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单词 爱丁堡
释义 〔Jeffrey〕Scottish literary critic and jurist who cofounded (1802) and edited (1803-1829) theEdinburgh Review and was known for his harsh criticism of romanticism. 杰弗里,弗朗西斯:(1773-1850) 苏格兰文学评论家和法官,《爱丁堡评论》 的编辑(1803-1829年)和创办者(1802年)之一,以其对浪漫派严厉的抨击而闻名 〔Stirling〕A borough of central Scotland on the Forth River west-northwest of Edinburgh. Its medieval castle was the birthplace of James II of Scotland. Population, 38,400.斯特林:苏格兰中部一个自治市,位于爱丁堡西北偏西,福斯河沿岸。它是一个中世纪的城堡,也是苏格兰的詹姆士二世的出生地。人口38,400〔Edwin〕King of Northumbria (617-633) who ruled as far north as Edinburgh and was converted to Christianity (627).埃德温:诺森伯里亚国王(617-633年),他的统治达爱丁堡最北端。他在627年皈依天主教〔Perth〕A burgh of central Scotland on the Tay River north-northwest of Edinburgh. The capital of Scotland from the 11th to the mid-15th century, it was the site of John Knox's sermon against idolatry in 1559. Population, 42,000.佩思:苏格兰中部一城镇,位于泰河河畔、爱丁堡西北偏北。从11到15世纪中期为苏格兰的首都。曾是1559年约翰·诺克斯发表反对偶像崇拜演说的地方。人口42,000〔Leven〕A lake of eastern Scotland north-northwest of Edinburgh. Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned on an island in the lake from 1567 to 1568.利文湖:苏格兰东部的一个湖,位于爱丁堡西北偏北。苏格兰的玛丽女王于1567年至1568年被囚禁在该湖里的一个岛上〔Edinburgh〕The capital of Scotland, in the eastern part of the country on the Firth of Forth. Once known as "Auld Reekie" for the thick clouds of smoke that hung over its low-lying areas, the picturesque city is a brewing center, a popular tourist attraction, and the site of an annual international festival of the arts. Population, 446,361.爱丁堡:苏格兰首府,位于苏格兰东部的福斯湾畔。由于海拔较低,常有浓厚的烟雾笼罩其上,而一度被称为“美丽的烟雾之城”,这座美丽如画的城市是一个酿酒中心和旅游胜地,每年一度的国际艺术节在此召开。人口446,361〔Midlothian〕A region of southeast Scotland on the Firth of Forth surrounding Edinburgh. "The Heart of Midlothian" was a popular name for the former Tolbooth Prison in Edinburgh and was used by Sir Walter Scott as the title of his 1818 novel.中洛锡安郡:苏格兰东南部地区,位于环绕爱丁堡的福斯湾。“中洛锡安的心脏”为原爱丁堡托尔布斯监狱流传很广的名称,沃特·斯科特爵将该名称用作他1818年所写小说的名字〔Dumfries〕A burgh of southern Scotland south-southwest of Edinburgh. Robert Burns is buried here. Population, 31,800.邓弗里斯:苏格兰南部城市,位于爱丁堡的西南偏南,罗伯特·彭斯埋葬于此,人口31,800〔Scotland〕A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland Islands, and Orkney Islands. Inhabited by Picts in prehistoric times, the region was invaded but never conquered by the Romans and split into a variety of small kingdoms after the fifth centurya.d. . In the ninth century most of Scotland was unified into one kingdom, but conflicts with the English to the south soon erupted, leading to a series of bloody wars. When Mary Queen of Scots's son James VI succeeded to the English throne in 1603, the two kingdoms were united. Scotland became a part of the kingdom of Great Britain by a parliamentary act of 1707. Edinburgh is the capital and Glasgow the largest city. Population, 5,149,500. 苏格兰:英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。史前时代皮克特人曾居住在那里,它曾被罗马人侵略过但从来没有被占领,在公元 5世纪后分裂成许多小的王国。到了9世纪,绝大部分苏格兰都被合并成一个国家,但是与英国人在南方的冲突很快就爆发了,从而导致了一系列血腥战争。当苏格兰王子詹姆斯六世的玛丽女王在1603年继承了英国王位后,这两个国家合并了。通过1707的议会法案,苏格兰成为大英帝国的一部分。爱丁堡是其首府,格拉斯哥是最大的城市。人口5,149,500 〔Dunbar〕A burgh of southeast Scotland on the North Sea east of Edinburgh. Oliver Cromwell defeated the Covenanters here on September 3, 1650. Population, 4,609.丹巴:苏格兰东南部县区,位于爱丁堡以东,滨临北海,奥利弗·克伦威尔于1650年9月3日在此击败神圣盟约派,人口4,609〔dentist〕“Dentist figures [appears] now in our newspapers, and may do well enough for a French puffer [a writer of inflated advertisements];but we fancy Rutter is content with being called atooth-drawer. ” In this quotation from the September 15, 1759, issue of theEdinburgh Chronicle we seedentist in its infancy as an English word, trailing evidence of its French origin.If we had formed a word in English likedentist, which comes from the French word dent, "tooth,” we would havetoothist, a word that does not exist. Buttoothist and tooth-drawer lack the elegance of the French borrowing dentist, an elegance that is shared by other borrowings from French during the past four centuries,such asballet, champagne, coquette, coterie, and negligee. “Dentist 现在在我们的报纸里出现了, 可能常是法国吹嘘者宣传的对象;但是,我们猜测鲁特会对被称为tooth-drawer 的东西感到满意”。 在这段引自1759年9月15日的杂志爱丁堡年记 的话中, 我们看到dentist 最初是作为一个英语单词产生的, 它却起源于法语。如果我们当时在英语中构造了象dentist (它源于法语 dent )的这样一个英语词"tooth", 我们将会得到一个根本就不存在的形式:toothist 。 但是toothist 和 tooth-drawer 缺乏法语借用词 dentist 的高雅, 这种高雅为其他在这四百年里从法语中借用的词所共有,如ballet,champagne,coquette,coterie 和 negligee 〔Leith〕A district of Edinburgh, Scotland, on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth. It is a noted seaport and shipbuilding center.利斯:英国苏格兰爱丁堡市的一个区,位于福思湾的南岸。它是有名的海港和造船中心〔Dunfermline〕A burgh of east-central Scotland northwest of Edinburgh. It was long a favorite residence of Scottish kings. Andrew Carnegie was born here (1835) and gave the town its library. Population, 53,800.丹佛姆林:苏格兰中东部县区,位于爱丁堡西北方向。该地长期以来都是苏格兰国王们最喜爱的居所。安德鲁·卡内基在此出生(1835年)并为之建立了图书馆。人口53,800〔Macaulay〕British historian, writer, and politician whose works include the popularHistory of England (1849-1861), numerous essays for the Edinburgh Review, and a volume of narrative poems, Lays of Ancient Rome (1842). 麦考利,托马斯·巴宾顿:(1800-1859) 英国历史学家、作家和政治家,著作包括受欢迎的《英国史》 (1849-1861年),为 《爱丁堡评论》 撰写的众多文章和一卷叙述诗集 《古罗马之歌》 (1842年) 〔Falkirk〕A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. At the Battle of Falkirk (1298), said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive, the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots. Population, 37,800.福尔柯克:苏格兰中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。人口37,800




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