展起来的含义, 意为“传统,特殊的理解或秘密的,“个人阴谋”(最早记载于1646至1647年),以及“较小的阴谋者的联合体”(最早记载于1660年)。它可能与cabal 的17世纪中叶的后来含义并不一致, 在这一时期内充斥着保皇党人和议员们的阴谋和对策。由于注意到查理二世时期五位最有影响的大臣姓名分别为克利福德,阿灵顿,白金汉,阿什利和劳德戴尔(其姓名首字母合起来为CABAL),该词由此得来一错误的语源说明〔unfathomable〕Difficult or impossible to understand; incomprehensible:深不可测的;深奥的:难以或不可能了解的;不能理解的:〔factoid〕"What one misses finally is what might have emerged beyond both facts and factoids—a profound definition of the Marilyn Monroe phenomenon"(Christopher Lehmann-Haupt)“人所最终错过的是可能早已暴露出来的超出事实和被描述为事实的东西——玛丽莲·梦露现象的一个深奥的定义”(克里斯托夫·莱曼-豪普特)〔profundity〕Depth of intellect, feeling, or meaning.深奥:知识、感情或意义的深处〔bottomless〕Difficult or impossible to understand; unfathomable:深奥的:难以或无法理解的;高深莫测的:〔abstract〕Difficult to understand; abstruse:深奥的:难以理解的;隐晦的:〔knowledge〕 Erudition implies profound knowledge,often in a specialized area: Erudition 暗示深奥的知识,通常用于特殊地方: 〔depth〕a novel of great depth.一部十分深奥的小说〔visceral〕Perceived in or as if in the viscera; profound:内心深处的,深奥的:〔impostor〕It was difficult to discern that despite all the abstruse vocabulary the professor was really a charlatan. 很难辨明那个教授虽然有很多深奥的词汇,实际上却是一个冒充内行的人 〔sophisticated〕a sophisticated drama.意义深奥的戏剧〔learned〕Possessing or demonstrating profound, often systematic knowledge; erudite.博学的:具有或显示出深奥并通常是系统的知识的;有学问的〔profound〕Coming as if from the depths of one's being:深奥的:好象来自某人本质的深处的:〔mythical〕a novel of profound, almost mythic consequence.一本具有深奥的、几乎是神话般结局的小说〔ambiguous〕"some recondite problem in historiography" (Walter Laqueur). “历史编纂中的一些深奥的问题” (沃尔特·拉克尔)。 〔recondite〕Concerned with or treating something abstruse or obscure:玄妙的:与深奥或晦涩之事物有关的,或处理深奥或晦涩之事物的:〔subtle〕Not immediately obvious; abstruse:不十分明显的;深奥的:〔gibberish〕Highly technical or esoteric language.极为专业的或深奥的语言〔deep〕a deep metaphysical theory.深奥的形而上学理论〔recondite〕Not easily understood; abstruse.See Synonyms at ambiguous 难懂的:不容易理解的;深奥的 参见 ambiguous〔Borges〕Argentinian writer particularly known for his short stories, which have a metaphysical, fantastic quality.博格斯,若热·路易斯:(1899-1986) 阿根廷作家,以其深奥和富于想象力的短篇小说而尤为著名〔Dostoyevsky〕Russian writer whose works combine religious mysticism with profound psychological insight. His four great novels areCrime and Punishment (1866), The Idiot (1868-1869), The Possessed (1871), and The Brothers Karamazov (1879-1880). 杜斯妥也夫斯基,费奥多·米哈伊洛维奇:(1821-1881) 俄国作家,其作品兼有宗教神秘色彩和对生理方面的深奥见解。他的四部最有名的小说分别为《罪与罚》 (1866年) 《白痴》 、(1868-1869年) 《着魔》 、(1871年)和 《卡拉马助夫兄弟们》 (1879-1880年) 〔recondite〕recondite scholarship.深奥玄妙的学问〔metaphysics〕(used with a sing. verb)Excessively subtle or recondite reasoning.(与单数动词连用)深奥莫测的推理:极度复杂细致或深奥博学的推理〔Tolstoy〕Russian writer and philosopher whose great novelsWar and Peace (1864-1869) and Anna Karenina (1873-1876) offer extraordinary detail and profound psychological insights. His later theories of ethics and morality recommended nonparticipation in and passive resistance to evil. 托尔斯泰,利奥:(1828-1910) 俄国作家和哲学家,其著名小说《战争与和平》 (1864-1869年)和 《安娜·卡列尼娜》 (1873-1876年)情节细致,具有深奥的哲学见解。他后期道德伦理学上的理论主张不要参与邪恶,对邪恶必须进行消极的抗争 〔ambiguous〕The professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them. What is 这个教授的课如此深奥以致于学生们常常逃课。




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