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单词 理解力
释义 〔reason〕"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding" (Louis D. Brandeis).“对自由最大的危险潜藏于热情、善意但没有良好理解力的人们的隐伏的侵蚀中” (路易斯·D·布兰代斯)。〔perspicacity〕Acuteness of perception, discernment, or understanding.聪明,敏锐:敏锐的洞察力、判断力或理解力〔dumb〕To rewrite for a less intelligent audience.为理解力较弱的观众重写〔witted〕Having wit or intellectual comprehension. Often used in combination:机智的,有智慧的:具有智力的;具有…理解力的。通常用于复合词:〔reason〕 Intuition is perception or comprehension, as of truths or facts,without the use of the rational process: Intuition 是对诸如真理或事实的洞察力或理解力,而不牵扯理性的过程: 〔clever〕 Clever, the most comprehensive,stresses mental quickness or adeptness: Clever 极富理解力的,强调反应迅速或适应性强: 〔secret〕Beyond ordinary understanding; mysterious.神秘的:超出一般理解力的;神秘的〔dim〕Lacking sharpness or clarity of understanding or perception.See Synonyms at dark 迟钝的:理解力或领悟力迟钝的或薄弱的 参见 dark〔comprehension〕The knowledge that is acquired in this way.理解力:通过这种方式而获得的知识〔fool〕One who is regarded as deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding.蠢人,白痴:被认为缺乏判断、感觉或理解力的人〔depth〕The range of one's understanding or competence:范围:一个人理解力或竞争力的程度,范围:〔astute〕Having or showing shrewdness and discernment, especially with respect to one's own concerns.See Synonyms at shrewd 敏锐的,精明的:有或显示出精明和敏锐的理解力或判断力,尤指对与其相关的方面 参见 shrewd〔reach〕Range of understanding; comprehension:理解力:能够理解的极限;领悟:〔far〕Far-seeing and comprehensive in thought or outlook:有远见的:在思想或人生观上有远见和理解力的:〔intellectual〕Given to exercise of the intellect; inclined toward abstract thinking about aesthetic or philosophical subjects.活跃思维的:用来锻炼理解力的;趋于对美学和哲学问题进行抽象思维的〔book〕The total amount of experience, knowledge, understanding, and skill that can be used in solving a problem or performing a task:知识总库:经验、知识、理解力和技巧等可用来解决问题或现实任务的东西的总和:〔sharp〕a leaf with an acute end. Figuratively they indicate mental alertness and clarity of comprehension.有尖端的叶子。 它们比喻思维的敏锐或清晰的理解力〔puzzle〕"It is not worth while to perplex the reader with inquiries into the abstract nature of evidence" (Joseph Butler).Tomystify is to perplex by defying or seeming to defy comprehension: “没有必要用对证据抽象本性的调查来迷惑读者” (约瑟夫·巴特勒)。Mystify 是指通过藐视或看起来象是藐视理解力来使人迷惑: 〔intellect〕The ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding.智力:学习和推理的能力;对知识的理解力和领悟力〔know〕To possess knowledge, understanding, or information.拥有知识、理解力或信息〔clever〕 Shrewd emphasizes mental astuteness and practical understanding: Shrewd 强调精明及实际理解力〔understanding〕The faculty by which one understands; intelligence.See Synonyms at reason 理解力:某人借以理解的能力;理解力 参见 reason〔comprehensive〕Marked by or showing extensive understanding:易理解的:标志着或显示出广泛理解力的:〔dense〕Slow to apprehend; thickheaded.See Synonyms at stupid 笨的:理解力慢的;笨脑瓜的 参见 stupid〔noetic〕from noēsis [understanding] * see noesis 源自 noēsis [理解力] * 参见 noesis〔intellect〕A person of great intellectual ability.知识分子:有很高理解力的人〔nimble〕Quick, clever, and acute in devising or understanding:机敏的:有敏捷、聪明和机灵的想法或理解力的:〔noesis〕Greek noēsis [understanding] 希腊语 noēsis [理解力] 〔outrun〕"Man's ingenuity has outrun his intelligence"(Joseph Wood Krutch)“人类的独创性已超出了自身的理解力”(约瑟夫·伍德·克鲁彻)〔reason〕 Understanding is the faculty by which one understands,often together with the comprehension resulting from its exercise: Understanding 是某人理解认知的能力,常带有从运用中获得的理解力之意:




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