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单词 瓷器
释义 〔enamel〕A vitreous, usually opaque, protective or decorative coating baked on metal, glass, or ceramic ware.瓷漆:一种玻璃似的,烧制在金属、玻璃或瓷器上通常不透明的、保护性或装饰性的覆盖层〔Ming〕A Chinese dynasty (1368-1644) noted for its flourishing foreign trade, achievements in scholarship, and development of the arts, especially in porcelain, textiles, and painting.明朝:中国一王朝(1368-1644年),以其繁荣的外贸、卓著的学术成就、艺术的发展,尤其在瓷器、纺织和绘画上的发展而著称〔china〕High-quality porcelain or ceramic ware, originally made in China.瓷器:原产于中国的优质瓷器或陶瓷器〔semiporcelain〕Any of several glazed ceramic wares resembling porcelain but having little or no translucency.半瓷器:类似于瓷器但很少有或没有半透明性的若干上釉的陶器的任何一种〔paste〕The moist clay or clay mixture used in making porcelain or pottery. Also called pâte 湿黏土:用来制瓷器或陶器的湿粘土或粘土混和物 也作 pâte〔dishware〕Dishes, as of glass, plastic, or china, used in serving food.餐具:用于装食物的餐具,如玻璃、塑料或瓷器〔alumina〕Any of several forms of aluminum oxide, Al2O 3, occurring naturally as corundum, in a hydrated form in bauxite, and with various impurities as ruby, sapphire, and emery, used in aluminum production and in abrasives, refractories, ceramics, and electrical insulation. Also called aluminum oxide 矾土,氧化铝:一种氧化铝的形式,Al2O 3,以钢石的形式存在,水合形式存在于铝土矿中,杂有各种不纯物,如红宝石、蓝宝石、金刚砂,用于制造铝、研磨剂、耐火材料、瓷器和电子绝缘物 也作 aluminum oxide〔shatter〕a rare piece of porcelain now in shatters.一件稀有的瓷器现在已经支离破碎了〔enamelware〕Ware coated with enamel.瓷器:覆盖搪瓷的器皿〔ceramic〕An object, such as earthenware, porcelain, or tile, made of ceramic.陶器:由陶瓷制成的一种物体,如陶器、瓷器或瓦等〔gimcrack〕"The shelves groan with an array of gimcrack gifts from fans: a stuffed piranha fish . . . a ceramic . . . bull, a papier-mâché replica of an Apollo moonwalker"(Harry F. Waters)“架子因在一大批来自倾慕者们的小破玩意儿的压迫下呻吟:一个塞得满满的食人鱼…一个瓷器…一只公牛,一个纸型阿波罗月球行走者的复制品”(哈里F.沃特斯)〔crackle〕Crackleware.裂瓷:一种表面饰有细碎裂纹图案的瓷器〔sgraffito〕Decoration produced on pottery or ceramic by scratching through a surface of plaster or glazing to reveal a different color underneath.五彩釉雕:通过刻划灰泥表面或上釉以显示不同底色的陶器或瓷器上的装饰〔china〕Porcelain or earthenware used for the table.陶瓷餐具:餐桌上使用的瓷器或陶器〔camphor〕An aromatic crystalline compound, C10H 16O, obtained naturally from the wood or leaves of the camphor tree or synthesized and used as an insect repellent, in the manufacture of film, plastics, lacquers, and explosives, and in medicine chiefly in external preparations to relieve mild pain and itching. 樟脑:一种芳香的晶体化合物,C10H 16O,通常可以从樟脑树的树干或叶子中获得或合成,用作防虫剂并用于电影、塑胶、瓷器和炸药的制造,在医药方面主要用作减轻轻微的疼痛和瘙痒的外服药 〔porcelain〕An object made of this substance.瓷器:用瓷制成的物品〔clay〕A fine-grained, firm earthy material that is plastic when wet and hardens when heated, consisting primarily of hydrated silicates of aluminum and widely used in making bricks, tiles, and pottery.粘土,泥土:一种磨细的、坚固的土质材料,潮湿时是可塑的而加热时变硬,主要由含氢铝硅酸盐组成,广泛用于砖、瓦和瓷器的制造中〔Potteries〕A district of west-central England in the Trent River valley. It has been a center of the manufacture of china and earthenware since the 16th century. Josiah Wedgwood and Josiah Spode were among the noted potters who worked in the area.波特里斯:英格兰中西部地区,位于特伦特河河谷。此地自16世纪以来就一直是瓷器及陶器制造中心。乔塞亚·韦兹伍德及乔塞亚·斯波德就是在此地工作过的两位著名的陶工〔Worcester〕A trademark used for a fine porcelain made in Worcester, England.伍斯特:英国伍斯特所产的精细瓷器的商标〔china〕Our termchina for porcelain or ceramic ware is a shortening of chinaware and probably china dishes. Although the wordchina is identical in spelling to the name of the country, there are 16th- and 17th-century spellings likechiney, cheny, and cheney that reflect the borrowing into English of the Persian term for this porcelain,chīnī. The Persian word and the Sanskrit wordcīnāḥ, "Chinese people,” which gave us the English name for the country, go back to the Chinese wordQin, the name of the dynasty that ruled China from 221 to 206b.c. 我们所说的表示瓷器或陶器的词china 是 chinaware 或者可能是 china dishes 的缩写形式。 虽然china 这个词拼写上与中国的国名是一样的, 但16和17世纪时也有chiney,cheny 和 cheney 等拼法, 表明英语借用了波斯语中表示这种瓷器的词,chini 。 这个波斯词,还有梵语中cinah 一词(“中国人”,英语中中国的名称即从这个词而来), 都来自汉语里的Qin 字, 这是从公元前 221至206年统治中国的王朝的名称 〔vase〕An open container, as of glass or porcelain, used for holding flowers or for ornamentation.花瓶:一种开口瓶的容器,如玻璃瓶或瓷器,用来装花或做为装饰〔old〕She collects antique French furniture and porcelains.她搜集旧式的法国家具和瓷器〔Dresden〕A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River east-southeast of Leipzig. An industrial and cultural center, it was severely damaged in bombing raids during World War II. Its china industry was moved to Meissen in the early 18th century. Population, 522,532.德累斯顿:德国中东部城市,位于莱比锡东南偏东河畔。是工业与文化中心,二战期间被空袭轰炸严重毁损。其瓷器工业于18世纪初迁至梅森。人口522,532〔Spode〕A trademark used for a brand of fine china and earthenware.斯波德牌精巧的瓷器或陶器的商标品牌〔lusterware〕Pottery or porcelain having a metallic sheen produced when metallic oxides are added to the glaze.虹彩陶:通过把金属氧化物加到釉面上制成的有金属光泽的陶器或瓷器〔vitrine〕A glass-paneled cabinet or case for displaying articles such as china, objects d'art, or fine merchandise.玻璃柜:装有玻璃的柜子或箱子,用于展示如瓷器、艺术品或精品等物品〔fine〕fine china.See Synonyms at delicate 精美的瓷器 参见 delicate〔see〕Even with a magnifying glass I couldn't discern any imperfections in the porcelain.即使有一个放大镜,我也不能发现瓷器上的任何瑕点。〔luxury〕antique porcelain, an extravagance we should have resisted;古董瓷器这种我们应该抵制的奢侈品;〔crackle〕A network of fine cracks on the surface of glazed pottery, china, or glassware.裂纹:上釉的陶器、瓷器或玻璃制品表面上的网状细裂纹〔crackle〕To cause (china, for example) to become covered with a network of fine cracks.使(瓷器等)表面出现网状的细裂纹




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