单词 | 犹豫 |
释义 | 〔drive〕Indecision drives me crazy.犹豫要把我逼疯了〔fear〕Trepidation is dread characteristically marked by trembling or hesitancy: Trepidation 是带有颤抖和犹豫特点的恐惧: 〔stagger〕To begin to lose confidence or strength of purpose; waver.犹豫:开始对某一目标失去信心或者动力;动摇〔teeter〕To alternate, as between opposing attitudes or positions; vacillate.摇摆:交替,如在对立的态度或位置之间摇摆不定;犹豫〔strain〕To be extremely hesitant; balk:犹豫:极其犹豫不定的;顾虑重重的:〔stammer〕These verbs apply to hesitant, stumbling, or halting speech.Tostammer is generally to speak with involuntary pauses or repetitions, as from nervousness or confusion: 这些动词都表示犹豫、口吃或停顿的说话。Stammer 一般指说话带有无意识的停顿或重复, 因紧张或者不知所措所致: 〔slow〕Laggard implies hanging back or falling behind: Laggard 表示犹豫或落后的: 〔pause〕He paused before replying.他犹豫了片刻才回答〔uh〕Used to express hesitation or uncertainty.用来表示犹豫或不确定〔boggle〕To hesitate as if in fear or doubt.踌躇:因害怕或怀疑而犹豫〔stickle〕To have or raise objections; scruple.犹豫迟疑:有或提出疑问;犹豫〔vibrate〕To fluctuate or waver in making choices; vacillate.犹豫:选择时来回摆动;摆动〔hesitate〕Latin haesitāre haesitāt- [to hesitate] [frequentative of] haerēre [to hold fast] 拉丁语 haesitāre haesitāt- [犹豫] haerēre的重复动词 [紧紧抓住] 〔hesitant〕Inclined or tending to hesitate.犹豫的:倾向于迟疑不决的或迟疑不决的〔falter〕possibly from Old Norse faltrask [to be puzzled, hesitate] 可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 faltrask [被迷惑,犹豫] 〔waver〕To exhibit irresolution or indecision; vacillate:犹豫不决:表现出犹豫或举棋不定;动摇:〔hesitancy〕The state or quality of being hesitant.犹豫:迟疑不决的状态或迟疑不决的性质〔vacillate〕To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another.See Synonyms at hesitate 犹豫不决:在某一行动(或某一观点)和另一观点(行动)之间犹豫 参见 hesitate〔dither〕To be nervously irresolute in acting or doing.不知所措:在表演或做事时处于紧张犹豫中〔haw〕To fumble in speaking.呃:说话犹豫时发出呃声〔qualm〕"My father's old-fashioned notions boggled a little at first to this arrangement . . . but his scruples were in the end overruled" (John Galt).“对这项安排,我父亲的老式观念开始时犹豫了一阵,…但是最终他的不安被推翻了” (约翰·盖特)。〔swing〕To shift from one attitude, interest, condition, or emotion to another; vacillate.犹豫,心意摇摆不定:改变态度、兴趣、状况或感情;动摇〔nibble〕To take small or hesitant bites:轻咬:犹豫地小口咬着吃:〔hesitate〕To be slow to act, speak, or decide.犹豫:行事、说话或做决定迟缓〔erudite〕One might like to beerudite but hesitate to berude. This preference is supported by the etymological relationship betweenerudite and rude. Erudite comes from the Latin adjectiveērudītus, "well-instructed, learned,” from the past participle of the verbērudīre, "to educate, train.” The verb is in turn formed from the prefixex-, "out, out of,” and the adjective rudis, "untaught, untrained,” the source of our word rude. The English worderudite is first recorded in a work possibly written before 1425 with the senses "instructed, learned.”Erudite meaning "learned" is supposed to have become rare except in sarcastic use, at least during the latter part of the 19th century, but the word now seems to have been restored to favor.一个人想成为erudite (博学的), 但却犹豫会成为rude (粗鲁的)。 这个优先选择可以由erudite 和 rede这两个词在语源学上的关系得出。 Erudite 源于拉丁语的形容词eruditus ,指“受过良好教育的、博学的,” 来源于动词erudire 的过去分词,指“教育、训练”。 这个动词反过来由前缀ex- ,(表示“出、离开”)和形容词 rudis 意为“没受教育的,没受训练的”组成,它又是现代词 rude 的来源。 英语单词erudite 最早记录于大约写在1425年以前的一本著作中, 那时意思是“受教育的、博学的”。至少在19世纪后半期,Erudite 意思为“博学的”,除了讽刺的用法外已经很少被人所用, 但是现在这个单词好象又逐渐被人们使用起来〔hesitation〕The act or an instance of hesitating.犹豫:犹豫不决的行为或事例〔um〕Used to express doubt or uncertainty or to fill a pause when hesitating in speaking.用来表示怀疑或不确定或说话犹豫时插入一个暂停〔uncertainty〕Doubt anddubiety imply a questioning state of mind that leads to hesitation in accepting a premise or in making a decision: Doubt 和dubiety 暗示了导致接受假设或作出决定的犹豫的心理疑惑状态: 〔blink〕To waver or back down, as in a contest of wills:动摇,犹豫:犹豫不决或后退,如在意志的较量中犹豫不决:〔fudge〕To act in an indecisive manner:犹豫:行为不果断:〔hesitate〕"A President either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will soon be on top of him" (Harry S Truman).“一位总统要么经常地驾驭各种事件要么为事件所驾驭,如果他犹豫的话” (哈里·S·杜鲁门)。〔connote〕For a political leader, hesitation is apt to connote weakness.对一个政治领袖而言,犹豫含有软弱之意〔oscillate〕To waver, as between conflicting opinions or courses of action; vacillate:动摇,犹豫:犹豫不决,如在不同意见或不同方案上;踌躇:〔urge〕"Isaacs hesitated long,but as everyone pressed him in turn,he yielded at last" (Francis Marion Crawford).“艾萨克斯犹豫了很长时间,但在每个人轮流向他施压的情况下,他最终屈服了” (弗兰西斯·玛丽昂·克劳福德)。〔unwilling〕Not willing; hesitant or loath:不愿的:不情愿的;犹豫的或厌恶的:〔scruple〕To hesitate as a result of conscience or principle:迟疑:因良心或原则上的原因而犹豫:〔falter〕Unsteadiness in speech or action.支吾:言语或行动的犹豫〔fudge〕always fudged on the important questions.总是在重大问题上犹豫〔shrink〕To show reluctance; hesitate:表示出不情愿;犹豫:〔pause〕A delay or suspended reaction, as from uncertainty; a hesitation:犹豫:延迟或推迟的行为,如因不确定;犹豫: |
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