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单词 演说
释义 〔harangue〕A long, pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering.长篇大论的演说:一种尤指对公众集会作的冗长而浮华的演说〔soapbox〕A temporary platform used while making an impromptu or nonofficial public speech.临时演讲台:作即兴演说或非官方演说时的临时讲台〔address〕To make a formal speech to.讲演:发表正式演说〔dialect〕from dialegesthai [to discourse, use a dialect] 源自 dialegesthai [演说,使用方言] 〔advocate〕To speak, plead, or argue in favor of.See Synonyms at support 拥护:演说,请求或争辩以支持… 参见 support〔exhortation〕A speech or discourse that encourages, incites, or earnestly advises.劝诫性的讲话:为鼓舞、刺激或郑重劝告而作的演说〔bloviate〕To discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner:自我膨胀的演说:自命不凡或自吹自擂地长时间演讲:〔force〕Intellectual power or vigor, especially as conveyed in writing or speech.智力,活力:智慧的力量或精力,尤其指文章或演说所传达的〔ornate〕The senator gave a florid speech.议员作了一番词藻华美的演说〔learn〕learned the speech in a few hours.几个小时就记住了那篇演说〔tirade〕A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature; a diatribe.长篇抨击激烈演说:一种愤怒的或激烈的长篇言辞,通常为挑剔或谴责性质;抨击〔pepper〕To make (a speech, for example) lively and vivid with wit or invective.使生动活泼:使(例如演说)因睿智或猛烈抨击而生动〔Philippic〕Any of the orations of Demosthenes against Philip of Macedon in the fourth centuryb.c. 抨击腓利王演说:公元前 4世纪,德摩斯梯尼反对马其顿国王腓利二世的演说之一 〔valedictory〕A closing or farewell statement or address, especially one delivered at graduation exercises.告别词,告别演说:结束性或告别性陈述或演说,尤其指在毕业典礼上所做的〔delegate〕An elected or appointed representative of a U.S. territory in the House of Representatives who is entitled to speak but not vote.准州列席代表:被选出或任命的美国准州在众议院中的代表,被授予演说权,但不能投票选举〔run〕run over a speech before giving it.演说之前浏览一下演讲稿〔value〕"The speech was a summons back to the patrician values of restraint and responsibility"(Jonathan Alter)“这个演说旨在在贵族们心中呼唤克制和责任感的价值标准”(乔纳森·奥尔特)〔prestige〕a prestige address; the prestige groups in society.富有魅力的演说;社会中的名人圈〔exposition〕The art or technique of composing such discourses.说明性讲话:表现这种演说的行为或方法〔rhythm〕 Cadence refers especially to the fall of the voice in speech ( Cadence 尤指演说中嗓音的降低( 〔joke〕It is hard to imagine the English language without the wordjoke , butjoke is only first recorded in 1670. Sincejoke was originally considered a slang or informal usage, it was not suitable to all contexts.The change in status ofjoke from then to now provides us with an excellent example of how usage changes. Joke has a decent enough heritage at any rate, coming from Latiniocus, "jest, sport, laughingstock, trifle.”Iocus in turn can be traced back to the Indo-European root yek-, meaning "to speak,” from which also comes the Umbrian wordiuka, "prayers,” and the Welsh wordiaith, "speech.” 我们很难想象英语中如果没有joke 这个词会怎样, 但是joke 在1670年才首次有文字记载。 因为joke 起初被认为是俚语或非正式用语, 以前它并不是在所有的文章中都适用的。从那时到现在joke 地位上的变化给我们提供了一个关于语言用法如何变化的极好的例子。 不管怎样joke 的词源算得上很体面, 它来自于拉丁语中iocus 一词, 表示“玩笑,游戏,笑柄,琐事”。Iocus 反过来又可追溯到印欧语系中的词根 yek- 表示“说话”, 从这个词根还派生出翁布里亚语中iuka 一词,即“祈祷”, 以及威尔士语中iaith 一词,即“讲话,演说〔joke〕a speech that was full of witticisms. Aquip is a clever, pointed, often sarcastic remark: 充满诙谐语句的演说。 quip 指一句机智的、一针见血的、常常是讽刺性的语句: 〔rhythm〕These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds, especially in music, speech, or verse.当这些名词意为有规律地形式化的重读与非重读音节的降低和升高时,尤其在音乐、演说或韵文中,它们有所区别。〔speak〕The president of NOW was to speak at the rally.全国妇女组织主席将要在群众集会上进行演说〔turn〕His speech turned my thinking.他的演说改变了我的想法〔soapbox〕To engage in impromptu or nonofficial public speaking, often flamboyantly.临时演讲:作即兴的或非官方的演说,经常是华而不实的〔oratory〕from ōrāre [to speak] 源自 ōrāre [演说] 〔Philippic〕Any of the orations of Cicero against Antony in 44b.c. 《斥安尼篇》:公元前 44年,西塞罗反对安东尼的演说之一 〔take〕To rise to deliver a formal speech, as to an assembly.站着发表演说:站起来发表一篇正式演说,比如对一个集会〔harangue〕A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a tirade.慷慨激昂的长篇:慷慨激昂的长篇演说或文章;长篇的弹劾性演说〔extemporaneous〕Skilled at or given to unrehearsed speech or performance:善于即兴讲话的:擅长于或倾向于即兴演说或即兴表演的:〔oration〕from Latin [discourse] 源自 拉丁语 [演说] 〔declamation〕A speech marked by strong feeling; a tirade.激辩:带有强烈感情的演讲;长篇愤怒的抨击或指控性的演说〔impact〕a speech that lacked impact.毫无影响力的演说〔overblown〕overblown oratory.华而不实的演说〔attend〕The speech was attended by wild applause.演说伴随着热烈的掌声〔orate〕Latin orāre orāt- [to pray, speak publicly] 拉丁语 orāre orāt- [祈祷,当众演说] 〔Fulton〕A city of central Missouri east-southeast of Columbia. On March 5, 1946, Winston Churchill delivered his Iron Curtain speech here at Westminster College (established 1851). Population, 11,046.富尔顿:美国密苏里州中部一城市,位于哥伦比亚东南偏东。1946年3月5日温斯顿·丘吉尔于该市的威斯敏斯特学院(建于1851年)发表了他的铁幕演说。人口11,046〔oration〕A formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial occasion.演说:一种正式演说,尤指在某一特殊场合发表的〔talkathon〕A lengthy session of discussions, speeches, or debate.马拉松式的冗长演说:一场时间很长的讨论、演讲或说论




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