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单词 白宫
释义 〔moot〕This usage may be originally the result of a misinterpretation of its legal sense in phrasessuch asa moot question. A number of critics have objected to this use,but it was accepted by 59 percent of the Usage Panelin the sentenceThe nominee himself chastised the White House for failing to do more to support him, but his concerns became moot when a number of Republicans announced that they, too, would oppose the nomination. 起初这种用法可能是它在法律意义误释的结果,如在短语一个不重要的问题 中, 许多评论家反对这一用法,可是它被用法小组59%的成员所接受,并出现于被提名者本人强烈谴责白宫没能更多地支持他, 但是当一些共和党人宣称他也将反对此次提名时,他就变得不那么重要了一句中 〔Roosevelt〕First Lady of the United States (1901-1909) as the wife of President Theodore Roosevelt. Known as a shrewd manager of the White House, she oversaw a major renovation (1902) and delegated many of the responsibilities traditionally belonging to the First Lady.罗斯福,埃迪斯·卡罗:(1861-1948) 美国第一夫人(1901-1909年),总统西奥多·罗斯福之妻。她是众所周知的精明的白宫总管,曾监督白宫重大的修复工作(1902年)及把很多传统上属于第一夫人的职责托给别人〔staffer〕White House staffers.白宫的工作人员〔script〕"the brilliant, charming, judicial moderate scripted by his White House fans"(Ellen Goodman)“被他的白宫迷们编造成的一个有才气的,迷人的,公正的稳健派人物”(埃伦·古德曼)〔pool〕the White House press pool.白宫的记者团.〔busker〕"A sun-warmed busker fiddles some Vivaldi near the subway exit north of the White House"(New York Times)“在白宫北面的地铁口附近,一位沐浴在阳光下的街头艺人用提琴演奏一首维瓦尔第的曲子”(纽约时报)〔Madison〕First Lady of the United States (1809-1817) as the wife of President James Madison. She earlier served as White House hostess for the widowed Thomas Jefferson. During the British invasion of Washington, D.C. (1814), she heroically carried important government papers and a portrait of George Washington to safety.麦迪逊,多尔雷·佩恩·托德:(1768-1849) 美国的第一夫人(1809-1817年),詹姆士·麦迪逊总统之妻。早期她替丧妻的托马斯·杰弗逊担当白宫的女主人。英军入侵华盛顿特区的时候(1814年),她曾英勇地将一些重要的政府文件及一幅乔治·华盛顿的肖像转移到安全的地方〔despond〕"The outward show of fight masked a spreading inner despond at the White House"(Newsweek)“白宫外在的战斗精神掩盖了内在日益扩散的绝望情绪”(新闻周刊)〔hunker〕"As the White House hunkered down, G.O.P. congressional unity started crumbling"(Time)“由于白宫拒不让步,共和党国会同盟开始瓦解”(时代)〔buttonhole〕"He was also frequently buttonholed by White House lobbyists . . . who seemed to be permanently assigned to shadow the burly Democrat"(Terence Moran)“他不断地被白宫的说客留住谈话…这些人似乎总是受指使而使这位率直的民主党人不快”(特伦斯·莫兰)〔Hyannis〕A town of southeast Massachusetts on Nantucket Sound in south-central Cape Cod. It is a popular summer resort. The summer White House was located nearby while John F. Kennedy was President. Population, 8,000.海恩尼斯:美国马萨诸塞州东南城镇,临近鳕鱼角中南部的楠塔基特湾。为一夏季旅游胜地。约翰·F·肯尼迪任总统时曾在附近修建夏季白宫。人口8,000〔Kennedy〕First Lady of the United States (1961-1963) as the wife of President John F. Kennedy. She promoted the arts and supervised the redecoration of the White House. Since 1975 she has worked as an editor in New York.肯尼迪,雅克莱恩·李·布维尔:(生于 1929) 美国第一夫人(1961-1963年),约翰·F·肯尼迪的夫人,她推动了艺术的发展并指导重新装修白宫。1975年之后,她在纽约作编辑工作〔bristly〕some bristly exchanges between the White House and the press.白宫和新闻界之间的一些相互争斗〔Washington〕The capital of the United States, on the Potomac River between Virginia and Maryland and coextensive with the District of Columbia. It was designed by Pierre L'Enfant and became the capital in 1800. In the War of 1812 the British captured and sacked (1814) Washington, burning most of the public buildings, including the Capitol and the White House. Population, 609,909.华盛顿特区:美国首都,位于弗吉尼亚和马里兰之间的波多马克河畔,与哥伦比亚特区具有同等范围。它由皮埃尔·L·昂方设计,于1800年成为首都。在1812年战争中,英军占领并洗劫了华盛顿(1814年),烧毁了大部分公共建筑,包括国会大厦及白宫。人口609,909〔backgrounder〕"In a White House backgrounder on July 18 I had sketched the Administration's philosophy for post-Vietnam Asia"(Henry A. Kissinger)“在7月18日白宫举行的背景介绍会中,我概略地叙述了政府对越战后亚洲的策略哲学”(亨利A.基辛格)〔academy〕"When there's moral leadership from the White House and from the academy, people tend to adjust"(Jesse Jackson)“人们倾向于采用来自白宫和学术界的道德标准”(杰西·杰克逊)〔Nixon〕First Lady of the United States (1969-1974) as the wife of President Richard M. Nixon. She worked to make the White House more accessible for disabled and sightless people and restored original antiques to many of the state rooms.尼克松,塞尔玛·凯瑟琳·瑞安:(生于 1912) 美国第一夫人(1969-1974年),总统里查·M·尼克松的妻子,她为使白宫更重视残疾和盲人而工作,并且将古董原物交回给国库〔neoconservative〕"Neoconservatives are heavily represented at the White House and exert maximum pressure on presidential policy"(Joseph C. Harsch)“新保守主义者在白宫有众多代表,对总统政策施加极大的压力”(约瑟夫C.哈施)〔Sorensen〕American writer and public official who served as a special counsel to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson (1961-1964). Among his works areDecision-Making in the White House (1963) and The Kennedy Legacy (1969). 苏润生,狄奥多尔:(生于 1928) 美国作家和政府官员,他是美国总统约翰·F·肯尼迪及林敦·B·约翰逊(1961年-1964年)的特别顾问。他的作品有《白宫的决策》 (1963年)以及 《肯尼迪遗产》 (1969年) 〔state〕foreign leaders dining in state at the White House.外国领导隆重地在白宫进餐〔Adams〕American politician who was the influential White House chief of staff (1953-1958) for President Dwight D. Eisenhower.亚当斯,(列韦林)舍曼:(1899-1986) 美国政治家,德温特·D·艾森豪威尔总统任期时有影响的白宫幕僚(1953-1958年)〔Hoban〕Irish-born American architect who designed and supervised the construction (1793-1801) and renovation (1815-1829) of the White House in Washington, D.C.霍本,詹姆斯:(1762?-1831) 爱尔兰裔美国建筑师,设计并监督制造了华盛顿特区的白宫(1793-1801年)并对其作了修复(1815-1829年)〔blizzard〕The White House received a blizzard of phone calls.白宫接到连续不断的电话〔bark〕"It is power that can often be misused—as when an obscure lieutenant colonel can bark at a Pentagon general, commanding him to do something questionable ‘because the White House wants it done’”(John Hughes)“经常被误用的是权力──如一无名中校厉声命令五角大楼的将军去做可疑之事,‘因为白宫希望这样做’”(约翰·休斯)〔Downing〕American landscape architect and horticulturist who wrote the classicA Treatise on Landscape Gardening (1841) and designed the grounds of the White House and the U.S. Capitol. 唐宁,安德鲁·杰克逊:(1815-1852) 美国园林建筑师和园艺家,写有名著《论造园技术》 (1841年),设计了白宫和美国国会场地




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