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单词 生出
释义 〔forelock〕A lock of hair that grows from or falls on the forehead, especially the part of a horse's mane that falls forward between the ears.额发,前发,额毛:由额头生出或披在额头上的毛发,尤指垂在马耳之间的那部分马鬃〔xenogenesis〕The supposed production of offspring markedly different from either parent.异种生殖:生出与父母体完全不同的机体的假想〔numb〕One of the more frequently used words in English,take, is evidence of the importance of the Scandinavian influence on English. Chiefly Danes and Norwegians, the invaders and settlers of the 8th through the 11th century contributed more than 900 words to the English language,but perhaps few so important astake. The Old Norse wordtaka was adopted as Old English tacan, the ancestor of ourtake. But Old English already had a word that paralleledtacan in sense, and that wasniman. In Middle Englishnimen, from niman, still thrived, but by the 16th century the word had all but disappeared,surviving today only asnim in the archaic sense "to steal.” However, all was not lost,for the past participle ofnimen, nomin, was used as an adjective, meaning "deprived of the power of movement, unable to move, paralyzed.”We know this word in the formnumb, from which the new verbnumb has been derived. 一个更为使用频繁的英语单词take, 是斯堪的纳维亚语对英语重要影响的证明。 侵略者和移民者,主要是丹麦和挪威人从8世纪到11世纪为英语带来了900多个单词,但是可能都没有take 一词重要。 古斯堪的纳维亚语taka 一词被古英语采用成为 tacan , 是take 的前身。 但古英语中已知有一个词在意义上和tacan 相同, 即niman 。 中古英语中,来自niman 的 nimen 仍很盛行, 但在16世纪这个词几乎消失了,到今天nim 只是作古义表示“偷”的含义出现。 但是,不是所有意义都失去了,nimen,nomin 的过去分词,作形容词用, 指“失去了移动能力的,动不了的,麻木的”。我们以numb 的形式知道了这个词, 从中派生出新的动词numb 〔Spackle〕A trademark used for a powder to be mixed with water or a ready-to-use plastic paste designed to fill cracks and holes in plaster before painting or papering. This trademark often occurs in lowercase in print:"In the Sierra . . . the snow generally is the consistency of spackle" (San Francisco Chronicle). It also occurs as a verb in various contexts: "Two young men quietly spackled and whitewashed the walls . . . for an exhibition" (New York Times). "Support compensates, underpins, retrofits, translates, spackles, patches and reinforces" (Computerworld). The trademark has also generated a derivative noun: 斯百克填料:一种涂料粉的商标,用水或即用石膏泥与粉末合成,用以在作画或裱纸前填补石膏上的裂缝或洞眼。该商标印刷时通常以小写字母排印:“在塞拉…雪花通常都是斯百克填料组成的” (旧金山年鉴)。该词同时也在各种文本中以动词出现: “两个年轻人静静地抹墙并把墙刷白…为了展览” (纽约时报)。 “支持可以补偿、巩固、翻新、转化、填补、修补和加强” (计算机世界)。此商标还派生出一名词: 〔burl〕A large, rounded outgrowth on the trunk or branch of a tree.树瘤:树干或枝上生出的大的圆形突出物〔caudex〕The thickened, usually underground base of the stem of many perennial herbaceous plants, from which new leaves and flowering stems arise.茎基:多年生草本植物的,通常在地下的粗大茎基,从中生出新叶和花茎〔snob〕Snobs look down at their inferiors,but at one timesnobs looked up at their betters.The wordsnob, the ultimate origins of which are uncertain, is first found in 1781in the sense "shoemaker, cobbler,”a regional and informal usage.The word is recorded around 1796in a slang usage particular to Cambridge University, "a townsman as opposed to a gownsman.”Both senses may have fed into the sense first found in 1831, "a member of the ordinary or lower classes.”Along with this sense went another (1838), "a person without proper breeding or taste.”From these two senses arose the sense first recorded in 1848, "a person who looks up to his or her social betters and tries to copy or associate with them.”We can see how this sense could blend into the other familiar sense,"one who looks down on those considered inferior" (1911).势利小人们都瞧不起不如他们的人,但有一段时间,势利小人只是羡慕地位比他们高的人。Snob 这个词最远的起源还不清楚, 它第一次出现于1781年,意为“鞋匠,补鞋人”,这只是一种方言和非正式用法。1796年左右的记录显示,这个词有一个专用于剑桥大学的俚语意思,“与贵族相对应的普通市民”。这两个意思都进入了它第一次出现于1831年的“普通或低下阶层中的一员”这个意思。这个意思与另一个意思平行(1838年):“没有良好教养和品味的人”。从这两个意思发展来了“羡慕地位高于他(她)的人并尽量与之进行联系的人”这个意思,第一次记录于1848年。然后,我们就能发现怎样又从这个意思中派生出了其它我们熟悉的意思,即“瞧不起被认为地位比自己低者的人”(1911年)〔charlatan〕A charlatan and chatter are inseparable,even perhaps in the etymology ofcharlatan. According to one explanation,charlatan goes back through French to Italian ciarlatano, "mountebank, fraud,” from the wordciarlare, "to chatter.” Another explanation would derivecharlatan from the Italian word cerretano, "an inhabitant of Cerreto, a quack,” the village of Cerreto being noted for its charlatans.It seems, however, that bothciarlare and cerretano have been involved in the formation of the Italian word. The first example of the English word and of its earliest recorded sense,"huckster, especially of medicines, who gives his pitch to a crowd; mountebank,” is found in 1618.The sense familiar to us,"a person pretending to skill or knowledge,”is first recorded in 1809.“冒充内行者”与“喋喋不休”是分不开的,甚至也许在charlatan 的词源上。 根据一种解释,charlatan 可以由法语追溯到意大利语的 ciarlatano, “江湖郎中,骗子”, 其来自ciarlare “喋喋不休”。 另一种解释是从意大利词cerretano 派生出 charlatan, “塞利托的居民,庸医,” 以其庸医闻名的塞利托村。但似乎ciarlare 与 cerretano 两个词都与这个意大利词的形成有关。 这个英语词第一个例子以及它最早记载的意义,“大吹大擂推销商品的人,尤指向人群推销药品的人;江湖医生,”见于1618年。对于我们熟悉的含义,“冒充在技能和知识上内行的人,”最早记载于1809年〔bleed〕It seems only common sense thatbleed should be related to blood, but one needs some knowledge of historical linguistics to understand the relationship fully.In prehistoric Common Germanic, the hypothetical predecessor of Germanic languages such as English, German, and Swedish,the word.blōdha-, "blood,” the ancestor of our word blood, is assumed to have existed. From this noun was derived the verb.blōdhjan, "to bleed.” A change of sound then came into play in Old English, that is, thej, pronounced like the y in your, caused the vowelō, pronounced as in go, to become pronounced like the ö in German schön. Later in Old English thisō changed to ē, pronounced like the a in labor, eventually becoming like thee in bee by 1500. By this change, as well as others,.blōdhjan became Modern English bleed. 根据常识bleed 好象应该和 blood 联系在一起, 但要想全面理解这种关系,应具备一些历史语言学的知识。在史前日耳曼共同语,即日耳曼语言(如英语、德语和瑞典语)的假设前任语言中,我们使用的单词blood 源于 blodha- 意为“血”,被认为已经存在了。 从这一名词派生出动词blodhjan, 意为“流血”。 发音的改变出现于古英语中,即j, 发音与 your 中的 y 相似, 引起go 中的元音 ō 变得如德语 schon 中的 ö 。 后来在古英语中ō 变为 ē, 发音如 labor 中的 a, 最后在1500年前变得如bee 中的 e 。 通过这种变化,以及其他变化,blodhjan 成为了现代英语的 bleed 〔ramify〕To send out branches or subordinate branchlike parts.分枝:生出枝杈或象枝杈一样的次级部分的〔angiosarcoma〕A malignant tumor arising from vascular tissue.血管瘤:血管组织生出的恶性肿瘤〔naughty〕Words have changes in their fortunes over time just as people and institutions do.The wordnaughty at one time might have been high on one's list as an all-purpose word similar to bad or nice. During the 16th centuryone could usenaughty to mean "unhealthy, unpleasant, bad (with respect to weather), vicious (of an animal), inferior, or bad in quality" (one could say "very naughtie figes" or "naughty corrupt water"). All of these senses have disappeared, however,andnaughty is now used mainly in contexts involving mischief or indecency. This recalls its early days in Middle English (with the formnoughti ), when the word was restricted to the senses "evil, hostile, ineffectual, and needy.”Middle Englishnoughti, first recorded in works written in the last quarter of the 14th century, was derived fromnought, which as a noun had senses such as "evil,”as a pronoun meant "nothing,”and as an adjective could mean such things as "immoral, weak, useless.”Nought was descended from Old English nāwiht, with similar senses,a compound made up ofnā, "no,” and wiht, "thing, being.” Thusnaughty, in a sense, has risen from nothing,but its fortunes have been better than they are at present.正像人们和制度那样,词随着时间改变了意思。单词naughty 曾一度作为类似于 bad 或 nice 这种通用词语而列于某人的词汇表中。 在16世纪,人们可以用naughty 来指“不健康的,不舒服的,坏的(和天气相关的),邪恶的(动物),较劣的,或质量坏的”(人们可以说“非常坏的人” 或“不健康的被污染的水”)。 然而所有的这些词义都消失了,现在naughty 主要用于关系到顽皮或不妥的上下文中。 这使人回想起它在中世纪英语的早些时候形式为naughti , 当这个词被限定为用作“邪恶的,敌意的,无用的,和贫穷的”意思。中世纪英语的noughti 最先记录于写于14世纪后二十五年的著作中, 是由nought 派生而来的, 作为名词用有“邪恶”的意思,作为代词用是“没有”的意思,和作为形容词为“不道德的,虚弱的,无用的”。Nought 是从古英语 nawiht 中传下来的, 并且有相似的意思,由na “没有”和 wiht “事情,事物”组成的合成词。 这样naughty 从某种意义上来说, 从没有中生出,但是其意思却比现在的这些意思好得多〔digit〕A unit of length derived from the breadth of a finger and equal to about ¾ of an inch (2.0 centimeters).指宽,指幅:从手指宽度派生出的长度单位,等于¾英寸(2.0厘米)〔spin〕To derive (a company or product, for example) from something larger.分割:从更大的实体中派生出(如公司或产品)〔tiller〕A shoot, especially one that sprouts from the base of a grass.分蘖:尤指从草的根部生出的幼芽〔cauliflory〕The production of flowers and fruits on the older branches or trunks of woody plants, such as the redbud, and many mostly tropical plants, including cacao.茎生花果:木本植物,如紫荆以及包括可可在内的许多热带植物,其老枝或树干上生出的花朵或果实〔cauline〕Of, having, or growing on a stem. Used especially of leaves arising from the upper part of a stem.茎的:属于茎的、有茎的或长在茎上的。特指茎上部生出的叶子〔amateur〕When Mrs. T.W. Atkinson remarked in her 1863Recollections of the Tartar Steppes and their Inhabitants, "I am no amateur of these melons,” she usedamateur in a sense unfamiliar to us. That sense, "a lover, an admirer,” is, however, clearly descended from the senses of the word's ultimate Latin source,amātor, "lover, devoted friend, devotee, enthusiastic pursuer of an objective,” and from its immediate Latin-derived French source,amateur, with a similar range of meanings. First recorded in English in 1784 with the sense in which Mrs. Atkinson used it,amateur is found in 1786 with a meaning more familiar to us, "a person who engages in an art, for example, as a pastime rather than as a profession,” a sense that had already developed in French.Given the limitations of doing something as an amateur,it is not surprising that the word is soon after recorded in the disparaging sensewe still use to refer to someone who lacks professional skill or ease in performance.当T.W.阿特金森夫人在她1863年出版的塔塔·史坦普和其居民回忆录, 中提到“我并不喜欢这些瓜果”时, 她使用的amateur 是我们所不熟悉的一个意思。 可是这种“爱好者,喜爱者,”的意思显然有其正宗拉丁语来源,amator, 意思是“爱人,忠实的朋友,奉献者,对某目标热情的追求者”, 还有由拉丁语直接派生出的法语来源,amateur, 具有相似的意思。 1784年记录在英语文字中出现的这个词正是阿特金森夫人使用的意思,1786年出现的amateur 有我们更为熟悉的意思, “如一个从事艺术,把它作为一项消遣,而不是一个职业的人,”法语的词早已发展了这种意思。如果把意思限定为从事业余活动的人,这个词被记录下来后不久就有了贬义含意,也就不足为奇了,我们用它来指在表演中缺乏专业技巧或缺乏得心应手的感觉〔diabetes〕Diabetes is named for one of its distressing symptoms.The disease was known to the Greeks asdiabētēs, a word derived from the verbdiabainein, made up of the prefixdia-, "across, apart,” and the word bainein, "to walk, stand.” The verbdiabeinein meant "to stride, walk, or stand with legs asunder"; hence, its derivativediabētēs meant "one that straddles,” or specifically "a compass, siphon.”The sense "siphon" gave rise to the use ofdiabētēs as the name for a disease involving the discharge of excessive amounts of urine. Diabetes is first recorded in English, in the formdiabete, in a medical text written around 1425. 糖尿病因其痛苦的症状之一而得名。此病症闻名于希腊语diabetes , 是动词diabainein 派生出的单词, 由前缀dia- “穿过,隔开”和单词 bainein “走,站”构成。 动词diabeinein 表示“跨过,走过或两条腿分开站着”; 因此,其派生词diabetes 表示“一个人叉腿站着”, 或专指“指南针,虹吸管”。在diabetes 使用“虹吸管”是表示排尿量过多的一种病的名称。 Diabaets 一词第一次被记录到英文中是在1425年前后的一本医学课本中,以diabete 的形式出现 〔spawn〕a family that had spawned a monster.生出怪物的一个家庭〔underling〕People trying to build their vocabulary often study affixes,a not unreasonable way to proceed.But studying a group of words that share an affix can be fascinating in its own right in the way that studying common features in a photograph of an extended family can be fascinating.The suffix-ling is Germanic in origin and had several uses already in Old English.For example, it could be added to a noun to make a second noun that referred to something connected with or similar to the first noun;thus, adding the suffix to the Old English wordyrth, "ploughland,” produced the Old English word yrthling, "plowman.” The suffix could also be added to an adjective to make a noun that referred to something having the quality denoted by the adjective:from Old Englishdēore, "dear, beloved,” was derived dēorling (Modern English darling ). Adding-ling to an adverb produced a noun referring to something having the position or condition denoted by the adverb: from Old Englishunder came underling. The last use of the-ling family to be described here was actually borrowed from another Germanic source, Old Norse. The Old Norse version of the-ling suffix was used to form diminutives; thus, our wordgosling was a borrowing in Middle English of an Old Norse word, gæslingr, "gosling.” 想要扩大词汇量的人常常去研究词缀,这不失为一种明智的方式。就象研究一个扩大了的家庭的照片中家人的共同特征一样吸引人,研究一组词缀相同的单词本身可能也会令人意醉神迷。-ling 这一后缀源于日耳曼语, 在中古英语中便已有已几种用法。例如,它可以和一个名词相连形成另一个与之关联或相似的名词;这样,把这个后缀加到古英语单词yrth “耕地”后边便形成了另一古英语单词 yrthling “农夫”。 这个后缀还可以加在一个形容词后边形成具有该形容词所示特征的名词:从古英语单词deore, “亲爱的,被爱的”中派生出 deorling (现代英语中的 darling )。 把-ling 加在一副词后边可以产生具有该副词所示情况或状态的名词: 从中古英语的under 形成 underling 。 这里所要描述的-ling 家族的最后一个用法事实上是来源于另一支日耳曼语言,古挪威语。 在古挪威语中-ling 这一后缀被用作小后缀; 这样,我们的单词gosling 便是中世纪英语中的一个外来词,来源于古挪威语单词 goeslingr, “小鹅” 〔warble〕A hard lump of tissue on a riding horse's back caused by rubbing of the saddle.马背上的硬瘤:由于马鞍摩擦引起的供骑乘的马的背部生出的硬瘤组织〔bring〕To produce, yield, or earn (profits or income).生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入)〔titi〕A New World shrub or small tree(Cyrilla racemiflora) of warm swampy areas, having leathery leaves, yellow fruit, and white flowers in clustered racemes that are borne at the tip of the preceding season's growth. Also called leatherwood 沼泽草木:一种美洲灌木或小乔木,生长于的沼泽地带,叶子坚韧,有黄色果实,花为白色成长状花序,这种花序从前一个季节的生长物的尖端生出,(总状花序西里拉) 也作 leatherwood〔pterygium〕An abnormal mass of tissue arising from the conjunctiva of the inner corner of the eye that obstructs vision by growing over the cornea.翼状胬肉:从眼睛内角的结膜生出一块不正常的块状组织,往角膜上生长时引起视觉障碍〔shrub〕A woody plant of relatively low height, having several stems arising from the base and lacking a single trunk; a bush.灌木:一种比较而言较矮小的木质植物,长有从基部生出的多重枝干,无单一主干;矮树〔leik〕lend , from Old English lǣnan , to lend, loan from Germanic denominative *laihwnjan . lend , 源自 古英语 lǣnan , 借, 贷款源自 日耳曼语 从名词派生出的动词 *laihwnjan . 〔principle〕Despite generations of spelling lessons,the wordsprinciple and principal are still commonly confused. Perhaps an understanding of their history will help in keeping them straight.Both words go back to the same Latin word,prīnceps, meaning "first, as in time, position, or authority.”The split that has caused all the trouble occurred in the next stage of development.Fromprīnceps were derived the noun prīncipium, "start, origin, guiding principle,” the adjectiveprīncipālis, "first in importance or esteem,” and the noun prīncipālis, "a leading citizen.” Clearly the latter two words with theā between the p and the l have given us the adjectiveprincipal (first recorded around 1300) and the noun principal (also first recorded in a work composed around 1300).Perhaps it should not be mentioned that one Middle English spelling for the noun wasprinciple. On the other hand,the Latin wordprīncipium and its Old French descendant principe were involved in the creation of the word principle in Middle English, first recorded in a work written around 1380.Words likemanciple and participle influenced the spelling of this new word, but again perhaps we should keep silent about the fact that we also find the word spelledprincipal and prinsipal in Middle English. A key point to remember about these seemingly aberrant Middle English spellings isthat in Middle English spelling was not nearly as fixed as it usually is today,a development that was much furthered by the invention of printing.When we interchange spellings forprinciple and principal, we are doing something that would have been less of a fault in the days before the conformity imposed on us by this marvelous invention. 尽管在拼写课上反复强调,principle 和 principal 还是被人们搞混。 或许了解一下这两个词的历史有助于我们弄清楚它们的拼写。两个词都可追溯到同一个拉丁词princeps, 意为“在时间,地位或权威上第一的”。引起所有麻烦的分裂出现在发展过程的下一个阶段。从princeps 派生出了名词 principium, 意为“开端,根源,指导性原则,” 形容词principalis “最重要的或最受尊敬的”及名词 principalis 意为“处于领导地位的公民”。 显然,后两个词在p 和 l 之间带有 ā, 这就使我们有了形容词principal (最早记录于1300年左右)和名词 principal (最早记录也是在大约1300年左右创作的作品中)。或许我们不应提到这个名词在中古英语中的一种拼法是principle 。 另一方面,拉丁词principium 和其古法词的派生词 principe 共同作用创造了中古英语单词 principle, 最早记录于写于约1380年的一部作品。象manciple 和 participle 这样的单词都影响了这个新单词的拼写, 但是或许我们应该再一次对于这个单词也曾在中古英语中被拼写成principal 和 prinsipal 这一事实保持沉默。 记住这些在中古英语中貌似反常的拼写的关键在于,在中古英语中的拼写方式几乎不象今天这么固定,因为当时还没有发明印刷术。当这项神奇的发明把拼写一致的原则加到我们头上之前,我们把principle 和 principal 的拼写互相交换,也算不上什么大错 〔inductance〕The property of an electric circuit by which an electromotive force is induced in it or in a nearby circuit by a change of current in either circuit.感应器:电圈仪器,若电圈的磁流有变化,则会在此电圈里或旁边的电圈里感生出电动势〔reek〕Reek is a word that can be said to have been degraded by the company that it has kept. The Old English wordrēocan, one of two ancestors of our word, meant "to emit vapor, steam, or smoke,” while the other Old English ancestor,rēcan, meant "to fumigate, expose to smoke,” or "to cause to emit smoke, burn incense.”Burning incense and fumigating are certainly a far cry from the sort of thing now denoted by the verbreek. But at least in one case Old Englishrēocan did mean "to stink,” hardly a surprise when one considers how bad some smoke smells. Middle Englishreken, the descendant of these two Old English words, never meant "to stink,” but it could refer to a stench while meaning "to rise, ascend.”It would seem that the various exhalations of heated persons and animals, of freshly shed blood, and of smoke referred to by Middle Englishreken and its Modern English descendantreek eventually overwhelmed the word, so that as far as concrete senses are concerned, we largely think of it as meaning "to stink.”Reek 这个词可以说是近墨者黑的典型。 意为“散发出蒸气或烟”的古英语单词是reocan 的两个词源之一, 而另一个古英语词源是recan , 意为“熏,与烟接触,”或“使散发烟,焚香”。焚香和熏的义项与今天使用的动词reek 的意义已相差甚远。 但至少古英语中reocan 确有“发出恶臭”之意,想到烟有多难闻,生出这一意思也就不足为奇了。 中古英语reken 是这两个古英语词的后代, 但却从无“发出恶臭”之意,在表示“上升,登高”之意时可以指臭气。中古英语reken 一词可指发热的人和畜的各种呼气、刚流出的鲜血以及烟, 其现代英语传下的词reek 最终覆盖了此词的本来意义, 以致我们一般认为该词的具体意思是“发出难闻的气味”〔progeny〕One born of, begotten by, or derived from another; an offspring or a descendant.后代:由另一个所生出、生育或衍生者;后代或后裔〔quiz〕Although we do not know the origin of the wordquiz, just as we may not know the answers to all the questions on a quiz,we can say that its first recorded sense has to do with people,not tests.The term, first recorded in 1782,meant "an odd or eccentric person.”From the noun in this sense came a verbmeaning "to make sport or fun of" and "to regard mockingly.”In English dialects and probably in American Englishthe verbquiz acquired senses relating to interrogation and questioning. This presumably occurredbecausequiz was associated with question, inquisitive, or perhaps the English dialect verb quiset, "to question" (probably itself short for obsoleteinquisite, "to investigate"). From this new area of meaning came the noun and verb senses all too familiar to students.The second recorded instance of the noun sense occurs in the writings of no less an educator than William James,who in a December 26, 1867, letter proffers the hopethat "perhaps giving ‘quizzes’ in anatomy and physiology . . . may help along.”虽然我们不知道quiz 这个词的来源, 正象我们可能并不清楚测试中所有问题的答案一样,但我们可以肯定的是这个词最初被记录时的意义与人有关,而不是测试,这个词第一次被记录下来是在1782年,意思为“一个古怪或行为怪诞的人”。从这种意义的名词派生出一个动词,意思为“嘲笑或戏弄…”和“以嘲讽的态度对待”。在英语并且很可能是在美国英语中,quiz 这个动词形成了有关审问或提问的意思, 据猜测,这一现象的发生是因为quiz 使人联想起 question , inquisitive 或者可能 quiset 这个英国方言中的动词, 意思为“提问”(很可能是inquisite 这个过时用语的缩写形式,意思为“调查”)。 从这个意思中派生出学生们再熟悉不 过的名词和动词意思。记录下这个名词意义的第二个例子恰好出现在教育家威廉·詹姆斯的笔下。在1867年12月26日写的一封信中,他提出一条希望:或许在解剖学和物理学方面进行测试…可能有些独特的帮助。”〔tiller〕To send forth shoots from the base. Used of a grass.从根部生出幼芽。用于指草〔whore〕Derivatives of Indo-European roots often make strange bedfellows. A prime example is the case of.kā-, "to like, desire.” From the stem.kāro- derived from this root came the prehistoric Common Germanic word .hōraz with the underlying meaning "one who desires" and the effective meaning "adulterer.” From this word came the Old English wordhōre, the ancestor of Modern Englishwhore. The same stem produced the Latin wordcārus, "dear,” from which came Modern Englishcaress, cherish, and charity, the highest form of love. Contact with East Indian culture has added yet another pair of derivatives from this Indo-European root to the English language.From the stem.kāmo- came the Sanskrit word kāmaḥ, "love, desire,” from which are derived the English borrowingsKama, "the Hindu god of love,” andKamasutra, "a Sanskrit treatise on the rules of love and marriage according to Hindu law.” 从印欧语词根派生出的词常产生奇怪的词伴。一个很好的例子就是ko- “喜欢,渴望”。 从这个词根派生出karo 这个词干,然后又产生出史前共同日尔曼语的 horaz 一词,暗指“渴望…的人”,也含有显著的意义“通奸者”。 从这个词又产生古英语中的hore, 这是现代英语whore 的前身。 这一词干产生了拉丁词carus “亲爱的”, 又由它而引出现代英语中的caress,cherish 和 charity 这是爱的最高形式。 与东印度文化的接触又给英语语言加上了另外两个从这个印欧词根派生出的词。从词干kamo- 产生出梵语词 kamah “爱,欲望”, 从这个词又产生出英语的外来词Kama “印度人的爱神”, 和Kamasutra “根据印度法律所制定的关于爱情和婚姻的规定的梵语论述” 〔trochanter〕Any of several bony processes on the upper part of the femur of many vertebrates.转子:在许多脊椎动物的股骨上部生出的几个粗硬的突出和其中的任何一个〔economy〕Managing an economy has at least an etymological justification.The wordeconomy can probably be traced back to the Greek word oikonomos, "one who manages a household,” derived fromoikos, "house,” and nemein, "to manage.” Fromoikonomos was derived oikonomia, which had not only the sense "management of a houseold or family" but also senses such as "thrift,” "direction,” "administration,” "arrangement,” and "public revenue of a state.”The first recorded sense of our wordeconomy, found in a work possibly composed in 1440, is "the management of economic affairs,” in this case, of a monastery. Economy is later recorded in other senses shared byoikonomia in Greek, including "thrift" and "administration.”What is probably our most frequently used current sense, "the economic system of a country or an area,” seems not to have developed until the 19th or 20th century.管理经济可以从词源上得到确认。economy 一词的来源很可能追溯到希腊文中的 oikonomos 即“管家”, 这又是从oikos 意为“房子”,以及 nemein 意为“管理”两词演化而来。 从oikonomos 派生出的 oikonomia 意思不仅有“家庭管理”, 而且有“节约”、“指示”、“行政”、“安排”及“国家岁入”等含义。Economy 这个词的意思最早记载在约1440年出版的一篇作品上,意思是僧院的“经济事件管理”。 Economy 在此之后记载下来的意思与希腊语的oikonomia 有相似之处, 包括“节约”和“行政”,直到19世纪或20世纪,今天最常用的意思才开始出现,即“国家或地区的经济体系”〔joke〕It is hard to imagine the English language without the wordjoke , butjoke is only first recorded in 1670. Sincejoke was originally considered a slang or informal usage, it was not suitable to all contexts.The change in status ofjoke from then to now provides us with an excellent example of how usage changes. Joke has a decent enough heritage at any rate, coming from Latiniocus, "jest, sport, laughingstock, trifle.”Iocus in turn can be traced back to the Indo-European root yek-, meaning "to speak,” from which also comes the Umbrian wordiuka, "prayers,” and the Welsh wordiaith, "speech.” 我们很难想象英语中如果没有joke 这个词会怎样, 但是joke 在1670年才首次有文字记载。 因为joke 起初被认为是俚语或非正式用语, 以前它并不是在所有的文章中都适用的。从那时到现在joke 地位上的变化给我们提供了一个关于语言用法如何变化的极好的例子。 不管怎样joke 的词源算得上很体面, 它来自于拉丁语中iocus 一词, 表示“玩笑,游戏,笑柄,琐事”。Iocus 反过来又可追溯到印欧语系中的词根 yek- 表示“说话”, 从这个词根还派生出翁布里亚语中iuka 一词,即“祈祷”, 以及威尔士语中iaith 一词,即“讲话,演说”




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