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单词 由威廉
释义 〔Malory〕English writer ofLe Morte d'Arthur, a collection of Arthurian romances adapted from French sources and published by William Caxton in 1485. 马洛礼,托马斯:(1470年) 英国作家,写有《亚瑟王之死》 ,此书是源于法国有关亚瑟王传说的合集,1485年由威廉·考克斯根出版 〔Cooperstown〕A residential village of east-central New York west-southwest of Schenectady. It was founded in 1787 by William Cooper, the father of James Fenimore Cooper, who used the region as the setting for hisLeatherstocking Tales. The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum is here. Population, 2,342. 库珀斯敦:美国纽约州中东部的一个住宅区村庄,位于斯克内克塔迪西南偏西方。1787年由威廉·库珀创建,其子詹姆斯·菲尼莫尔·库珀以这个地区作为他的《皮袜子故事集》 一书的背景。全国棒球荣誉博物馆就位于这里。人口2,342 〔Quaalude〕The former trademarkQuaalude for the sedative and hypnotic agent methaqualone is an example of how a product name is carefully chosen for a positive public response.Methaqualone was developed in the 1960's by William H. Rorer, Inc.At that time, the company's best-known product was Maalox,a digestive aidthat derived its name from its ingredients,ma gnesium and al uminum hydr ox ides. To enhance the product recognition of their new sedative drug,the company incorporated theaa of Maalox into the name Quaalude. The other elements of the name are presumed to be a contraction of the phrasequiet interlude, a soothing, even poetic description of the drug's effect.过去作为镇静和催眠的药物的商标Quaalude , 安眠酮,为了取得肯定的公众反应而精心选择产品名称的典型例子。安眠酮是在20世纪60年代由威廉·H·罗乐公司研制出来的。在那时,该公司最著名的产品是Maalox,一种消化酸。它的名字是由镁的前两个字母ma ,铝的前两个字母 a1 ,氢氧化物的中间两个字母 ox 组合而成。 为了提高新安眠药产品的知名度,该公司将Maalox 中的 aa 移植到 Quaalude 。 这个名字的其他元素被假设为这个短语quiet interlude 的缩写,一种抚慰的, 甚至对药效颇具诗意的描绘〔Philadelphia〕The largest city of Pennsylvania, in the southeast part of the state on the Delaware River. It was founded as a Quaker colony by William Penn in 1681 on the site of an earlier Swedish settlement. The First and Second Continental Congresses (1774 and 1775-1776) and the Constitutional Convention (1787) met in the city, which served as the capital of the United States from 1790 to 1800. Population, 1,585,577.费城:美国宾夕法尼亚州最大的城市,位于该州东南部、特拉华河上沿岸。它由威廉·彭于1681年在原瑞典领地上建立起来。第一和第二次大陆会议(1774和1775-1776年)和制宪会议(1787年)均在该城市召开,从1790年到1800年曾作为美国的首都。人口1,585,577〔bruin〕name of the bear in History of Reynard the Fox , translated by William Caxton 熊的名字,列在 列那狐传奇 中,由威廉·卡克斯顿翻译




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