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单词 电影演员
释义 〔Wayne〕American film actor who played tough heroes in Westerns such asStagecoach (1939), Red River (1948), and True Grit (1969), for which he won an Academy Award. 韦恩,约翰:(1907-1979) 美国电影演员,在西部片中饰演桀骜不驯的英雄。影片有《关山飞渡》 (1939年), 《红河》 (1948年),和 《真正的勇敢》 (1869年),并为此获奥斯卡奖 〔Chaplin〕British-born actor, director, and producer who gained fame for his role as a tramp in baggy trousers and a bowler hat. His productions includeThe Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), and City Lights (1931). 卓别林,查尔斯·斯潘塞:(1889-1977) 英裔的电影演员、导演和制片人,以其所演的一个穿肥大裤子、带圆顶礼帽的流浪汉角色而闻名。其影片有《孩子》 (1921年)、 《淘金记》 (1925年)及 《城市之光》 (1931年) 〔Gish〕American actress best known for her roles in silent films, such asThe Birth of a Nation (1915). Her sister Dorothy (1898-1968) was also a film actress. 吉什,莉琏·黛安娜:(生于 1896) 美国女演员,以其在无声电影中所扮演的角色出名,例如《民族的诞生》 她的妹妹(1915年) 多罗茜(1898-1968年) 也是一名电影演员 〔Rogers〕American dancer and actress particularly noted for her partnership with Fred Astaire in several motion pictures, includingSwing Time (1936). 罗杰斯,金格:(生于 1911) 美国舞蹈家和电影演员,因与弗莱特·艾斯代尔合演了《强劲的节奏》 (1936年)等几部动作片而出名 〔Robinson〕American actor known for his portrayal of gangsters in motion pictures, includingLittle Caesar (1930). 鲁宾逊,爱德华·G:(1893-1973) 以在动作片中饰演强盗角色而出名的美国电影演员,他演的影片包括《小凯撒》 (1930年) 〔personality〕Personality is often used to mean "celebrity,” particularly in popular journalism,as inThe show features interviews with entertainment personalities. A case can be made for the usage,since many of the persons so described are best known simply for who they are rather than what they have done.Thuspersonality may be an appropriate description of someone who is best known by virtue of his or her frequent appearances as a television host or an advertising spokesperson, but it is slighting when used of people whose renown is based on substantive achievements.Perhaps for this reason,the word was unacceptable to 57 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.Personality 常用来表示“著名人物”, 特别用在一些大众杂志中,如在电影演员与娱乐圈知名人士对话 中。 一种情形能够用于这种用法,因为许多这样描述的人仅因他们是谁而并不解他们所做的事而著名。所以personality 可能是对因作为电视节目主持人或广告角色频繁出现而著名的一类人的合适称呼, 但如果用于那些凭借实在成绩而著名的人物就显得粗鲁了。可能因为这个原因,在早期调查中有57%用法小组的专家不接受这个词〔Mix〕American film actor noted for his performances in silent Westerns.米克斯,托马斯·埃德温:(1880-1940) 美国电影演员,以其在西部无声片中的表演而闻名〔Chaney〕American actor known for his performances as monsters in horror movies, particularlyThe Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) and The Phantom of the Opera (1925). 钱尼,伦:(1883-1930) 美国电影演员,以擅长表演恐怖片中骇人的角色而闻名,尤其是在《巴黎圣母院》 (1923年)和 《歌剧魅影》 (1925年)中的表演 〔Rogers〕American singer and actor who played a singing cowboy in motion-picture Westerns.罗杰斯,罗伊:(生于 1912) 美国歌手和电影演员,曾在西部动作片中扮演唱歌的牛仔




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