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单词 犹太教
释义 〔tref〕Unclean and unfit for consumption according to dietary law; not kosher.不洁净的:按犹太教食规认为是不洁净的和不适于食用的〔synagogue〕A congregation of Jews for the purpose of worship or religious study.犹太教徒的聚会或会众:为做礼拜或研究犹太教而举行的聚会或参加聚会的犹太人〔Asch〕Polish-born American Yiddish writer who sought to reconcile Judaism and Christianity in his controversial novels, such asThe Nazarene (1939). 阿施,肖洛姆:(1880-1957) 波兰裔美国意第绪语作家,在其有争议的小说中试图使犹太教和基督教得到和解,如《拿撒勒人》 (1939年) 〔Sadducee〕A member of a priestly, aristocratic Jewish sect founded in the second centuryb.c. that accepted only the written Mosaic law and that ceased to exist after the destruction of the Temple in 70 a.d. 撒都该人:犹太教一个神职贵族派别的成员,被发现于公元前 2世纪,只服从摩西律法。 公元 70年耶路撒冷古神殿被毁后这个派别也灭亡 〔orthodox〕Of or relating to Orthodox Judaism.关于或有关正统犹太教〔Talmud〕The collection of ancient Rabbinic writings consisting of the Mishnah and the Gemara, constituting the basis of religious authority in Orthodox Judaism.犹太教法典:古代拉比著作的合集,包括《密西拿》和《革马拉》,构成了正统犹太教中宗教权威的基础〔Bible〕Abbr. B.,Bib.The Hebrew Scriptures, the sacred book of Judaism.缩写 B.,Bib.犹太教《圣经》:希伯来的圣经,一本犹太教的圣书〔Logos〕In biblical Judaism, the word of God, which itself has creative power and is God's medium of communication with the human race.圣子:在圣经犹太教中的上帝这个词,这个词本身有创造力,上帝通过它与人类沟通〔Heshvan〕The second month of the year in the Jewish calendar. See table at calendar 赫舍汪月:犹太教历中每年的第二个月份 参见 calendar〔Hillel〕Palestinian rabbi who greatly influenced the interpretation of Judaic law.希勒尔:巴勒斯坦的犹太教拉比,曾大大影响关于犹太教律法的解释〔Adonai〕Lord. Used in Judaism as a spoken substitute for the ineffable name of God.上帝:主。作为神圣的上帝名字的口头替代词使用于犹太教〔rebbe〕A Jewish spiritual leader or rabbi, especially of a Hasidic sect.大师:犹太人的精神领袖或拉比.尤指犹太教虔敬教派的精神导师〔kashrut〕The body of Jewish dietary law.犹太教的一套饮食规定〔Judaism〕Conformity to the traditional ceremonies and rites of the Jewish religion.对犹太教的遵奉:对犹太教传统典礼和宗教仪式的恪守〔kashrut〕The state of being kosher.恪守犹太教饮食规定:(食物等)按犹太教规制成的清洁可食的状态〔Shiviti〕A decorative plaque inscribed with the Hebrew verse "I have set the Lord always before me" (Psalms 16:8), hung in synagogues and Jewish homes as a reminder of God's presence.希伯来诗文版:一种装饰牌匾,上面刻有希伯来诗句“我将耶和华常摆在我面前”(《诗篇》16:8),悬挂于犹太教会堂和犹太人家中,提醒大家上帝的存在〔Lully〕Spanish philosopher and mystic who attempted to identify the common elements shared by Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. His principal work isArs Magna ( The Great Art ). 卢力,雷芒德:(1235?-1316) 西班牙哲学家和神秘主义者。他试图分辨出基督教,伊斯兰教和犹太教的共同点。他的主要作品有《Ars Magna》 ( 《伟大的艺术》 ) 〔confirmation〕A ceremony in Judaism that marks the completion of a young person's religious training.犹太教仪式:犹太教一种表明年轻人已受过完整宗教训练的仪式〔Tishri〕The first month of the year in the Jewish calendar. See table at calendar 提市黎日:犹太教历中一年的第一个月份 参见 calendar〔Purim〕The 14th of Adar, observed in celebration of the deliverance of the Jews from massacre by Haman.普林节:纪念犹太人免遭哈曼的杀害的犹太教节日,即阿达尔月14日〔shammes〕The candle used to light the other eight candles of a Hanukkah menorah.引火烛:用来点燃犹太教奉献节中其它八根蜡烛的蜡烛〔mashgiah〕An Orthodox rabbi, or a person appointed or approved by such a rabbi, whose responsibility is to prevent violations of Jewish dietary laws by inspection of slaughterhouses, meat markets, and restaurants where food assumed to be kosher is prepared for the public.马什该亚:正统犹太教的拉比或由正统犹太教拉比指定的人,其职责是检查符合犹太教规的清洁食物的屠场、肉市场以及饭店,以防出现违反犹太教饭食规定的现象〔hallel〕A chant of praise consisting of Psalms 113 through 118, used during Passover and on certain other holidays.哈列:《诗篇》中113-118篇的总称,用于犹太教的逾越节或别的固定的节日〔synagogue〕The Jewish religion as organized or typified in local congregations.犹太教:由地方性的犹太人会众组织或由他们代表的宗教〔pagan〕Not Christian, Moslem, or Jewish.异教徒的:不是基督教、伊斯兰教或犹太教教徒的〔kabbalistic〕Of or relating to the Kabbalah.喀巴拉的,犹太教灵学的:喀巴拉的、犹太教灵学的,或与其相关的〔Judaic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of Jews or Judaism:犹太人或犹太教的;具有犹太人或犹太教特征的:〔Falasha〕Used as a disparaging term for an Ethiopian Jew.法拉河人:用作贬义,指埃塞俄比亚信奉犹太教的人〔cantor〕The Jewish religious official who leads the musical part of a service.领唱者:犹太教神职人员,在宗教仪式中领唱音乐部分〔conservative〕Conservative Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism. Conservative 保守犹太教的或拥护保守犹太教〔goy〕from Hebrew gôy [nation, one who is not Jewish, non-Jew, Jew ignorant of the Jewish religion] 源自 希伯来语 gôy [是犹太人地区没有犹太人作风的;不是犹太人的;是犹太人不信犹太教的国家或人] 〔reform〕Reform Of or relating to Reform Judaism. Reform 犹太教革新派的:犹太教革新派的或与犹太教革新派有关的〔ordain〕To authorize as a rabbi.授权:授予犹太教牧师的权力〔Jerusalem〕The capital of Israel, in the east-central part of the country in the West Bank. Of immense religious and historical importance, the city was occupied as far back as the fourth millenniumb.c. and became the capital of King David c. 1000 b.c. Destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in the sixth century b.c. , it was later ruled by Greeks, Romans, Persians, Arabs, Crusaders, and Turks and by Great Britain under a League of Nations mandate. Israeli forces took control of the city in 1967. Jerusalem is considered a holy city to Jews, Moslems, and Christians. Population, 446,500. 耶路撒冷:以色列的首都,位于西岸上该国中东部。该城在宗教上和历史上极大的重要性可以追溯到公元前 4000年, 公元前 1000年成为大卫王国的首都。于 公元前 6世纪被尼布甲尼撒毁灭。后被希腊人、罗马人、波斯人、阿拉伯人、十字军和土耳其统治过,最后受国际联盟的托管国英国控制。以色列军队在1967年控制该城。耶路撒冷是犹太教、穆斯林和基督教的圣地。人口446,500 〔circumcision〕A religious ceremony, as in the Jewish or Moslem faith, in which someone is circumcised.行割礼:犹太教和穆斯林教的宗教仪式,在仪式里进行割包皮活动〔Jew〕A member of the widely dispersed people originally descended from the ancient Hebrews and sharing an ethnic heritage based on Judaism.犹太教徒:古代希伯来人的广泛分布的后代子孙,他们沿袭着犹太教的种族传统〔rabbinist〕A strict observer of the Talmud and of rabbinical traditions.犹太法学博士的信徒:犹太教及犹太法学博士的传统的严格遵循者〔Judaism〕The monotheistic religion of the Jews, tracing its origins to Abraham and having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Bible and the Talmud.犹太教:犹太人的一神教,起源可追溯到亚伯拉罕,其精神原则和道德准则主要包含在《圣经》和《犹太法典》中〔Essene〕A member of an ascetic Jewish sect that existed in ancient Palestine from the second centuryb.c. to the second century a.d. 苦修派信徒:公元前 2世纪至 公元 2世纪间盛行于巴勒斯坦的一个犹太教派别 〔Passover〕A holiday beginning on the 14th of Nisan and traditionally continuing for eight days, commemorating the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.逾越节:开始于犹太教历七月十四日,并按惯例持续八天的节日,用来纪念犹太人从埃及的奴役下解放出来




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