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单词 留下
释义 〔snick〕To make a nick or nicks.刻:留下一个或数个刻痕〔deposit〕layers of sediment that were deposited on the ocean floor; glaciers that deposited their debris as they melted.沉积在海底的层层沉淀物;融化时留下残骸的冰山〔reserved〕Held in reserve; kept back or set aside.预订的:留下的;保留或储存的〔wale〕To raise marks on (the skin), as by whipping.留下鞭痕:在(皮肤)上留下隆起的痕记,如用鞭子打〔waster〕One that lays waste; a destroyer:毁坏者:留下废墟的人;毁坏者:〔barnburner〕An extremely impressive event or successful outcome:轰动:给人留下极其深刻印象的事件或极成功的结果:〔butterfly〕Is a butterfly named for the color of its excrement or because it was really a thieving witch?The first suggestion rests on the fact that an early Dutch name for the butterfly wasboterschijte. This name is as astonishing a phenomenon as the fact that anyone ever noticed the color of butterfly excrement.Apparently, however, when the butterfly was not busy leaving colorful traces of itself, it was stealing milk and butter.This was not because of its thievish nature but because it was really a mischievous witch in the form of a winged insect.So the second suggestion is that this predilection for butter larceny gave rise to the colorful insect's name.蝴蝶是以其排泄物的颜色命名的,还是因为它的确是个正在偷东西的精灵呢?第一个假设基于蝴蝶在古代荷兰语中的名称为boterschijte 这个事实。 这个名称同任何人都曾注意到蝴蝶的排泄物的颜色这个事实一样是个令人吃惊的现象。然而,很显然蝴蝶不是在忙于留下它们彩色的行迹就是忙于偷牛奶或奶油。这不是因为它有偷窃的天性而是因为它确实是一只作为有翅昆虫形体的淘气的精灵。所以第二个假设就是这种奶油盗窃的嗜好引出了彩色昆虫的命名〔leave〕left a young son.死后留下一个年幼的儿子〔headspace〕The volume left at the top of a filled jar, tin, or other container before sealing.预留空间:罐子或其它器皿装物后封盖前顶部留下的空间〔line〕A similar mark cut or scratched into a surface.缝隙:在表面留下的切痕或刮痕〔reservation〕The act of reserving; a keeping back or withholding.保留:存留的行为;保留或留下〔track〕To carry on the shoes and deposit:鞋上带着…并将其留下〔trace〕 Track usually denotes a mark or succession of marks, as footprints, left by something that has passed: Track 通常指由通过的某物留下的一个记号或一系列记号,如足迹: 〔vaccination〕A scar left on the skin by vaccinating.牛痘疤:种牛痘后在皮肤上留下的疤〔pit〕A small indented scar left in the skin by smallpox or other eruptive disease; a pockmark.(天花等留下的)痘凹:小坑似的疤,因得天花或其他暴发性疾病而留在皮肤上的;痘凹〔leik〕To leave.离开,留下,省略,交给,放弃.〔pueblo〕The identity of the Pueblo peoples is undeniably connected to the stone and adobe dwellings they have occupied for more than 700 years—especially from an etymological point of view.Originally coming from the Latin wordpopulus, "people, nation,” the Spanish wordpueblo, meaning "town, village,” as well as "nation, people,”was naturally applied by 16th-century Spanish explorers to villages that they discovered or founded in the Southwest.The English wordpueblo is first recorded in an American text in this sense in 1808, marking it as an Americanism.The distinctive adobe or stone villages of the Pueblo peoples,with some buildings rising as high as five stories,must have impressed the Spaniards considerably,becausepueblo came to be transferred from a name for the village to a name for its inhabitants, perhaps in honor of their architectural achievements or simply as an obvious way to distinguish the Pueblo from other Native American peoples.The first recorded usage of this sense is found in 1834.无可质疑,普埃布洛族的象征是与他们已经居住了700年的土石结构房屋联系在一起的——尤其是从词源学的角度来看。最初源于意为“民族,国家”的拉丁语populus, 意为“城镇,村庄”的西班牙语pueblo , 同时也有“民族,国家”的意思,16世纪的西班牙探险家们很自然地用这个词来称呼他们在西南部发现或建立的村庄。英语中pueblo 的这个含义最早记载于1808年的一篇美国课文中, 这标志着它成了一个美语词。普埃布洛族有特色的石造和土造村庄,有些建筑高达五层,肯定给西班牙人留下了深刻的印象,因为pueblo 这个词是从这个村庄的名字转变成村庄中居民的名字的, 这可能是出于对他们建筑成就的敬仰或仅仅作为将普埃布洛族和其它美洲土著民族区分开的明显途径。这个词义是在1834年最早有使用记载的。〔Caracalla〕Emperor of Rome (211-217) who was obsessed with and sought to imitate Alexander the Great. His brutal, undisciplined rule of the empire, however, led to his assassination and left only a legacy of infamy.卡拉卡拉:罗马皇帝(211-217年),曾着迷地试图效仿亚历山大大帝。然而,他对帝国的残暴,不合理的统治,以致被暗杀,只留下遗臭万年的污名〔fail〕To leave (something) undone; neglect:疏忽:留下(某事)没做完;疏忽:〔remain〕Only a few trees remain.See Synonyms at stay 1留下了一些树 参见 stay1〔reliction〕Gradual recession of water in a sea, lake, or stream, leaving permanently dry land.新增地:在海洋,湖泊或河流中的水面逐渐退却,留下永久的干燥陆地〔species〕The outward appearance or form of the Eucharistic elements that is retained after their consecration.祭祀后留下的圣餐品的外形或轮廓〔stay〕To remain or sojourn as a guest or lodger:居留:作为客人或房客留下或暂居:〔tight〕Leaving little empty space through compression; compact:密集的:通过压缩留下很少空间的;致密的:〔net〕and from Old Italian netto [remaining after deductions] 并源自 古意大利语 netto [减少后留下的] 〔mark〕To make a visible impression:做标志:留下明显的印记:〔spectacular〕Of the nature of a spectacle; impressive or sensational.壮观的:场面自然的;给人留下深刻印象的或轰动的〔nothing〕Nothing remains of the old house but the cellar hole.老房子除了这个狭小简陋的酒窖之外什么也没留下〔trace〕I immediately recognized the charred traces of a fire.我一下子就辩认出了水烧过后留下的焦炭痕迹。〔trail〕A mark or trace left by something that has moved or been dragged by.See Synonyms at trace 1痕迹:移动或被拖曳通过的某事物留下的一记号或痕迹 参见 trace1〔strike〕To affect keenly or forcibly; impress.See Synonyms at affect 1打动;给…以印象:有力地影响;使留下深刻印象 参见 affect1〔touchstone〕A hard black stone, such as jasper or basalt, formerly used to test the quality of gold or silver by comparing the streak left on the stone by one of these metals with that of a standard alloy.试金石:一种如碧玉或玄武岩的坚硬黑色石头,先前用来检验金或银的质量,用这些金属在石头上留下的划痕与标准纯度进行比较〔mark〕The experience had left its mark.经验已留下了痕迹〔trash〕Something broken off or removed to be discarded, especially plant trimmings.断枝,碎块:为了丢弃而弄断或去掉的东西,尤指植物修剪后留下的剪屑〔sign〕Poverty had left its mark.贫穷已留下深深的印记。〔scar〕A mark left on the skin after a surface injury or wound has healed.伤疤:表皮的损伤或创伤治愈后,在皮肤上留下的疤痕〔brand〕To impress firmly; fix ineradicably:铭刻,铭记:留下牢固的印象;打上不可磨灭的印记:〔carry〕carries scars from acne.带有青春豆留下的疤痕〔Echo〕A nymph whose unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine away until nothing but her voice remained.艾科:单恋纳西索斯的仙女,憔悴消损最后只留下声音〔impress〕a scene that impressed itself on his memory; tries to impress the value of money on the students.在他记忆中留下深刻印象的景象;试图让学生对钱的价值有个印象




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