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单词 理由
释义 〔help〕Some grammarians condemn this usageon the ground thathelp in this sense means "avoid" and logically requires a negative.But the expression is a well-established idiom.See Usage Note at cannot 有些语法家对这种用法提出了批评意见,理由是help 在这个句子里表示“避免”的意思, 所以从逻辑上讲应用否定形式。但是这种表达已经成为一种被广泛接受的惯用法了 参见 cannot〔assembly〕A group of persons gathered together for a common reason, as for a legislative, religious, educational, or social purpose.与会者:为一共同理由,如为立法的,宗教的,教育的或社会目的聚集在一起的人〔plead〕To assert as defense, vindication, or excuse; claim as a plea:以…为辩解,以…为理由:作为辩护、答辩或理由提出;作为答辩声明:〔that〕Used to introduce a subordinate clause stating a result, wish, purpose, reason, or cause:用以导出从属子句:引导表述结果、愿望、目的、原因或理由的从句:〔few〕is sometimes used with plural nouns in the expressionsno less than (as in No less than 30 of his colleagues signed the letter ) andor less (as in Give your reasons in 25 words or less ). 有时在no less than 中与复数名词连用(象在 他的同事中不少于三十位在那封信上署了名 ), 以及or less (象在 用不多于二十五个单词来讲述你的理由〔wear〕excuses that are wearing thin.变得陈腐的理由〔severe〕"Be systematically ascetic . . . do . . . something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it" (William James).有计划地克制…做…某事,没有别的理由只因你最好别做它” (威廉·杰姆森)。〔reason〕A declaration made to explain or justify an action, a decision, or a conviction:理由:解释或证明某行动、决定或判决的说明:〔subject〕A basis for action; a cause.理由:起因,缘由;根据〔rationale〕An exposition of principles or reasons.解释:对原则和理由的表达〔promise〕To afford a basis for expectation:保证,一定:给期望以基础或理由〔due〕We have due cause to honor them.我们有充分的理由给予他们荣誉〔object〕To put forward in or as a reason for opposition; offer as criticism:提出…作为反对的理由;反对说…:〔account〕A reason given for a particular action.理由:某一特别行为的理由〔persuade〕 Persuade means to win someone over, as by reasons, advice, urging, or personal forcefulness: Persuade 意思是用理由、建议、敦促或个人说服力来战胜某人: 〔adamant〕Impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason; stubbornly unyielding.See Synonyms at inflexible 固执的,不动摇的,坚强的:对托辞、恳求或理由无动于衷的;绝不让步的 参见 inflexible〔valid〕These adjectives describe assertions, arguments, conclusions, reasons, or intellectual processes that are persuasive because they are well founded, as in fact, logic. or rationality.What isvalid is based on or borne out by truth or fact or has legal force: 这些形容词描述了因为有确凿证据,如在事实、逻辑或理由上,而很具说服力的主张、争论、结论、理由或智力过程。valid 的事物是建立在或产生于真理或事实上或具有法律效应: 〔argument〕A fact or statement put forth as proof or evidence; a reason:论据,根据:作为根据或论据而提出的事实或论点;理由〔reason〕To persuade or dissuade (someone) with reasons.说服:用理由来劝告或说服(某人)做或不做某事〔Asian〕The termAsian is now preferred for persons of South and East Asian ancestry (Indians, Southeast Asians, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Indonesians, Filipinos, and others) in place of the term Oriental, an older usage that denotes some of these groups.Oriental has been objected to on two grounds: because it suggests racial, rather than cultural identity,and because it identifies the place of origin in terms of its location relative to the West (i.e., "from the East"), rather than in absolute terms.这个名称亚洲 现在用来称呼南亚和东亚人的后裔(包括印度人,东南亚人,中国人,朝鲜人,日本人,印尼人,菲律宾人和其他人),而不用 oriental, 这是一个老的用法,用来指这些亚洲人中的一些人。反对使用oriental 这个词有两个理由: 因为它暗示着种族的而非文化的特征,还因为它把人与相对于西方(如“来自东方”)的出生地混为一谈,而不以很清楚的名称指称。〔object〕They objected that discipline was lacking.他们提出缺少纪律作为反对的理由〔ground〕grounds for suspicion; a ground for divorce.See Synonyms at base 1怀疑的原因;离婚的理由 参见 base1〔ground〕To provide a basis for (a theory, for example); justify.成为…的理由:为(例如,理论)提供基础;为…提供依据〔hopefully〕Writers who usehopefully as a sentence adverb, as inHopefully the measures will be adopted, should be aware that the usage is unacceptable to many critics,including a large majority of the Usage Panel.But it is not easy to explain why critics dislike this use ofhopefully. It is justified by analogy to the unexceptionable uses of many other adverbs,as inMercifully, the play was brief or 当作者们把hopefully 用作句中副词, 如在但愿这些措施能被采用 中时, 应当意识到很多批评家并不接受这一用法,其中包括用法专题小组的大多数成员。但是批评家们为什么不喜欢hopefully 的这个用法却并不容易解释。 与许多其他副词无可指摘的使用进行类比,它有着充分正当的理由,比如幸好,这出戏很短 或 〔argue〕The speaker argued that more immigrants should be admitted to the country.讲演者举出理由证明应该允许更多的移民入境〔valid〕a valid excuse;有根据的理由〔proud〕Occasioning or being a reason for pride:感到光荣的:引起或作为自豪的理由的:〔there〕Nonetheless, it is common in speech for the contractionthere's to be used when technically a plural verb is called for, as inThere's a couple of good reasons for going. There is also a tendency to use a singular verb when the phrase with which the verb must agree is a conjunction in which the subject closest to the verb is singular: 然而,当技术上要求用复数动词时,口语中常用缩写there's , 如在有两个要去的好理由 中。 当作为连接词的短语中最接近动词的主语为单数时,且短语必须与动词保持一致,也有用单数动词的趋势: 〔authority〕On what authority do you make such a claim?你的指控有何理由?〔umpteen〕umpteen reasons; umpteen guests.无数条理由;大量客人〔impracticable〕Impracticable applies to a course of action that is impossible to carry out or put into practice;impractical, though it can be used in this way, also can be weaker in sense,suggesting that the course of action would yield an insufficient return or would have little practical value.A plan for a new baseball stadium might be rejected asimpracticable if the site was too marshy to permit safe construction; but if the objection was merely that the site was too remote for patrons to attend games easily,the plan would better be described asimpractical. See Usage Note at practicable Impracticable 用于不可能实行或行不通的动作过程;impractical 虽然也能这样用, 但也有较弱意思的用法,指动作过程能产生不足的回报或者几乎没有实际的价值。如果建筑地点过于湿软而不能保证稳固的建筑,那么修建棒球体育场的计划就可能因其impracticable (不可行)而遭到反对; 但是如果反对的理由仅仅是场址太偏远而使得爱好者们不能轻易到场观看比赛的话,这个计划还是应该被看成是impractical(不切实际的) 参见 practicable〔specious〕Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious:似是而非的:具有似乎正确的,但实际却是谬误的事实或理由的:〔feel〕To be persuaded of (something) on the basis of intuition, emotion, or other indefinite grounds:认为,觉得:通过直觉、感觉或其它不明确的理由使相信(某事):〔wean〕In recent yearsweaned on has come to be widely used in the sense "raised on,” as inMoviegoers weaned on the Star Trek TV series will doubtless find the film to their liking. A few critics have objected to this usage on the grounds thatwean refers literally to a detachment from a source of nourishment. But the process of weaning involves a substitution of some other form of nourishment for mother's milk;thus it is sometimes said that a child isweaned onto or on sugar water. Hence a sentence likePaul was weaned on Dixieland may suggest metaphorically that Paul's exposure to Dixieland began from the time he stopped nursing, that is, from a very early age. 近些年来weaned on 已经被广泛地用于“被…养大”的意义, 如此句看着 特莱克明星 电视连续剧长大的影迷会毫无疑问地发现这部电影对他们的胃口。 一些批评家反对这种用法的理由在于wean 原指脱离营养之源。 但是断奶的过程包含了以别种形式营养代替母乳;于是有时候我们说一个孩子断奶水 或 糖水。 因此句子如保罗是听着迪克西爵士乐长大的 可能暗喻地表示保罗从停奶的时候,也就是很早以前就听过迪克西爵士乐了 〔well〕can't very well say no.没什么理由这么说〔case〕presented a good case for changing the law.提出了一条很好的变更法律的理由〔urge〕To present a forceful argument, claim, or case.强烈要求:竭力主张,竭力要求,提出充足理由〔excuse〕Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.无知不能成为违反法律的理由〔cockamamie〕gave me a cockamamie reason for not going.为不去而给我一个荒谬的理由〔authorize〕To be sufficient grounds for; justify.提供理由:使…有着充足的理由;证明




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