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单词 王朝统治
释义 〔Anhui〕A province of east-central China. It was made a separate province in the 17th century under the Manchu dynasty. Hefei is the capital. Population, 51,560,000.安徽:中国中东部的一个省,17世纪满清王朝统治时成为独立的省份,合肥是其省会。人口51,560,000〔Sardinia〕An island of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea south of Corsica. Settled by Phoenicians, Greeks, and Carthaginians before the sixth centuryb.c. , the island was taken by Rome in 238 b.c. and later fell to the Vandals (fifth century a.d. ) and the Byzantines (early sixth century). Numerous European powers controlled the island before 1720, when it passed to the House of Savoy and became the nucleus of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia became the first king of Italy in 1861. 撒丁尼亚:意大利地中海中的一个岛屿,位于科西嘉岛南面。在公元前 6世纪前由腓尼基人、希腊人和迦太基人居住,该岛于 公元前 238年被罗马人占领,然后又分别被汪达尔人( 公元 5世纪)和拜占庭人(6世纪早期)占领该岛,于1720年归入萨瓦王朝统治下,成为撒丁王国的中心,在此以前该岛曾被许多欧洲力量控制过。维克多·伊曼纽尔二世(撒丁王国国王)于1861年成为意大利第一位国王 〔Ljubljana〕A city of northwest Yugoslavia on the Sava River west-northwest of Zagreb. Founded by Augustus in 34b.c. , it came under Hapsburg rule in a.d. 1277 and passed to Yugoslavia in 1919. Population, 205,600. 卢布尔维那:南斯拉夫西北一城市,位于萨格勒布西北偏西的萨瓦河上,公元前 34年由奥古斯都建立。 公元 1277年转由哈布斯堡王朝统治,并于1919年移交于南斯拉夫。人口205,600 〔Navarre〕A historical region and former kingdom of southwest Europe in the Pyrenees of northern Spain and southwest France. Inhabited from early times by ancestors of the Basques, it was ruled by a Basque dynasty from the 9th to the 13th century. The southern part was annexed to Spain (1512-1515), while the northern part remained an independent kingdom until it was incorporated into the French crown lands in 1589.纳瓦拉:欧洲西南部一历史区域和古王国,在西班牙北部和法国西南部的比利牛斯山上。早期被巴斯克的祖先居住,并从9世纪到13世纪被巴斯克王朝统治。其南部被西班牙吞并(1512-1515年),然而北部仍为一个独立的王国,1589年北部地区被划入到法国君主的版图〔Ptolemaic〕Of or relating to the Ptolemies or to Egypt during their rule.托勒密王朝的,托勒密王朝统治时期的:托勒密王朝的和由托勒密王朝统治的埃及的或与它们有关的〔Prague〕The capital and largest city of Czechoslovakia, in the western part of the country on the Vltava River. Known since the 9th century, it was a leading cultural and commercial center by the 14th century and came under Hapsburg rule in 1526. In 1618 citizens of Prague expressed their dissatisfaction of Hapsburg rule by throwing several royal officials out of the windows of the Hradčany Castle in the so-called Defenestration of Prague. The city became the capital of newly formed Czechoslovakia in 1918. Population, 1,189,828.布拉格:捷克斯洛伐克首都及最大城市,位于这个国家的西半部,临瓦尔塔瓦河。该城自公元9世纪就已闻名于世,到14世纪为止是一个处于领先地位的文化及商业中心,于1526年开始为哈布斯堡王朝所统治。1618年,为了表示对哈布斯堡王朝统治的不满,布拉格市民将几个皇家官员从克拉克尼城堡的窗中扔了出去,从而制造了所谓的“布拉格扔出窗外”事件。1918年该城成为新形成的捷克斯洛伐克的首都。人口1,189,828




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