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单词 王牌
释义 〔overtrump〕To trump with a higher trump card than any played on the same trick.用更大的王牌胜过对方:方同一墩牌中,用更大的王牌赢任何已出的王牌〔ace〕A military aircraft pilot who has destroyed five or more enemy aircraft.王牌驾驶员:空军中击落五架或五架以上敌机的飞行员〔pam〕The jack of clubs and highest trump in certain variations of loo.梅花J:在纸牌中的某种变化中的梅花王子和最高王牌〔honor〕Any of the four or five highest cards, especially the ace, king, queen, jack, and ten of the trump suit, in card games such as bridge or whist.最高牌:扑克游戏例如桥牌或惠斯特中最大的四张或五张牌,尤指么点、国王、王后、杰克及王牌中的10〔tarok〕A card game developed in Italy in the 14th century, played with a 78-card pack consisting of four suits plus the 22 tarot cards as trumps.塔罗克纸牌戏:14世纪出现于意大利的一种纸牌戏,玩时需78张牌,其中包括四套花色的牌加上22张塔罗纸牌作为王牌〔crossruff〕To trump (one's partner's lead or a lead from the dummy) in alternating plays.进行交叉吃张:在交替打法中用王牌吃进(同伙打出的牌或明手牌)〔trump〕The history of the wordtrump gives meaning to this seemingly nonsensical word and also relates to the history of the game of bridge.Trump is an alteration of the word triumph used in special senses that are now obsolete. These senses, first recorded in a sermon of 1529 by the English prelate Hugh Latimer, are "a card game" and "trump" as it is used in card games.In the same 1529 textone may find the first instances oftrump, used in the same two senses as triumph. Fromtrump and other games came the card game whist, which in turn developed into bridge.The termtrump survived even though the game of trump did not. trump 一词的历史赋予这一看似荒唐的词以意义, 同时它也与桥牌的历史相联系。在triump 的一些现已过时的特殊意义中 trump 可与之换用。 这些意义便是牌戏中所用的“牌戏”和“王牌”,它们首次记载于英格兰高级教士拉蒂默1529年的一篇布道中。在1529年的同一篇文章中,我们可找到trump 被用于 triump 的这两个意义的例子。 从trump 和其它游戏产生了牌戏, 而后又发展成为桥牌。尽管特拉普这一牌戏已不复存在,但trump 一词留存至今 〔trump〕A key resource to be used at an opportune moment.王牌:适当时刻所用的关键手段〔undertrick〕A trick in card games, especially bridge, the loss of which prevents a declarer from making a contract.宕墩:牌戏中一圈牌,尤指桥牌,失去它就阻止叫王牌者无法叫牌〔euchre〕A card game played usually with the highest 32 cards, in which each player is dealt 5 cards and the player making the trump is required to take at least 3 tricks to win.尤克牌:一种通常只用最主要的32张牌的牌戏,玩牌者每人发五张牌。以定王牌的一方必须至少赢三墩牌才算赢〔undertrump〕To play a trump lower than another card player's trump when trump has not been led.将牌低吃:在没有先出王牌时,出的王牌低于另一牌方的王牌〔trump〕A card of such a suit.王牌:一套王牌中的一张〔flagship〕The chief one of a related group:王牌,佼佼者:同一类(组)中最重要的那个:〔play〕my partner's play of the last trump; his clumsy play of the rebound.我的同伴打出最后一张王牌;他笨拙地接弹回的球〔crossruff〕A series of plays in games of the whist family in which partnership hands alternately trump suits led by the other partner.交叉吃张:惠斯特牌类比赛中由搭档交替用王牌吃进由同伴领出的花色牌的一系列打法〔whist〕A card game ancestral to bridge, played with a full deck by two teams of two players, in which the last card dealt indicates trump, tricks of four cards are played, and a point is scored for each trick over six won by each team.惠斯特牌:桥牌的一种原始形式,玩时各由两位玩手组成的两方玩一副纸牌,最后所发的一张牌为王牌,玩时以四张牌为一圈进行,第一圈中各方所赢得的每个点都被算作6分〔discard〕To play (a card other than a trump) from a suit different from that of the card led.垫出另一花色牌张:出不同于先前牌的一张合适牌(除了王牌的其他一张牌)〔flagship〕the flagship of a newspaper chain; the flagship of a line of reference books.多家报社中的佼佼者;参考书系列中的王牌〔overtrump〕To play a trump higher than one previously played on a trick.用更大的王牌胜过:在同一墩牌中,出更大的王牌压倒已出的王牌〔overruff〕To overtrump.以更大的王牌取胜




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