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单词 生物发光
释义 〔bioluminescence〕Emission of visible light by living organisms such as the firefly and various fish, fungi, and bacteria.生物发光:生物体的可见光发射,如萤火虫、彩色鱼类、真菌类和细菌〔dinoflagellate〕Any of numerous minute, chiefly marine protozoans of the order Dinoflagellata, characteristically having two flagella and a cellulose covering and forming one of the chief constituents of plankton. They include bioluminescent forms and forms that produce red tide.双鞭毛海虫:一种记载,主要是腰鞭毛虫海洋原生动物,特点是有两种鞭毛及纤维素的外壳,形成浮游生物中一种主要成分。他们包括生物发光类型,可引起赤潮〔noctiluca〕Any of various bioluminescent dinoflagellates of the genusNoctiluca that when grouped in large numbers make the sea phosphorescent. 夜光藻:一种生物发光鞭毛目动物,夜光藻 属,当其成群量出现时,使海洋出现磷光现象




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