单词 | 爱德华 |
释义 | 〔Driesch〕German biologist and philosopher noted for his works on embryology and vitalism.德里希,汉斯·阿道夫·爱德华:(1867-1941) 德国生物学家与哲学家,以其胚胎学与生机学著作闻名〔Preble〕American naval officer who commanded a squadron (1803-1804) in the Tripolitan War and ordered the blockade of Tripoli.普莱卜勒,爱德华:(1761-1807) 美国海军军官,曾在的黎波里战争中指挥一分舰队(1803-1804年)并指挥对的黎波里的封锁〔Parry〕British navigator who commanded three expeditions in search of the Northwest Passage (1819-1820, 1821-1823, and 1824-1825).派瑞,威廉·爱德华爵士:英国航海探险家,曾指挥三个探险队寻找西北航路(1819-1820, 1821-1823, and 1824-1825)〔Scone〕A village of central Scotland northeast of Perth. The old part of the village was the coronation site of Scottish kings until 1651. The Stone of Scone, or Stone of Destiny, which served as a throne during the coronation rites, was taken to England by Edward I in the late 13th century and today rests in Westminster Abbey beneath the chair used during the crowning of British monarchs. 斯昆:一个位于苏格兰中部、佩思东北部的村庄。直到1651年这个村庄的旧部都是苏格兰国王的加冕地。这个村庄在作为加冕地期间,一块当作御座的命运之石在13世纪晚期被爱德华一世带入英格兰,今天它被放置在威斯敏斯特教堂内一张英国封建君主曾用于加冕的椅子下面〔delay〕"the increasing hatred, which retarded the execution of his great designs" (Edward Gibbon).“逐渐增长的仇恨,推迟了他的伟大计划的执行” (爱德华·吉本)。〔Elgar〕British composer whose orchestral works includeEnigma Variations (1896) and five Pomp and Circumstance marches (1901-1930). 埃尔加,爱德华:(1857-1934) 英国作曲家,其交响乐作品有《谜》 (1896年)和五部 《排场》 进行曲(1901-1930年) 〔Edward〕King of the English (1042-1066) whose reign was marked by political conflict between Norman and English groups.爱德华:英格兰国王(1042-1066年),他的统治期间以诺曼人与英格兰人之间的政治冲突为特征〔Edwardiana〕Material or a collection of materials from or relating to the Edwardian era.英国爱德华时期风格的:来自爱德华时代的或该时代风格的用品或精品收藏〔Edwardian〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the reign of Edward VII of England.爱德华七世的:英国爱德华七世执政的、与之有关的或有其统治特点的〔Jenner〕British physician and vaccination pioneer. He found that smallpox could be prevented by inoculation with the substance from cowpox lesions.詹纳,爱德华:(1749-1823) 英国内科医生和牛痘接种法创始人。他发现天花可以通过接种牛痘来预防〔Charlottetown〕The capital and largest city of Prince Edward Island, Canada, on the southern coast of the island. It was founded by the French c. 1720. Population, 15,282.夏洛特敦:加拿大爱德华太子岛省的省会和最大城市,位于该岛南海岸,1720 年由法国人建立。人口15,282〔Morley〕American chemist and physicist who with Albert Michelson disproved the existence of ether, the hypothetical medium of electromagnetic waves.莫利,爱德华·威廉斯:(1838-1923) 美国化学家和物理学家,与艾伯特·米切尔森一起证明了电磁波假定媒介的存在〔Coke〕English jurist who as chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas (1606-1616) ruled that the common law is supreme law, even when the Crown disagrees.科克,爱德华:(1552-1634) 英国法学家、高等民事法庭的首席法官(1606-1616年),即使在国王不同意的情况下仍裁定习惯法是最高法〔bread〕"If bread is the first necessity of life, recreation is a close second"(Edward Bellamy)“如果面包是生活的第一需要,娱乐将成为第二需要”(爱德华·贝拉米)〔cocoon〕"a congressionally mandated process that will gradually strip these institutions of a cocoon of regulations"(Edward Meadows)“国会委任程序将逐渐层层剥去这些机关规章的外壳”(爱德华·梅多斯)〔Britten〕British composer known for his song cycles, such asLes Illuminations (1939), and operas, including Peter Grimes (1945) and Death in Venice (1973). 布里顿,(爱德华)本杰明:(1913-1976) 英国作曲家,以其组歌而闻名,如《启迪》 (1939年),和歌剧,包括 《彼得·格里姆斯》 (1945年)和 《威尼斯惨剧》 (1973年) 〔Albee〕American playwright. Best known forWho's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962), he won a Pulitzer Prize in 1967 for A Delicate Balance and in 1975 for Seascape. 阿尔比,爱德华·富兰克林:(生于 1928) 美国剧作家。最著名的作品为《谁怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙》 (1962年),他于1967年和1975年分别以 《优美的平衡》 和 《海景》 两度获普利策奖 〔ability〕"The intellect, character and skill possessed by any man are the product of certain original tendencies and the training which they have received" (Edward L. Thorndike). “任何人的知识、性格和能力都是由起初的兴趣加上后来接受的训练而得到的。” (爱德华.L.桑戴克)。〔Delius〕British composer who spent most of his life in France. His work, influenced by Edvard Grieg, combines romanticism and impressionism.德利乌斯,弗雷德里克:(1862-1934) 英国作曲家,其大半生在法国度过。其作品受爱德华·格列格的影响,把浪漫主义和印象主义相结合〔Bismarck〕Creator and first chancellor of the German Empire (1871-1890). Instrumental in victory over Austria (1866) and the creation of the North German Confederation (1867), he instituted during his chancellorship sweeping social reforms by which he sought to stop the advance of German socialism.俾斯麦,奥托·爱德华·利奥波德·冯:(1815-1898) 日耳曼帝国(1871-1890年)的创建者和第一任元首。在战胜奥地利(1866年)和建立北日耳曼联邦(1867年)中起重要作用,在任元首期间,他大刀阔斧地实行改革,以求停止日耳曼社会主义的推进〔Stettinius〕American business executive and public official who served as U.S. secretary of state (1944-1945) and was the first U.S. delegate to the United Nations (1945-1946).斯特丁纽斯,爱德华·雷利:(1900-1949) 美国商务经理和公共官员,曾任国务卿(1944-1945年),是美国首任驻联合国代表(1945-1946年)〔Pickett〕American Confederate general known for leading the disastrous Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg (1863), in which three fourths of his troops were lost.皮克特,乔治·爱德华:(1825-1875) 美国南方邦联军将军,因在葛底斯堡战役(1863年)中领导了灾难性的“皮克特冲锋”而闻名,在此战斗中他丧失了其部队的四分之三〔limerick〕Etymologies can sometimes be a bit disappointing,as, for example,when one is told thatlimerick is named after a city or county in Ireland without being told why it is so named.Unfortunately, we run into a difficulty here that is not uncommonly faced by etymologists,namely, that no one is precisely sure why this piece of humorous verse was so named.One theory is that it was named for a group of poets who wrote in Limerick in the 18th century;another, that it came from a custom at parties of making up a nonsense verse and following it with a chorus of "Will you come up to Limerick.”In any case,the first limericks appeared in books published in 1820 and 1821,and the form was popularized by Edward Lear in a collection published in 1846.The word itself, however, is not recorded until 1896.Let us sum up by saying:"There once was a verse form named limerick./No one can account for the name of it./Some think from a game/Or from poets it came./If you know please come up to Limerick.”查看词源学后会经常令我们失望,这是因为,比如,当某人得知limerick 是由爱尔兰的一城市(或一个郡的)名字而来, 却并不告知这样命名的原因。不幸的是,我们碰到了一个词源学家经常遇到的难题,那就是,没有一个人能确定为什么这种幽默的诗歌这样命名。一种理论认为它是源于18世纪在利默里克写作的一群诗人;还有一种看法认为它是源于一种集会上的风俗,这种风俗要求写完一毫无意义的诗后众人合唱“你将去利默里克吗”。不管怎样,1820年和1821年出版的这种五行打油诗集子广为流传,爱德华·利尔于1846年出版的集子使这种形式得到普及。但是,这个单词直到1896年才有记载。我们可以通过这么说来总结:“曾经有种诗的形式名叫利默里克。/但没有人能解释它的名字。/有人认为源于一种游戏/或源于一群诗人。/如果你知道就到利默里克来。”〔Filene〕American merchant who built William Filene and Sons, a successful dry goods store, and promoted the American credit union movement.法林,爱德华·阿尔贝特:(1860-1937) 美国商人,他创建了一个成功的织物类商店──威廉姆法林和索斯公司,并掀起美国信贷工会运动〔Eggleston〕American writer known for his realistic but sentimental novels, such asThe Hoosier Schoolmaster (1871). 埃格尔斯顿,爱德华:(1837-1902) 以现实而浪漫的小说著称的美国作家,著有《胡齐尔人冬烘先生》 (1871年) 〔Parry〕British navigator who commanded three expeditions in search of the Northwest Passage (1819-1820, 1821-1823, and 1824-1825).帕里,威廉·爱德华:(1790-1855) 英国航海家,曾三次指挥远征队寻找西北航道(1819-1820,1821-1823,和1824-1825年)〔Warwick〕English military and political leader who fought for the Yorkists during the Wars of the Roses and secured the throne for Edward IV (1461). He then changed allegiance and restored the Lancastrian Henry VI to the throne (1470). Warwick was killed in the Battle of Barnet, which regained the throne for Edward.沃里克:英国军事、政治领袖,在玫瑰战争中支持约克家族,辅助了爱德华四世登基(1461年)。后又改变效忠,拥立兰开斯特家族的亨利六世重登王位(1470年)。沃里克在巴尼特之战中被杀,该战使爱德华重新夺回王位〔Ripken〕American baseball player. A shortstop for the Baltimore Orioles, he was the American League's most valuable player in 1983 and 1991. In 1995 he broke Lou Gehrig's 2,130-game record for consecutive games played and voluntarily ended his streak in 1998 at 2,632 consecutive games.瑞普肯,卡文.爱德华:美国棒球运动员。作为巴尔的摩金莺队的游击手,他是1983年与1991年美国联赛最有价值的球员。1995年他打破了路易斯·格里克连续出场2,130场的记录,并于1998年自愿结束了他连续出场2,632场的记录〔appendicitis〕Even though the wordappendicitis was in use in 1885, the year in which theOxford English Dictionary published the section "Anta-Battening" that would have contained the word, the editor, James Murray, omitted this "crack-jaw medical and surgical word" on the advice of Oxford's Regius Professor of Medicine, Sir Henry Wentworth Acland.As K.M. Elisabeth Murray, the granddaughter and biographer of James Murray, points out,"The problem of what scientific words to include was a continuing one, and James Murray was always under pressure—from his advisers . . . who thought the emphasis should be on words from good literature and from those in the [Oxford University] Press who wanted to save cost and time—not to include scientific words of recent origin.”In 1902 no less a person than Edward VII had his appendix removed,and his coronation was postponed because of the operation.Appendicitis hence came into widespread use and has remained so, thereby pointing up the lexicographer's difficult task of selecting the new words that people will look for in their dictionaries.尽管appendicitis 这个词于1885年就已使用, 在这一年出版的牛津英语词典 的“安塔族-增长论”这一分册应包括有这个词, 但在牛津皇家医学院教授亨利·温特华斯·阿克兰的建议下,主编詹姆斯·莫雷删掉了这个“拗口的医学和外科用词”。正如詹姆斯·莫雷的孙女和传记作者K·M·伊莉莎白·莫雷指出的那样, “应包括什么科学用语是一个长期以来的问题,詹姆斯·莫雷经常遇到来自他的顾问的压力…他们认为重点应放到从好文学作品中收来的词汇上,还受到来自出版社的压力,他们为了节约成本和时间而不愿收录新近的科学词汇”。1902年恰恰正是爱德华七世割除了阑尾,他的加冕典礼也因为这次手术而延迟。Appendicitis 一词因此得到了普遍的使用并保持至今, 这也表明了词典编纂者在选择人们要查找的新单词时所面临的艰难任务〔Hale〕American Unitarian cleric and writer whose more than 150 literary works include the story "The Man Without a Country" (1863). His sisterLucretia Peabody Hale (1820-1900) wrote two noted children's books, The Peterkin Papers (1880) and The Last of the Peterkins (1886). 黑尔,爱德华·埃弗里特:(1822-1909) 美国一神论派牧师和作家,他写了150多部文学著作,包括的小说《没有祖国的人》(1863年)。他的妹妹卢克瑞提亚·皮博迪·黑尔 (1820-1900年)写了两部著名的儿童书籍 《彼得金文集》 (1880年)和 《彼得金加最后一人》 (1886年) 〔Sothern〕American actor noted for many Shakespearean roles opposite his wife, Julia Marlowe.萨森,爱德华·休:(1859-1933) 美国演员,以在莎士比亚戏剧中扮演与其妻子朱丽亚·马娄相对的角色著称〔Grange〕American football player. A three-time All-American running back for the University of Illinois (1923-1925), he played professionally for the Chicago Bears (1925-1935).格兰奇,哈罗德·爱德华:(1903-1991) 美国橄榄球运动员。伊利诺斯大学的三次全美进攻后卫得主(1923-1925年), 他在芝加哥熊队打职业比赛(1925-1935年)〔Flanagan〕American priest who founded Boys Town (1917), a community for underprivileged boys.弗拉纳根,爱德华·约瑟夫:(1886-1948) 美国教士,为下层社会的男孩们创立了博伊斯镇(1917年)〔White〕American jurist who served as an associate justice (1894-1910) and the chief justice (1910-1921) of the U.S. Supreme Court.怀特,爱德华·道格拉斯:(1845-1921) 美国法官,他于1894年-1910年就任陪审法官,并于1910年-1921年间就任美国最高法院首席法官〔Sanford〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1923-1930).桑福德,爱德华·特里:(1865-1930) 美国法官,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(1923-1930年)〔Winslow〕English colonial administrator who traveled to America on theMayflower and served three times as governor of Plymouth Colony (1633, 1636, and 1644). His son Josiah (1629?-1680) was the first native-born governor of Plymouth (1673-1680). 温斯洛,爱德华:(1595-1655) 英国殖民地的行政官员,他乘五月花号 到美国,曾三任普利茅斯殖民地总督(1633,1636和1644年)。他的儿子 乔塞亚 (1629?-1680年)是第一个土生的普利茅斯总督(1673-1680年) 〔Bannockburn〕A town of central Scotland north-northeast of Glasgow on theBannock River, a tributary of the Forth. It was the site of Robert the Bruce's defeat of the English under Edward II on June 23, 1314. 班诺克本:苏格兰中部一镇,位于格拉斯哥东北偏北的班诺克河畔, 该河为福斯河的一个支流。1314年6月23日,布鲁斯的罗伯特在此打败了爱德华二世领导下的英国军队 〔slave〕"I was still the slave of education and prejudice"(Edward Gibbon)“我受教育和偏见的影响还是很深”(爱德华·吉本)〔FitzGerald〕British poet and noted translator ofThe Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (1859). 菲茨杰拉德,爱德华:(1809-1883) 英国诗人,欧玛尔·海亚姆的《鲁拜集》 (1859年)的有名的译者 〔Shevardnadze〕Georgian political leader who became head of state in 1992 and president in 1995. Formerly a Soviet politician and diplomat, he served as foreign minister (1985-1990) under Mikhail Gorbachev, in which role he normalized the Soviet Union's relations with the West after the cold war.谢瓦尔德纳泽,爱德华·安夫罗斯耶维奇:格鲁吉亚政治领袖,1992年成为国家元首,1995年担任总统。之前,他是苏联政治家与外交家,在戈尔巴乔夫手下任外交部长(1985年-1990年),在此任职期间,他使苏联在冷战之后实现了与西方的关系正常化 |
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