单词 | 玛格丽特 |
释义 | 〔reason〕"Because of their age-long training in human relations—for that is what feminine intuition really is—women have a special contribution to make to any group enterprise" (Margaret Mead).“因为她们在人际关系中多年的磨炼-而那正是女性直觉所在-女人们对任何一个群体的事业都做出了自己特殊的贡献” (玛格丽特·米德)。〔Corbin〕American Revolutionary heroine. When her husband was killed at his gun post during the Battle of Fort Washington (1776), she took his place and fought until she was seriously wounded.科尔宾,玛格丽特·科克伦:(1751-1800) 美国革命女英雄。华盛顿要塞战役(1776年)中,她的丈夫牺牲在射击岗位上,她接替了他,并战斗到身负重伤为止〔on〕"We will reach our judgments not on intentions or on promises but on deeds and on results"(Margaret Thatcher)“我们将根据事实和结果而不是目的或诺言来作出判断”(玛格丽特·撒切尔)〔transcendentalism〕A literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller, asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition.超验主义:一种文学和哲学运动,与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生和玛格丽特·富勒有关,宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握〔Brent〕English-born colonist and feminist. She immigrated to Maryland in 1638 and was the first woman to obtain a land grant there.布伦特,玛格丽特:(1600-1671?) 英裔殖民主义者和女权主义者。1638年她移居马里兰州,是那里第一个获得赠予土地的妇女〔Smith〕American politician who served as a U.S. representative (1940-1949) and senator (1949-1973) from Maine.史密斯,玛格丽特·蔡斯:(生于 1897) 美国政治家,作为缅因州的代表,1940年至1949年任美国国会众议员,1949至1973年任参议员〔Deland〕American writer whose works, many of them set in her native Pennsylvania, includeThe Awakening of Helen Richie (1906) and its sequel, The Iron Woman (1911). 狄兰德,玛格丽特:(1857-1945) 美国女作家,她的很多作品都以其故乡宾夕法尼亚州作背景,她的作品包括《海伦瑞奇的醒悟》 (1906年),及其续篇 《铁女人》 (1911年) 〔jackass〕"You've acted like an irrational jackass and it's time you stopped"(Margaret Truman)“你的所作所为就象一个丧失理智的傻瓜,现在你该停止了”(玛格丽特·杜鲁门)〔popular〕"Beware of over-great pleasure in being popular or even beloved"(Margaret Fuller)“深知为人喜爱或爱戴的无穷快乐”(玛格丽特·富勒)〔Sanger〕American nurse who campaigned widely for birth control and founded (1929) the organization that became the Planned Parenthood Federation (1942).桑格,玛格丽特·希金斯:(1883-1966) 美国护士,广泛宣传控制生育,在1929年建立即后来的美国计划父母联盟(1942年)组织〔top〕"a whole battalion, onto the beachhead, over the top"(Margaret Atwood)“冲上滩头的全营战士已经越过了胸墙”(玛格丽特·阿特伍德)〔bacitracin〕Margaret Tracy , an American child in whose blood it was first isolated 玛格丽特 特雷西 ,一美国孩子的名字,从她的血液中首次将此菌分离出来 〔put〕"We've given up saying we only kill to eat; Kraft dinner and freeze-dried food have put paid to that one"(Margaret Atwood)“我们已经放弃说我们只是尽力地吃;卡夫晚餐和冻干的食物已经使我们停止了”(玛格丽特·阿特伍德)〔tomorrow〕"I won't think of it now. . . . I'll think of it tomorrow"(Margaret Mitchell)“我现在不会想那件事情…我打算明天再想”(玛格丽特·米切尔)〔Atwood〕Canadian writer of novels, poetry, and children's books known especially for her feminist novels, includingThe Edible Woman (1969) and The Handmaid's Tale (1985). 阿特伍德,玛格丽特·艾琳诺:加拿大小说、诗歌和儿童读物的作者,尤以女权主义小说闻名,包括《可吃的女人》 (1969年)和 《使女的故事》 (1985年) 〔slogan〕"all the slogans and shibboleths coined out of the ideals of the peoples for the uses of imperialism"(Margaret Sanger)“所有的广告短语和陈旧词句都是出于各民族对使用帝国主义的理想而创造出来的”(玛格丽特·桑格)〔hem〕"a leader who cannot make up his or her mind, never knows what to do, hems and haws"(Margaret Thatcher)“一个犹豫不决,不知所措,含糊其词的领导人”(玛格丽特·撒切尔)〔parenthesis〕"This is one of the things I wasn't prepared for—the amount of unfilled time, the long parentheses of nothing"(Margaret Atwood)“这是我没作准备的事情之一——空闲时间的数量及无所事事的停顿”(玛格丽特·阿特伍德)〔margarita〕from the name Margarita [Margaret] 源自名字 Margarita [玛格丽特] 〔quality〕"He settled in to read Edmund Wilson . . . It was quality time"(Margaret Truman)“他坐下来读爱德蒙·威尔逊的书…这是一个极其美妙的时刻”(玛格丽特·杜鲁门)〔long〕"politicians whose résumés are long on competence"(Margaret Garrard Warner)“政治家的简历皆显露不凡”(玛格丽特·加拉德·沃纳)〔Fox〕American spiritualist who with her sisterKatherine (1839?-1892), known as "Kate,” purported to communicate with spirits through mysterious rappings and seances. Their activities were largely responsible for the widespread American fascination with spiritualism. 福克斯,玛格丽特:(1833-1893) 美国唯灵论者,与其妹凯瑟琳 (1839?-1892年),被称为“凯特”,专用称能通过神秘的敲击动作和降神集会与神灵交流。他们的行为应对风行美国的神灵热负主要责任 〔Beaufort〕English Lancastrian. She forged an alliance with the Yorkists through the marriage of her son Henry Tudor (later Henry VII) to Princess Elizabeth, daughter of the influential Woodville family.博福特,玛格丽特:(1441-1509) 英国兰开斯特王朝拥护者。通过她的儿子亨利·都铎(后来的亨利七世)和有影响的伍德维尔家的女儿伊丽莎白的婚姻,她与约克党人结成联盟〔Davis〕American writer whose early works, such as the novelMargaret Howth (1862), are among the first examples of American realism. 戴维斯,雷贝卡·布莱恩·哈丁:(1831-1910) 美国作家,其早斯作品,如小说《玛格丽特·霍斯》 (1862年),是美国现实主义的最早代表 〔Court〕Australian tennis player who won 26 Grand Slam singles titles and, in 1970, the Grand Slam (Wimbledon, French, U.S., and Australian titles in the same year).考特,玛格丽特·史密斯:澳大利亚网球选手,以全胜战绩26次获得女单冠军并于1970年赢得大满贯(在同一年获得英国温布尔登、法国、美国和澳大利亚网球公开赛冠军)〔Herne〕American playwright noted for his realistic works, especiallyMargaret Fleming (1890). 赫恩,詹姆斯A.:(1839-1901) 美国剧作家,以现实主义作品闻名,尤以《玛格丽特·弗莱明》 (1890年)著名 〔canopy〕"I just look up at the stars and let the vastness of that black and twinkling canopy fill my soul"(Margaret Mason)“我只是仰望繁星,让那黝黑而闪烁的天穹的博大无际充满我的灵魂”(玛格丽特·梅森)〔Sangster〕American writer and editor ofHarper's Bazaar from 1889 to 1899. 桑斯泰特,玛格丽特·伊丽莎白·芒森:(1838-1912) 美国作家,曾出任《哈帕斯市场》 的编辑(1889年-1899年) 〔Fuller〕American writer and critic who edited the transcendentalist periodicalDial (1840-1842), was a pioneering literary critic for the New York Tribune (1844-1846), and wrote Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845), a major feminist tract. 富勒,(撒拉)玛格丽特:(1810-1850) 美国作家和评论家,她编辑过超验主义者的刊物《日晷》 (1840-1842年),曾为 《纽约论坛报》 (1844-1846年)写过具有开拓性的文学评论,并写了一本重要的宣传男女平等的小册子 《19世纪的妇女》 (1845年) 〔Mitchell〕American writer known for her novelGone With the Wind (1936), for which she won a Pulitzer Prize. 米切尔,玛格丽特·穆尼林:(1900-1949) 美国作家,以其小说《飘》 (1936年)闻名,并因此获普利策奖 〔Guggenheim〕Family of American industrialists and philanthropists, includingMeyer (1828-1905), who amassed the family fortune in the copper industry. His sons Daniel (1856-1930) and Simon (1867-1941) and his granddaughter Marguerite (1898-1979), known as "Peggy,” were patrons of the arts. The family endowed the Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art in New York City (1959). 古根海姆:美国一工业家及慈善家家族,包括梅尔 (1828-1905年),他经营铜业,大大增加了家族财富。其子 丹尼尔 (1856-1930年)和 西蒙 (1867-1941年)及其孙女,被称为“伯蒂”的 玛格丽特 (1898-1979年),都是艺术事业的赞助者。该家族在纽约捐助建立了古根海姆现代艺术博物馆(1959年) 〔Mead〕American anthropologist noted for her landmark studies of adolescence and sexual behavior in primitive cultures. Her books includeComing of Age in Samoa (1928). 米德,玛格丽特:(1901-1978) 美国人类学家,因她对青春期和原始文化中的性行为有里程碑式的研究而著名。她的著作有《萨摩亚人的成年》 (1928年) 〔Anderson〕American editor who founded and editedThe Little Review (1914-1929), an influential literary magazine. 安德森,玛格丽特·加罗林:(1893?-1973) 美国编辑,曾创刊并主编《小评论》 (1914-1929年),一份有影响的文学刊物 〔give〕"My dear, I don't give a damn"(Margaret Mitchell)“亲爱的,我根本不在乎”(玛格丽特·米切尔)〔flutter〕"fluttering her bristly black lashes as swiftly as butterflies' wings"(Margaret Mitchell)“如蝴蝶翅膀一般忽闪着她浓密的睫毛”(玛格丽特·米切尔)〔fun〕"You're a real fun guy"(Margaret Truman)“你真是个有趣的人”(玛格丽特·杜鲁门)〔Eaton〕American socialite whose snubbing by Washington society for her rumored premarital relations with her future husband, U.S. Secretary of WarJohn H. Eaton (1790-1856), led to his resignation (1831) and discord between President Andrew Jackson and his cabinet. 伊顿,玛格丽特·奥尼尔:(1796?-1879) 美国社交界名人,因与未婚夫,美国国防大臣约翰伊顿 (1790-1856年)婚前发生的传闻,而遭到华盛顿上层社会的冷落,其夫因此辞职(1831年),并导致安德鲁·杰克逊总统和其内阁的不和 〔highness〕Her Royal Highness the Princess Margaret.玛格丽特公主殿下〔ahold〕"I knew I could make it all right if I got . . . back to the hotel and got ahold of that bottle of brandy"(Jimmy Breslin)"Can you tell me how to get ahold of them?”(Margaret Truman)“我知道要是我能回到旅馆拿起那瓶白兰地酒,我就会没事的”(吉米·布雷斯林)“你能告诉我怎样抓住他们吗?”(玛格丽特·杜鲁门)〔Leech〕American historian and writer. Her best-known work,In the Days of McKinley (1959), won a Pulitzer Prize for history. 利奇,玛格丽特·克尔诺钱:(1893-1974) 美国历史学家和作家。她的最有名的作品是《麦金利时代的日子》 (1959年),获普利策历史奖 |
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