单词 | 特殊 |
释义 | 〔scholar〕A student who holds or has held a particular scholarship.有特殊奖学金的学生〔result〕The consequence of a particular action, operation, or course; an outcome.See Synonyms at effect 结果,后果:一种特殊的行动、运行或过程的结果;结果 参见 effect〔unspecialized〕Having no special function; without specialty or specialization.非专门化的:不具有特殊的功能的;没有专业或未进行专业化的〔native〕The Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan. Somethingendemic is prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality or people: 阿伊努族是日本最北部诸岛的本土人。 Endemic 是对于某一特定地点或人们相关的和特殊的: 〔intone〕To speak with a singing tone or with a particular intonation.吟诵:以歌唱的声调或以特殊的声调说话〔sit〕To fit, fall, or drape in a specified manner:合身:以一种特殊的方式适合、落下或装饰:〔assign〕 Allocate usually means to set something apart from a larger quantity, as of money, for a specific purpose or for a particular person or group: Allocate 常常指为了一特定目的,或特殊的一个人或一组人将某一部分从一大的整体中分出来,如钱: 〔triumphalism〕The attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, especially a religion or political theory, is superior to all others.凯旋论,常胜主义:某种特殊教义的态度或信仰尤其是宗教的政治理论的教义优于所有其他教义〔desk〕A table, counter, or booth at which specified services or functions are performed:柜台,摊位:可以派特殊用场的桌子,柜台或摊位:〔evzone〕An infantryman of a special corps of the Greek army.希腊精锐步兵团:希腊陆军所属的一个特殊军团中的步兵〔thing〕A particular state of affairs; a situation:局面:事物的特殊状态;形势:〔persuasion〕A party, faction, or group holding to a particular set of ideas or beliefs.派系,教派:持某一套特殊思想或信仰的政党、组织或团体〔strange〕Not of one's own or a particular locality, environment, or kind; exotic.异乡的:不属于某人自己的或特殊的地区、环境或种类的;外来的〔colony〕A group of people with the same interests or ethnic origin concentrated in a particular area:聚居:有着相同利益或种族血统的一组人,聚集在一个特殊的地区:〔Pickwickian〕Meant or understood in an idiosyncratic or unusual way:有特殊意义的:在了解或认知上采取一种特殊或不平常的方式:〔special〕Surpassing what is common or usual; exceptional:特别的:超过一般或寻常的;特殊的:〔unaccomplished〕Lacking special skills or abilities; unpolished, as in the social graces.无才艺的:缺乏特殊技艺或能力的;社交风度不文雅的〔common〕Having no special designation, status, or rank:普通的:没有特殊的标志、地位或等级的:〔emphasis〕Special forcefulness of expression that gives importance to something singled out; stress:强调:表达上的特殊加强,以突出某一单独事物的重要性;强调:〔select〕One that is preferred or chosen in preference to others or because of special value. Often used withthe. 被挑选出来的人(或物):被挑选出来的令人喜爱的或有特殊价值的人或物,常与the 连用 〔scrim〕A transparent fabric used as a drop in the theater to create special effects of lights or atmosphere.纱幕,薄纱:在电影院里为了创造出特殊的灯光效果或气氛用于作活动垂幕的透明织物〔fancy〕Bred for unusual qualities or special points.特别培育的:为不一般的质量和某一特殊特点而被饲养的〔movement〕A particular manner of moving.动作:运动的特殊方式〔misericord〕A dagger, a support for someone who is standing, and a special monastic apartment are all called by the same name because,strangely enough,they are all examples of mercy.The wordmisericord goes back to Latin misericordia, "mercy,” derived frommisericors, "merciful,” which is in turn derived frommiserērī, "to pity,” and cor, "heart.” In Medieval Latin the wordmisericordia was used to denote various merciful things, and these senses were borrowed into English.Misericordia referred to an apartment in a monastery where certain relaxations of the monastic rule were permitted,especially those involving food and drink.The word also designated a projection on the underside of a hinged seat in a choir stall against which a standing person could lean,no doubt a merciful thing during long services.Finally,misericordia was used for a dagger with which the death stroke was administered to a seriously wounded knight. 匕首、站立的人依靠的托板和一种特殊的修道院房都被称为同一名称,尽管非常奇怪,但这是因为它们全都是仁慈和怜悯的例证。misericord 一词可追溯到拉丁词 misericordia 意为“怜悯”, 源自misericors 意为“怜悯的”, 而后者又从misereri 意为“怜悯”和 cor 意为“心”演变而来。 在中世纪拉丁文中misericordia 一词用来指示各种表现仁慈和怜悯的事物, 这些意思被转借进了英语。Misericordia 指的是修道院中的一个房间, 某些特定的修道戒律在此被允许放宽,特别是有关饮食的戒律。这个词也指教堂座位的活动座板底面上可供站立的人依靠的凸出物,这在长长的宗教仪式中无疑是一个富有仁慈之心的物体,后来misericordia 也用来指将受伤很重的骑士刺死的匕首 〔repertoire〕The range or number of skills, aptitudes, or special accomplishments of a particular person or group.全部本领:某人或某团体的一系列技艺、才能或特殊的成就〔commando〕A small fighting force specially trained for making quick, destructive raids against enemy-held areas.突击队;突击队员:特殊训练的小型作战部队,对敌占区进行快速破坏型袭击〔fest〕A gathering or an occasion characterized by a specified activity. Often used in combination:集会:以一种特殊的活动为特征的聚会或时节,经常用在词组中:〔chronometer〕An exceptionally precise timepiece.精密时计:特殊的精密记时计〔Jakobson〕Russian-born American linguist. A founder of modern structural linguistics and modern phonology, he was particularly influential in the fields of Slavic languages, phonology, and poetics.杰克布森,罗曼:俄罗斯裔美国语言学家。现代结构语言学和现代音系学之父,对斯拉夫语、音系学和诗学领域具有特殊的影响〔inclination〕A characteristic disposition to do, prefer, or favor one thing rather than another; a propensity:性向,爱好:去做、更喜爱或爱好某事更甚于另一事的特殊意向;一种倾向:〔chalcedony〕A translucent to transparent milky or grayish quartz with distinctive microscopic crystals arranged in slender fibers in parallel bands.玉髓:一种半透明至透明的奶白色或浅灰色石英,具有平行且排列成纤细纤维状的特殊微观晶体〔intrigue〕The introduction of the verbintrigue to mean "to arouse the interest or curiosity of" was initially resisted by writerson usage as an unneeded French substitute for available English words such asinterest, fascinate, or puzzle, but it now appears to be well established.Seventy-eight percent of the Usage Panel accepts it in the sentenceThe special-quota idea intrigues some legislators, who have asked a Washington think tank to evaluate it, whereas only 52 percent accepted it in a 1968 survey.意为“激起…的兴趣或好奇心”的动词intrigue 的引入, 最初遭到作家们的抵制,他们认为在用法上没有必要用法语词代替现成的英语词汇,例如interest,fascinate 或者 puzzle, 但是现在它已经被普遍认可。用法专题小组百分之七十八的成员认同它存在于句子特殊配额的意见吸引了一些立法者,他们要求华盛顿智囊团对此进行评价 中, 而在1986年的调查中只有百分之五十二的人同意〔intend〕To design for a specific purpose.为特殊目的而设计〔flavor〕"What matters in literature . . . is surely the idiosyncratic, the individual, the flavor or color of a particular human suffering"(Harold Bloom)“文学中最重要的当然是描绘特殊的人、有特色的个体和带有某种人类苦难意味的事”(哈罗德·布卢姆)〔premise〕Why do we call a single buildingthe premises ? To answer this question,we must go back to the Middle Ages.But first, let it be noted thatpremises comes from the past participle praemissa, which is both a feminine singular and a neuter plural form of the Latin verbpraemittere, "to send in advance, utter by way of preface, place in front, prefix.” In Medieval Latin the feminine formpraemissa was used as a term in logic, for which we still use the termpremise descended from the Medieval Latin word (first recorded in a work composed before 1380).Medieval Latinpraemissa in the plural meant "things mentioned before" and was used in legal documents, almost always in the plural,a use that was followed in Old French and Middle English, both of which borrowed the word from Latin.A more specific legal sense in Middle English,"that property, collectively, which is specified in the beginning of a legal document and which is conveyed, as by grant,”was also always in the plural in Middle English and later Modern English.And so it remained when this sense was extended to mean "a house or building with its grounds or appurtenances,”a usage first recorded before 1730.为什么我们把单独的一幢建筑称为the premises ? 为了回答这个问题,我们必须回到中世纪。但首先必须注意的是premises 是从过去式 praemissa 而来的, 这是意思为“预先发送,以前言的方式说出,放在前边,前缀”的拉丁动词praemittere 的阴性单数形式及中性复数形式。 在中世纪拉丁语中,praemissa 作为阴性形式被用作逻辑状语, 因此我们仍然使用这个来源于中世纪拉丁语的术语premise (第一次记载于1380年前编纂的作品中)。中世纪拉丁语praemissa 的复数形式意为“前面提到的事物”, 用于法律文件并总是以复数形式出现,古法语和中古英语中都从拉丁语中借用了这个词及其用法。中古英语中有一种更特殊的法律方面的意义,“法律文件开头指明并根据转让的财产,如通过赠送”,在中世纪英语和后来的现代英语中也是以复数形式使用。因此当它的意思被扩展为“连同其土地及设施一所房子或一幢建筑”时仍保留这一用法,该用法最初记载于1730年前。〔application〕The act of putting something to a special use or purpose:实施:将某事物投入某种特殊使用或目的的行为:〔immunity〕Exemption from normal legal duties, penalties, or liabilities, granted to a special group of people:豁免权:给予特殊群体的免于正常的法律义务、处罚或责任的权力:〔tendency〕A predisposition to think, act, behave, or proceed in a particular way.脾性:思想、行为、举止的一种倾向,或以一种特殊方式进行〔rig〕Special equipment or gear used for a particular purpose.See Synonyms at equipment 成套器械:用于特殊用途的特殊装备或器械 参见 equipment〔quality〕An inherent or distinguishing characteristic; a property. 特性:内在的或特殊的特性;性质 |
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