单词 | 生存 |
释义 | 〔drone〕An idle person who lives off others; a loafer.懒汉:无所事事,靠别人生存的人;游手好闲的人〔polytrophic〕Subsisting on various types of organic material. Used of certain bacteria.广食性的:靠各种有机物质来生存的,用于某些细菌〔survival〕The act or process of surviving.生存:生存的行为或过程〔privation〕Lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life.匮乏:缺乏生存必需的东西或生活的舒适〔vivid〕from vīvere [to live] * see g wei- 源自 vīvere [生存] * 参见 g wei- 〔inhospitable〕Unfavorable to life or growth; hostile:荒凉的,不毛的:不适于生存或生长的;敌意的:〔ichthyornis〕Any of various extinct, toothed birds of the genusIchthyornis that existed during the Cretaceous Period. 鱼鸟:生存于白垩纪,现已灭绝的有牙齿的鱼鸟 属动物 〔survivalist〕One who has personal or group survival as a primary goal in the face of difficulty, opposition, and especially the threat of natural catastrophe, nuclear war, or societal collapse.生存主义者:面对困难、阻碍、尤其是自然灾害、核战争或社会崩溃时,把个人或集体的生存作为主要目标的人〔vigor〕The capacity for natural growth and survival, as of plants or animals.生长,茁壮:动植物的自然生长和生存的能力〔biosphere〕The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life.生物圈:地球及其大气中有生物生存或能够维持生命的部分〔transient〕 Ephemeral, which in its original sense means living or lasting only for a day,implies conspicuously brief existence or duration: Ephemeral 原来的意思是指只存活或延续一天的,暗指生存或延续时间非常短的意思: 〔old〕Having lived or existed for a specified length of time:…岁的:已生存了一定时间长度了的:〔transcend〕To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe):超越:高于或独立于(物质经验或宇宙)而生存:〔vitality〕The capacity to live, grow, or develop:生命力:生存、生长或发展的能力:〔stenothermal〕Capable of living or growing only within a limited range of temperature.狭温的:只能生存或成长于一定范围的温度内〔aerobic〕Living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen:好氧的:只生存或产生于氧气中的:〔raptorial〕Subsisting by seizing prey; predatory.肉食的:依靠捕获其它动物而生存的;食肉的〔stronghold〕one of the last strongholds of an age-old tradition.陈旧传统的最后一块生存地〔lifetime〕The period of time during which an individual is alive.一生:一个人生存的一段时间〔ephemeral〕A markedly short-lived thing.生存极短时间的事物〔saprobe〕Greek bios [life] * see g wei- 希腊语 bios [生存] * 参见 g wei- 〔hemiparasite〕An organism that can live either independently or as a parasite.半寄生物,兼性寄生物:一种微生物,既可独立生存,又可作为寄生虫生存〔destitution〕Extreme want of resources or the means of subsistence; complete poverty.赤贫:十分缺乏生存的资源或手段;完全的贫困〔vegetarianism〕The practice of subsisting on a diet composed primarily or wholly of vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds, with or without eggs and dairy products.素食主义:靠食用主要或全部由蔬菜、谷物、水果、干果和种子构成的(包括或不包括蛋类和乳制品)日常食物,维持生存的做法〔reside〕To be inherently present; exist:存在:天生存在;存在:〔compos〕"The well-being of the country, even the survival of the world, depends on the president's being compos"(Morton Kondracke)“这个国家的繁荣,甚至连世界的生存,都取决于这个总统的神志是否正常”(莫顿·康德拉克)〔quickset〕quick [alive] quick[生存的] 〔victory〕"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be;for without victory there is no survival" (Winston S. Churchill). “不论需要多少代价,不论有多少恐惧,不论有多么长久和道路多么艰难,我们都需要取胜;因为如果没有胜利就不会有生存” (温斯顿S·丘吉尔)。〔unformed〕Not yet given a physical existence; uncreated.非生物体的:尚未给予身体生存的;尚未产生的〔aerobe〕An organism, such as a bacterium, requiring oxygen to live. Also called aerobium 好氧菌:需要氧气生存的有机体,例如细菌 也作 aerobium〔photobiotic〕Depending on light for life and growth.需光生存的:依靠光生存和生长的〔stronghold〕A place of survival or refuge:生存地或避难所:〔slender〕slender wages; a slender chance of survival.微薄的薪水;渺茫的生存机会〔breathe〕To be alive; live.See Synonyms at be 活着;生存 参见 be〔age〕The length of time that one has existed; duration of life:年龄:一个人生存的时间长度;生命延续的时间:〔existence〕The fact or state of continued being; life:生活,生存:继续生存的行为或状态;生命:〔choose〕"We do not choose survival as a value; it chooses us" (B.F. Skinner). “并不是我们把生存作为一种价值而选择了它;而是它选择了我们” (B·F·斯基纳)。〔domesticate〕To train or adapt (an animal or a plant) to live in a human environment and be of use to human beings.驯养:驯化动植物从而使其在人类环境中生存并造福于人〔immaterial〕The wordimmaterial, meaning "of no importance or relevance,” has made its way in the world in spite of the opposition of no less a figure than Samuel Johnson. Johnson stated that "this sense has crept into the conversation and writings of barbarians; but ought to be utterly rejected.”More than two centuries laterit is difficult for us to recover Johnson's strength of feeling,and this tale might in fact serve as a warning to those who believe that the usages they abominate will not survive and become standard.Although Johnson was a man of immense learning,he did not have the lexicographical resources available today.If Johnson had had access to theOxford Latin Dictionary and the Middle English Dictionary, among other works, he would have seen that frommāter, meaning "a mother,” "a plant as the source of things such as cuttings or fruit,” and "a source,”was derived the wordmāteria, meaning "wood as a building material,” "any substance of which a physical object is made,” "the subject matter of a speech or book,” and "the condition whereby an action is effected.”The adjectivemāteriālis derived from māteria only meant "of or concerned with subject matter" in Classical Latin, but its descendant in Late and Medieval Latin and its descendants in Old French (materiel ) and Middle English ( material ) developed other meanings, such as "consisting of matter.”One Middle English sense, "important, relevant,”that probably harks back to senses of Classical Latinmāteria such as "subject matter" continued in existence after Middle English times. So it was natural for the English wordimmaterial, first recorded in the 15th century, to come to mean "not important,” in spite of Johnson's wrath.尽管不只塞缪尔·约翰逊一个人反对意思为“不重要的,无关紧要的”,immaterial 这个词还是产生了。 约翰逊声明:“这个意思偷偷出现在野蛮民族的对话和写作中;但应该遭到完全抵制。”两个多世纪之后,我们很难重新找到约翰逊强烈的感受。这个故事实际上可以算是对那些认为他们厌恶的用法不可能生存和标准化的人的一种警告。尽管约翰逊是一个博学的人,但是他没有今天可以得到的词汇学的资料。如果约翰逊除了其他著作外能得到牛津拉丁语词典 和 中古英语词典 的话, 他就能从中认识到这一点:mater , 意思为“母亲”,“作为诸如剪下的东西或水果来源的一株植物”和“来源”,是由materia , 意思为“建筑用的木材”,“用于制造物体的任何材料”,“讲话或著作的主题”和“影响一个行动的条件”而衍变而来的。形容词materalis 是由在古典拉丁语中仅仅意味着“和主题有关的” materia 衍变而来的, 但它在中古拉丁语和后期拉丁语中的衍生词和古法语中的衍生词(materiel )以及中古英语中的衍生词( material )继续发展有了其他的意思, 如“由物质组成的”。中古英语的一个意思“重要的、有关的”,很可能追溯到古典拉丁语materia 的意思如“主题”在中古英语时期之后继续存在。 因此,最早在15世纪被记录下来的英语单词immaterial 至今仍有“不重要的”的意思是很自然的, 尽管约翰逊对此很愤怒〔drought〕A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects growing or living conditions.干旱:长时期的过低降雨量,特别指妨碍生长或生存的这样一段时期 |
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