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单词 生叶
释义 〔boneset〕Any of several plants of the genusEupatorium in the composite family, especially the eastern North American species E. perfoliatum, having opposite leaves united around the stem and clusters of small, white flower heads. Also called thoroughwort 贯叶泽兰:菊科泽兰属 任一种植物,尤指北美洲东部的环绕着茎长着对生叶和许多簇小白花穗的 贯叶泽兰 也作 thoroughwort〔chickweed〕Any of various herbs of the generaCerastium and Stellaria, especially S. media, a European weed naturalized worldwide. The herb has small white flowers, petals with two deep lobes, and opposite leaves. 卷耳:卷耳 属和 繁缕 属中任何一种草本植物,特别是指原产于欧洲而后在全世界引种的 繁缕 ,这种草本植物开有白色的小花,花瓣有两个深裂片,叶为对生叶 〔buttonbush〕A deciduous North American shrub(Cephalanthus occidentalis) having opposite leaves and spherical clusters of small white flowers. 风箱树:生于北美的一种落叶灌木(风箱树 风箱属), 有对生叶和由小白花构成的球状花簇 〔viburnum〕Any of various shrubs or trees of the genusViburnum, having opposite leaves, showy terminal clusters of small white or pink flowers, and red or black drupes. 荚蒾:一种荚蒾 属的灌木或树木,具有对生叶,有顶生的鲜艳白色和粉红色小花组成的花束和红色或黑色核果 〔twinflower〕A shrubby, creeping evergreen plant(Linnaea borealis) of northern regions, having roundish, opposite leaves and paired, bell-shaped, pinkish flowers. 北极花:北方地区的一种灌木状的爬行常青植物(北极花 北极花属) ,长有圆的对生叶和成对的铃状粉红色花朵 〔catmint〕Any of various aromatic, ornamental, annual or perennial plants of the genusNepeta, having opposite leaves and variously colored flowers with two-lipped corollas. 猫薄荷:一种芳香、可供观赏的荆芥属 一年生或多年生植物,有对生叶和两层花冠的各色花朵 〔salvia〕Any of various plants of the genusSalvia in the mint family, having opposite leaves, a two-lipped corolla, and two stamens. 鼠尾草属植物:唇形科鼠尾草 属的植物,具有对生叶,二唇张开的花冠和两个雄蕊 〔ti〕An eastern Asian tropical shrub(Cordyline terminalis) having a terminal tuft of long narrow leaves and panicles of white, yellowish, or reddish flowers. 朱蕉:亚洲东部的一种热带灌木(朱蕉 朱蕉属) ,生有成簇细长的顶生叶和白色、黄色或红色的圆锥花序 〔penstemon〕Any of numerous plants of the genusPenstemon, native to North America and eastern Asia, having opposite leaves, flowers with a usually two-lipped, variously colored corolla, and capsules containing many seeds. Also called beardtongue 钓钟柳属:一种源于北美和东亚的长有对生叶和双唇形花及多色花冠和子荚孢的钓钟柳 属植物 也作 beardtongue〔foliation〕The state of being in leaf.生叶:生长叶子的状态〔horehound〕An aromatic Eurasian plant(Marrubium vulgare) having square stems, opposite leaves with white pubescence, and numerous white flowers in axillary cymes. The leaves yield a bitter extract used in flavoring and as a cough remedy. 夏至草:一种芳香的生长于欧亚大陆的(欧夏至草 欧夏至草属) 植物,其茎宽阔;生有对生叶,上有白色短柔毛;有无数呈腋生聚伞花序的白色花。从其叶可提取一种苦涩的液体,用作调味品或咳嗽药 〔periwinkle〕Any of several shrubby, trailing, evergreen plants of the genusVinca, especially V. minor, having glossy, dark green, opposite leaves and flowers with a blue, funnel-shaped corolla. Also called myrtle 小长春花:一种灌木状的蔓生常绿植物,长春花属 ,尤指 小长春花属 ,有光滑、深绿色的对生叶,花朵上有蓝色漏斗状的雄蕊 也作 myrtle〔bedstraw〕Any of several weedy or ornamental plants of the genusGalium, having whorled leaves, clusters of small white or yellow flowers, and prickly stems. Also called cleavers 猪殃殃:一种草本或装饰性植物猪殃殃属 ,有环生叶、簇状白色或黄色小花和带刺的茎 也作 cleavers〔honeysuckle〕Any of various shrubs or vines of the genusLonicera, having opposite leaves, fragrant, usually paired tubular flowers, and small berries. 忍冬:一种忍冬 属的灌木或藤本植物,有对生叶,芳香的常成对的管状花和小浆果 〔stitchwort〕Any of several low-growing plants of the genusStellaria, having opposite leaves and small, white, star-shaped flowers. 繁缕:任一种繁缕 属的低生植物,生有对生叶,开星状小白花 〔jojoba〕A dioecious shrub(Simmondsia chinensis) of the southwest United States and northern Mexico, having opposite, leathery leaves and edible seeds that contain a valuable oil. 加州希蒙得木:产于美国西南部及墨西哥北部的一种雌雄异株灌木(希蒙得木) ,长有坚韧的对生叶,种子可食用并含有一种有价值的油 〔banana〕Any of several treelike Asian herbs of the genusMusa, especially M. acuminata, having a terminal crown of large, entire leaves and a hanging cluster of fruits. 芭蕉属植物:一种类似于树的亚洲芭蕉属 草本植物,尤指 尖叶芭蕉属, 有大而完整的顶生叶冠和悬挂成串的果实 〔perilla〕An annual Asian plant(Perilla frutescens) having opposite leaves, a bell-shaped calyx, and flowers with a short, white, tubular corolla. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental and for its oily seeds. 紫苏:一种一年生亚洲植物(紫苏 紫苏属) 有对生叶、钟状花萼和有白色短小管状花冠的花,由于可作为观赏植物和种子可榨油而广泛种植 〔moneywort〕A European creeping plant(Lysimachia nummularia) naturalized in eastern North America, having rounded, opposite leaves and single, axillary yellow flowers. Also called creeping Charlie ,creeping Jennie 铜钱状珍珠菜:一种产于欧洲的蔓生植物(珍珠菜属 铜钱叶草) ,已被引植入北美东部地区,生有圆形的对生叶,开黄色的单瓣腋生花 也作 creeping Charlie,creeping Jennie




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