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单词 献给
释义 〔devote〕His entire life is consecrated to science. To 他毕生的精力都献给了科学事业。 〔paean〕Latin paeān [hymn of thanksgiving, often addressed to Apollo] 拉丁语 paeān [感恩节的赞美诗,圣歌,尤指献给太阳神] 〔Hale〕American Revolutionary soldier hanged by the British as a spy. According to tradition, his last words were "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”黑尔,内森:(1755-1776) 美国独立战争时的战士,被英军以间谍罪绞死。据一般的说法,他的最后一句话是:“我唯一的憾事是只有一条生命献给祖国”〔Parnassian〕after Parnasos (Parnassus), a mountain in Greece sacred to Apollo and the Muses 源自 巴拉斯 (巴那苏斯),希腊的一个献给阿波罗和缪斯的山 〔corban〕A sacrifice made to God by the ancient Hebrews at the Temple in Jerusalem.祭品:古代希伯来人在耶路撒冷地圣殿献给上帝的供物〔inscribe〕To dedicate to someone.题赠:献给某人〔Isaac〕In the Old Testament, the son of Abraham who was offered as a sacrifice to God. The sacrifice was prevented at the last moment by divine intervention.以撒:在《旧约》中,指亚伯拉罕之子,被作为祭品献给上帝。祭献在最后一刻因神意的干预而被阻止〔dedication〕A note prefixed to a literary, artistic, or musical composition dedicating it to someone in token of affection or esteem.题献,献辞:写在文学,艺术,或音乐作品前,献给某人以示爱戴和敬仰的话语〔epithalamium〕A lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom.新婚喜歌:献给新娘新郎的抒情颂歌〔hecatomb〕A sacrifice to the ancient Greek and Roman gods consisting originally of 100 oxen or cattle.百牲祭:献给古希腊和罗马诸神的祭祀,最初由一百头牛或家畜组成〔Candlemas〕A Christian feast commemorating the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of the infant Jesus in the temple.圣烛节:基督教节日,纪念圣母玛丽亚行洁净礼和在圣殿中把婴儿耶稣献给〔Kew〕A district of western Greater London in southeast England. The famed Royal Botanic Gardens were established in 1759 and presented to the nation in 1841.克佑区:英格兰东南部大伦敦区的西部一区。著名的皇家植物园于1759年建立,1841年被献给国家〔Southampton〕English politician, soldier, and patron of Shakespeare as well as a number of other Elizabethan poets. Shakespeare'sVenus and Adonis and Rape of Lucrece are dedicated to him. 南安普敦伯爵(第三):英国政治家、战士和莎士比亚及伊丽莎白时代诗人的拥护者。莎士比亚的《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》 和 《鲁克丽丝受辱记》 都是献给他的 〔outlaw〕The wordoutlaw brings to mind cattle rustlers and gunslingers of the Wild West, but it comes to us from a much earlier time,when guns were not yet inventedbut cattle stealing was.Outlaw can be traced back to the Old Norse word ūtlagr, "outlawed, banished,” made up ofūt, "out,” and lög, "law.” Anūtlagi (derived from ūtlagr ) was someone outside the protection of the law. The Scandinavians, who invaded and settled in England during the 8th through the 11th century, gave us the Old English wordūtlaga, which designated someone who because of criminal acts must give up his property to the crown and could be killed without recrimination.The legal status of the outlaw became less severe over the course of the Middle Ages.However, the looser use of the word to designate criminals in general, which arose in Middle English, lives on in tales of the Wild West.单词outlaw 使人联想到美国西部的偷牛贼和持枪歹徒, 然而在此之前很早这词就已存在了,那时枪还没有发明出来,但已有偷牛贼了。Outlaw 可溯源到古斯堪的纳维亚语 utlagr, 意为“非法的,被放逐的”, 由ut 意为“在…外”和 log 意为“法律”组成。 Utlagi (从 utlagr 衍生而来)形容不受法律保护的人。 在8世纪到11世纪间侵略并定居于英格兰的斯堪的纳维亚人创造了古英语词utlaga, 指由于犯罪行为而必须把财产献给皇家并且即使被杀死也不能反诉。在中世纪时期被放逐者的法律地位不如以前那么严格了。然而中世纪英语中兴起的命名罪犯总称的这种宽松用法在美国西部的传说中仍然存在〔Cithaeron〕A mountain, 1,410 m (4,623 ft) high, of southeast Greece. It was considered sacred to Dionysus and the Muses.西塞隆山:希腊东南部一座山脉,海拔1,410米(4,623英尺),被认为是献给酒神狄俄尼索斯和缪斯〔scapegoat〕goat translation of Hebrew 'ăzā’zēl [goat for Azazel, demon of the desert] misread as 'ēz ’ôzēl [goat that escapes] goat 希伯来语 'ăzā’zēl的翻译 [献给堕落天使艾塞西尔的山羊] 错读为 'ēz ’ôzēl [逃走的山羊]




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