单词 | 电视 |
释义 | 〔Baird〕British electrical engineer and pioneer in the field of television, radar, and fiber optics.贝尔德,约翰·洛吉:(1888-1946) 英国电子工程师和电视、雷达以及光学纤维领域的先驱者〔interactive〕Of, relating to, or being a form of television entertainment in which the signal activates electronic apparatus in the viewer's home or the viewer uses the apparatus to affect events on the screen, or both.参与制作电视节目:一种电视娱乐节目的形式,其中通过发射信号来启动观众家中的电子装置或观众用此种装置影响电视屏幕上发生的事情,或两方面都有的〔teleran〕An air-traffic control system in which the image of a ground-based radar unit is televised to aircraft in the vicinity so that pilots may see their positions in relation to other aircraft.电视雷达导航系统:把地面雷达的图像播送到邻近地区的飞机中,使得飞行员能看到他们与其它飞机相关位置的空中交通指挥系统〔medium〕A means of mass communication, such as newpapers, magazines, radio, or television.大众传媒:大众传播手段,如报纸、杂志、广播或电视〔pirate〕One that operates an unlicensed, illegal television or radio station.非法播放者:未经允许而非法播放电视或广播的人〔raging〕a raging hit on prime-time TV.电视黄金时段热播节目〔sanitize〕sanitized the language in adapting the novel for television.把小说改编成电视时语言的净化〔coverage〕The percentage of persons reached by a medium of communication, such as television or a newspaper.新闻覆盖率:受某一通讯媒介,比如电视或报纸影响的人数百分比〔studio〕A room or building for movie, television, or radio productions.摄影棚,录制棚:摄制电影、电视或录音广播节目的房间或楼房〔fair〕American folk speech puts Standard English to shame in its wealth of words for describing weather conditions.When the weather goes from fair to cloudy,New Englanders say that it's "breedin' up a storm" (Maine informant in theLinguistic Atlas of New England ). If the weather is clear, however,a New Englander might call itopen. Southernfair off and fair up, meaning "to become clear,” were originally Northeastern terms and were brought to the South as settlement expanded southward and westward.They are now "regionalized to the South,” according to Craig M. Carver, author ofAmerican Regional Dialects. These phrases may be the origin of modern and less regional coinings,such asmild up, used on a television weather forecast: "The Southwest is beginning to mild up just a tad.”美国方言对天气状况的描写因其应有尽有的单词使标准英语黯然失色。当天气由晴转多云时,新英格兰人会说“孕育着一场暴风雨”(新英格兰语言学图册 的缅因消息提供者)。 但如果天气是无云的,新英格兰人也许会说open。 南部的fair off 和 fair up 所表示的放晴, 起源于东北部词语,后被带到南部成为固定用法并向南向西流传。根据克雷格M·卡弗尔,美国地区方言 的作者所说,它们如今已“被南方地区化了”。 这些词组或许正是现代不再具地区性的词句的起源,例如mild up, 用于电视天气预报: “西南将变得暖和一点”〔tube〕What's on the tube?电视上正演什么?〔line〕One of the horizontal scans forming a television image.水平画质线:构成电视图象的平行的扫描线〔immediacy〕the immediacy of live television coverage.电视现场直播的直观性〔play〕To be performed, as in a theater or on television:上演:被表演,如在戏院中或在电视中演出:〔bugaboo〕"the bugaboos that have plagued vision systems: high price and slow throughput"(Lawrence A. Goshorn)“困扰着电视生产系统的难题:高成本与低生产能力”(劳伦斯A.戈斯霍恩)〔telethon〕A lengthy television program to raise funds for a charity.马拉松式电视广播节目:为慈善事业筹集资金而播出的冗长的电视节目〔fade〕A gradual diminution in the brightness or visibility of an image in cinema or television.淡入:电影或电视可见的图象或是声音逐渐消失〔video〕Of or relating to television, especially televised images.视频的,电视的:电视的或与电视有关的,特别是电视图像的〔take〕The uninterrupted running of a movie or television camera or a set of recording equipment in filming a movie or television program or cutting a record.未停机的拍摄:在拍摄一部电影或电视节目或剪辑一段录音时,电影或电视摄像机或一套录音设备不停顿的拍摄或录制〔videophile〕One with an avid interest in watching television or videos or in making video recordings.电视迷:对观看电视、录相或制作电视录相有浓厚的兴趣的人〔time〕"There's television time to buy"(Brad Goldstein)“可以购买的电视播出时间”(布拉德·戈尔茨坦)〔fixate〕"Movies and television seem especially fixated on the troubled Vietnam veteran"(James Hall-Sheehy)“看来电影和电视把焦点特别对准了陷入困境的越军退役军人”(詹姆斯·霍尔—希伊)〔orthicon〕A television camera pickup tube, more sensitive than the iconoscope, that uses a low-velocity electron beam to scan a photoactive mosaic. Also called image orthicon 正析(摄)象管:一种运用低带电子来扫描感光栅格的电视摄象管,比光电摄象管更敏感 也作 image orthicon〔habiliment〕surrounded by the habiliments of the television news industry.为电视新闻业的设备所包围〔viewing〕Engaged in watching a movie or television:在观看电影或者电视的:〔air〕To be broadcast on television or radio:广播:在电视或收音机里广播:〔cameraman〕A man who operates a movie or television camera.摄影师:操作电影或电视摄像机的人〔debut〕The network will debut her new series next March). 电视联播网将于明年三月首次放映她的新的连续剧)。 〔escape〕Television is my escape from worry.电视是我逃避现实的方法〔viewer〕viewers of prime-time shows.电视黄金时间的观众〔television〕Often used to modify another noun:电视:常用于修饰另一个名词:〔video〕a star of stage, screen, and video.舞台、电影和电视三栖的明星〔zapper〕A remote-control device for switching a television set on and off and for changing channels.遥控器:用来调节或关闭电视并可改换频道的遥控器〔series〕A succession of regularly aired television programs, each one of which is complete in and of itself.电视系列节目:有规律地播送的连续的电视节目,其中每一个节目都是完整和独立的〔televangelist〕An evangelist who conducts religious telecasts.电视福音传道者:进行宗教电视广播的福音传道者〔videogenic〕Appearing to advantage on television; telegenic.适宜拍摄电视的;适宜上电视镜头的〔spot〕A short presentation or commercial on television or radio between major programs:插播广告:插播在主要节目间的在电视或电台上的商业性广告节目或短小的演出:〔teledrama〕A drama intended especially for television presentation.电视剧:特别为电视上映而制作的戏剧〔viewdata〕An interactive videotex system in which information can be retrieved or transmitted over television cables or telephone lines.视传系统:一种相互作用的视传系统,通过电视电缆或电话线接收或传播信息〔video〕The visual portion of a televised broadcast.(电视的)映像:电视播放节目的可视部分 |
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