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单词 游戏
释义 〔baize〕An often bright-green cotton or woolen material napped to imitate felt and used chiefly as a cover for gaming tables.厚羊毛毡:常为鲜艳的绿色棉布或仿制毛毡的拉绒羊毛制品,主要用作游戏桌的盖布〔mahjong〕A game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with tiles resembling dominoes and bearing various designs, which are drawn and discarded until one player wins with a hand of four combinations of three tiles each and a pair of matching tiles.麻将牌:一种由四个人玩的起源于中国的游戏,有多米诺骨牌般绘有各种图案的骨牌,每人轮流抓牌并扔出不需要的牌,直到有一个人有了四幅三个顺连牌和一幅成对牌时才算结束〔scorecard〕A printed program or card enabling a spectator to identify players and record the progress of a game or competition.登记卡:打印出来的节目或者卡片,以便使观众辨别运动员以及记录游戏或竞赛的过程〔lead〕To make the initial play, as in a game or contest.开赛:首先开始,如在游戏或竞赛中〔rink〕An area surfaced with smooth ice for skating, hockey, or curling.溜冰场:表面为光滑冰面的场地,用来滑冰、打冰上曲棍球或玩冰上溜石游戏〔passion〕His skills as a player don't quite match his passion for the game.他的水平与他对这项游戏的酷爱程度不太相配〔rule〕An authoritative, prescribed direction for conduct, especially one of the regulations governing procedure in a legislative body or a regulation observed by the players in a game, sport, or contest.规则,规定:权威性的成文的行为规范,尤指规范立法机构的程序的规则和游戏、运动或比赛当中参加者必须遵守的规则〔jewel〕perhaps from Vulgar Latin *iocāle [from neuter of] .iocālis [of play] 可能源自 俗拉丁语 *iocāle 源自穒ocālis的中性词 [游戏的] 〔sport〕One known for the manner of one's acceptance of rules, especially of a game, or of a difficult situation:大度的人:由于接受规则或在困难情境下所具备的风度而闻名的人,特别是游戏中:〔pollster〕An understanding of the history of the-ster in pollster may perhaps raise more questions than it answers. In the first place apollster does not have to be a woman, despite the fact that the suffix-ster, originally-estre in Old English, was used to form feminine agent nouns.Hoppestere, for example, meant "female dancer.” But in Old English-estre was occasionally applied to men, although perhaps largely or completely in the case of translations of Latin masculine nouns denoting occupations that were held by women in Anglo-Saxon society.An example isbæcester, "baker,” glossing Latinpistor; it survives as the Modern English nameBaxter. In Middle Englishthe suffix was still largely feminine in the south of Englandbut masculine and feminine in the north,a tendency that became general in English starting with the 16th century.As an example of this tendencyseamster was remade into the feminineseamstress. In Modern English the suffix is usually derogatory.This use probably arose from the occurrence of the suffix with ambiguous verbs,such asgame, "to play at sports, to play at sex,” or with pejorative verbs,such asrime or rhyme. In some modern formations on neutral words-ster is not derogatory, as inyoungster (1589), but in most cases,as withpollster (1939), -ster has pejorative force. 对于pollster 中的 -ster 的历史的理解也许会引发比它能回答的问题更多的问题。 首先pollster 不一定非得是妇女, 尽管-ster 这一后缀, 源于古英语中的-estre , 被用来构成阴性名词。比如hoppestere 一词意为“女舞蹈者。” 但在古英语中-estre 也偶尔可以用在男性身上, 虽然也许这种情况大多或者完全出现在表示盎格鲁-撒克逊社会中由妇女从事的职业的一些阳性拉丁文名词的翻译中。其中一个例子是boecester 意为“面包师”, 来自拉丁语的pistor; 这个词在现代英语名字Baxter 中保存了下来。 在中世纪英语中,该后缀在英格兰南部仍然主要地被用作阴性,但在英格兰北部却被同时用作阳性和阴性,而后一种趋势自16世纪以来逐渐在英语中变得普遍。反映这种趋势的一个例子是seamster , 该词被改造成了阴性的seamstress。 在现代英语中这一后缀通常是含贬义的。这种用法可能是因为此后缀与一些有歧义的动词合用而产生的,比如game 可表示“进行体育活动,进行性游戏,” 或者是因为与轻蔑动词合用而产生的,比如rime 或 rhyme。 在某些现代英语中性名词中,-ster 不是贬损的, 如在youngster (1589年)中, 但在大多数情况下,如pollster (1939年)这个词中 -ster 仍是有贬义的 〔whiz〕a whiz at all sorts of games.各种游戏的能手〔pot〕The total amount staked by all the players in one hand at cards.See Synonyms at bet 一锅:牌戏中所有游戏者一次所赌的总金额 参见 bet〔charade〕charades (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A game in which words or phrases are represented in pantomime, sometimes syllable by syllable, until they are guessed by the other players. charades (与单数或复数动词连用)字谜游戏:一种词或短语以哑剧的形式体现的游戏,有时是一个音节接一个音节出现,直到被其他游戏参加者猜中为止〔sandlot〕A vacant lot used especially by children for unorganized sports and games.空地,沙地:一块空地,尤指用作儿童进行未经组织起来的活动或游戏的场地〔call〕To equal the bet of (the preceding bet or bettor) in a poker game.叫牌:扑克游戏中抵上(以前的注或下注者)所下的注〔pushball〕The ball used in this game.推球:这种游戏中所用的球〔athletics〕Activities, such as sports, exercises, and games, that require physical skill and stamina.体育:需要身体技能和耐力的活动,如运动、锻炼和游戏〔thimblerig〕One who operates a thimblerig.藏豆游戏者:玩隐豆游戏的人〔paddleball〕The ball used in this game.在这个游戏中用的球〔ludicrous〕from lūdus [game] * see leid- 源自 lūdus [游戏] * 参见 leid- 〔ninepin〕ninepins (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A bowling game in which nine wooden pins are the target. ninepins (与单数或复数动词连用)九柱地滚球:一种滚球游戏,用九根木柱做靶子〔allude〕lūdere [to play] from lūdus [game] * see leid- lūdere [玩] 源自 lūdus [游戏] * 参见 leid- 〔jump〕To move a piece over (an opponent's piece) in a board game, often thereby capturing the opponent's piece.跳取对方棋子:在棋盘游戏中跳过对方的棋子而移动棋子,通常籍此吃掉对方的棋子〔backgammon〕A board game for two persons, played with pieces whose moves are determined by throws of dice.十五子棋戏:供两个人玩的木板游戏,通过掷骰子来决定棋子移动的步数〔hopscotch〕A children's game in which players toss a small object into the numbered spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve the object.跳房子:一种儿童游戏游戏者将一小物体投入画在地上并标有数字的矩形格子内,然后单足或双足跳过格子去取回物体〔leapfrog〕A game in which one player kneels or bends over while the next in line leaps over him or her.跳背游戏:一种游戏,一个游戏者跪下或弯腰,队列中紧挨着的人从他或她身上跃过〔pachisi〕An ancient game of India similar to backgammon that uses cowrie shells instead of dice.25点游戏:古代印度的游戏,类似于十五子棋,但用玛瑙贝代替骰子〔seesaw〕The act or game of riding a seesaw.跷跷板游戏:坐跷跷板的行为或游戏〔faro〕A card game in which the players lay wagers on the top card of the dealer's pack.法罗:一种牌戏,游戏者对庄家一组牌中的顶张下赌注〔cheat〕To violate rules deliberately, as in a game:作弊,犯规:故意违反规定,如在游戏中:〔bingo〕A game of chance in which each player has one or more cards printed with differently numbered squares on which to place markers when the respective numbers are drawn and announced by a caller. The first player to mark a complete row of numbers is the winner.宾果:一种碰运气的游戏,每个牌手有一张或多张印有不同数字的方块牌,当由叫牌人抽到并宣布各自的数字时即在方块牌上记分。第一个记下完整数字列的牌手为赢家〔gaming〕The playing of games of chance; gambling.赌博:一种碰运气的游戏;赌博〔foursome〕A game, especially a golf match, played by four persons, two on each side.四人对抗赛:四人玩的游戏,尤指高尔夫球赛中的双打,每边两人〔pen〕Any of various enclosures, such as a bullpen or playpen, used for a variety of purposes.围栏:用于养牛或游戏等的有多种用途的围栏〔checker〕checkers (used with a sing. verb)A game played on a checkerboard by two players, each using 12 pieces. checkers (与单数动词连用)西洋跳棋或象棋:两个人参加的在方格棋盘上的游戏,每人用12颗棋子〔scoreboard〕A large board that records and displays the score of a game or contest.记分牌:记录和显示一场游戏或比赛的大牌〔tangram〕A Chinese puzzle consisting of a square cut into five triangles, a square, and a rhomboid, to be reassembled into different figures.七巧板:一种发源于中国的智力游戏,一个正方形被切成了五个三角形、一个正方形和一个长菱形,玩游戏者要把它们重新组合成不同的形状〔candlepin〕A slender bowling pin used in a variation of the game of tenpins.烛形小柱:用于一种变更的保龄球游戏的细长保龄球柱〔player〕One that plays, especially:游戏的人,尤其指〔honor〕Any of the four or five highest cards, especially the ace, king, queen, jack, and ten of the trump suit, in card games such as bridge or whist.最高牌:扑克游戏例如桥牌或惠斯特中最大的四张或五张牌,尤指么点、国王、王后、杰克及王牌中的10




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