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单词 王权
释义 〔throne〕The power, dignity, or rank of such a personage; sovereignty.王权:这种人拥有的权力、威严或王权;地位〔praemunire〕The penalty for this offense.蔑视王权罪刑罚〔royalty〕A right or prerogative of the crown, as that of receiving a percentage of the proceeds from mines in the royal domain.王权:国王的权利或特权,如可以获得皇家领土的矿产收入的一定比例〔praemunire〕The writ charging this offense.蔑视王权罪诉令状:传讯犯有蔑视王权罪被告的令状〔diadem〕To adorn with or as if with a diadem.为…加冕:以或似以象征王权的头带装饰〔usurpation〕The act of usurping, especially the wrongful seizure of royal sovereignty.篡权,篡位:篡权行为,尤指非法地夺取王权〔token〕The scepter is a token of regal status.节杖是王权的象征〔regalia〕The emblems and symbols of royalty, such as the crown and scepter.王位标志:如王冠和权杖等王权的徽章或象征物〔diadem〕Royal power or dignity.王权或王的尊严〔reign〕Exercise of sovereign power, as by a monarch.君主统治:君主对王权的施行〔praemunire〕The offense under English law of appealing to or obeying a foreign court or authority, thus challenging the supremacy of the Crown.蔑视王权罪:英国法律中因求助于或遵从于外国法庭或权威而冒犯国王统治权所构成的违法行为〔uncrowned〕Having the power or influence of a monarch or other prominent figure but not the title:无君主之号但有王权的:虽无头衔但具有君王或其它卓越人物的权力或影响的:〔Hanover〕British ruling family (1714-1901). When Victoria ascended the throne in 1837, the crowns of Hanover and Great Britain were separated.汉诺威:英国统治家族(1714-1901年)。当1837年维多利亚登上王位时, 汉诺威与大不列颠的王权相分离〔Absalom〕In the Bible, a son of David who staged a revolt against his father's kingship and was defeated and killed in the ensuing battle.押沙龙:圣经中大卫的儿子,他策划了一起谋夺父皇王权的叛乱,在随后的搏斗中被击败并杀死〔diadem〕A crown worn as a sign of royalty.王冠:做为王权象征的王冠〔otherness〕"We're going to see in Europe . . . religion, royalty, picturesqueness, otherness"(Anatole Broyard)“我们将会在欧洲看到…宗教、王权、如画风景及其他的事物”(阿纳托尔·布鲁瓦亚尔)〔reason〕"So long as the human heart is strong and the human reason weak, Royalty will be strong because it appeals to diffused feeling, and Republics weak because they appeal to the understanding" (Walter Bagehot). “只要是人的情感力量强大而理性虚弱,王权政体就会强大,因为它要的是散布的情感,而共和政体便会虚弱,因为它需要理解” (瓦尔特·白哲诗)。 〔royalty〕The power, status, or authority of a monarch.王权,王威:国王的权力、地位或威严〔crown〕The power, position, or empire of a monarch or of a state governed by constitutional monarchy.王权,王位:君主或由立宪君主统治的政府的权力、地位或王国




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