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单词 的叶子
释义 〔titi〕An evergreen shrub or small tree(Cliftonia monophylla) of the southeast United States, having glossy leathery leaves, white to pinkish flowers clustered in racemes, and winged fruit. 荞麦树:一种生长于美国东南部的常青灌木或小乔木,拉丁名为(荞麦树) 有光滑坚韧的叶子,花为白色到粉色,成总状花序,有翼果 〔sage〕Any of various plants of the genusSalvia, especially S. officinalis, having aromatic grayish-green, opposite leaves used as a cooking herb. Also called ramona 鼠尾草:鼠尾草 属植物,尤指 唇形科鼠尾草 ,有褐绿色对生的叶子,有香气,作用烹调香料 也作 ramona〔calamondin〕A small evergreen citrus tree (×Citrofortunella mitis ), widely cultivated as a houseplant for its glossy foliage and ornamental fruits. 四季橘:一种小的常绿甘橘树(× Citrofortunella mitis ),由于其光滑的叶子以及具装饰性的果实可作为室内植物而广为栽培 〔maple〕Any of numerous deciduous trees or shrubs of the genusAcer of the North Temperate Zone, having opposite, usually palmate leaves and long-winged fruits borne in pairs. 槭树,枫树:任一种北温带的众多属于槭 属的落叶树木或灌木,生有对称的通常呈掌状的叶子和成对结的长翅状果实 〔collard〕collards The leaves of kale, used as a vegetable. collards 芥蓝菜:羽衣甘蓝的叶子,用作蔬菜〔jonquil〕A widely cultivated ornamental plant(Narcissus jonquilla) native chiefly to southern Europe, having long, narrow leaves and short-tubed, fragrant yellow flowers. 长寿花:一种种植广泛的观赏性植物(长寿花 水仙属) 主要原产于欧洲南部,长有长而窄的叶子,开有黄色,花的管状底部很短,有芳香 〔anthurium〕Any of various evergreen tropical American plants of the genusAnthurium, grown as ornamentals for their attractive leaves and their showy, often red spathes. 安祖花:一种常绿热带美洲天南星属 植物,因其悦目的叶子和鲜艳的通常为红色的佛焰苞可作观赏植物而被种植 〔citronella〕A tropical Asian grass(Cymbopogon nardus) having bluish-green, lemon-scented leaves and an essential oil. 亚香茅:亚洲热带的一种草(亚香茅 香茅属) ,长有蓝绿色、柠檬香味的叶子和香精油 〔ternate〕Arranged in or consisting of sets or groups of three, as a compound leaf with three leaflets.三个一组的:三个组成的、三个一组的或三个一套的,如(植物)由三瓣嫩叶的叶子〔gilding〕Gold leaf or a paint containing or simulating gold; gilt.金粉,泥金:含有或模仿黄金的叶子或画;镀金物〔henbit〕A Eurasian plant(Lamium amplexicaule) having toothed, opposite leaves and small white or purplish-red flowers with two lips. 宝盖草,佛座:一种(宝盖草 野芝麻属) 欧亚植物,有齿状的、对生的叶子和小小的、白色或微紫红色的、由两片唇瓣构成的花朵 〔chive〕A Eurasian bulbous herb(Allium schoenoprasum) in the lily family, having clusters of usually pink to rose-violet flowers and cultivated for its long, slender, hollow leaves used as a mild onion-flavored seasoning. Often used in the plural. 细香葱:欧亚大陆的一种百合科球茎状草本植物(北葱) ,通常有粉红色至紫红色的花簇,因其狭长中空的叶子可用作一种洋葱味的温和调味品而被栽培。常用其复数形式 〔nyctitropism〕The tendency of the leaves of some plants to change their position at nightfall.夜间变向性,就眠性:一些植物的叶子在夜晚来临时改变姿势的倾向性〔harebell〕A perennial plant(Campanula rotundifolia) having slender stems, dense clusters of basal leaves, and bell-shaped blue or white flowers. Also called bluebell 钓钟柳:一种长年生的茎细有成簇状且浓密的叶子和蓝色或白色钟状花的植物(圆叶风铃草 风铃草属) 也作 bluebell〔calathea〕Any of various tropical American evergreen plants of the genusCalathea widely cultivated indoors for their attractively marked leaves. 篮花蕉:一种篮花蕉 属美国热带常绿植物,因有吸引人的带标记的叶子而在室内广为栽培 〔pennywort〕A Eurasian plant(Umbilicus rupestris) having thick, peltate leaves and yellowish-green flowers. Also called navelwort 一种长有较厚且呈盾形的叶子和黄绿色花朵的亚欧(龙胆科小草) 植物 也作 navelwort〔quillwort〕Any of several vascular, spore-bearing, aquatic or marsh plants of the genusIsoetes having short rhizomes and quill-like leaves. 水韭:一种水韭 属的、有维管的、含孢子的水生或沼生的植物,长有短根茎和羽管状的叶子 〔hop〕A twining vine(Humulus lupulus) having lobed leaves and green female flowers arranged in conelike spikes. 啤酒花:缠绕的藤本植物(啤酒花 葎草属) ,长有带裂片的叶子,以及排列成圆锥形穗状花序的绿色雌花 〔sotol〕Any of several tall woody plants of the genusDasylirion of the southwest United States and adjacent Mexico, having prickly-margined leaves and a large panicle of whitish unisexual flowers. 毛百合:一种毛百合 属的高大的木本植物,生长于美国西南部及与墨西哥接壤处,有周围带刺的叶子,开白色单性花朵的大型复总状花序 〔digoxin〕A cardiac glycoside, C41H 64O 14, obtained from the leaves of a foxglove, Digitalis lanata, with pharmacological effects similar to digitalis. 地高辛:一种强心葡糖苷,C41H 64O 14,从熟地的叶子上得到, 洋地黄马缨丹 ,与毛地黄有相同的药理作用 〔brittlebush〕A shrub(Encelia farinosa) in the composite family, native to Mexico and the southwest United States and having grayish foliage and showy flower heads with yellow rays. 扁果菊:一种菊科(扁果菊属 黄眼草目) 灌木,原产于墨西哥和美国西南部,有灰色的叶子和艳丽的花头以及黄色的伞形花序 〔mint〕Any of various plants of the genusMentha, characteristically having aromatic foliage and nearly regular flowers. Some plants are cultivated for their aromatic oil and used for flavoring. 薄荷属植物:一种薄荷 属植物,特点为有芳香的叶子和近乎规则的花。其中一些植物已被栽培用来提炼芳香油和用以调味 〔bayberry〕A deciduous, eastern North American shrub(Myrica pensylvanica) having aromatic foliage and small, globose fruits with a waxy covering used for making fragrant candles. 宾州杨梅:北美洲东部的一种落叶性灌木(宾州杨梅 杨梅属) ,具有芳香的叶子,其球状果实外的蜡层可用来做香烛 〔palmatifid〕a palmatifid leaf.一片掌状深裂的叶子〔pineapple〕A tropical American plant(Ananas comosus) having large swordlike leaves and a large, fleshy, edible, multiple fruit with a terminal tuft of leaves. 菠萝:美洲热带凤梨科植物(凤梨 凤梨属) ,具有大如剑的叶子和很多大、肉质、可食并伴有一簇叶子的果实 〔carnauba〕A hard wax obtained from the leaves of this plant and used especially in polishes and floor waxes. Also called In this sense, also called carnauba wax 巴西棕榈蜡,巴西蜡:一种硬蜡,取自巴西棕榈树的叶子,尤用来制上光剂和地板蜡 也作 在此意义上也可称作 carnauba wax〔ensiform〕Shaped like a sword, as the leaf of an iris.剑形的,如鸢尾属植物的叶子〔foliose〕Bearing numerous leaves; leafy.叶子茂盛的:生长繁多的叶子的;多叶的〔glabrous〕a glabrous scalp; glabrous leaves.无毛发的头皮;光滑的叶子〔cyclamen〕Any of various plants of the genusCyclamen, especially a Mediterranean species (C. persicum) widely cultivated as a houseplant, having decorative leaves and showy, variously colored flowers with reflexed petals. 仙客来:一种仙客来 属的植物,特别是地中海沿岸的品种 (仙客来 仙客来属) ,作为室内盆栽植物被广泛种植,长有装饰性的叶子,并开有艳丽的、有反折花瓣的各色花 〔pigweed〕A coarse cosmopolitan weed(Amaranthus retroflexus) having hairy leaves and stout, terminal panicles with dense, lateral spikes of green flowers. Also called redroot 藜:一种分布于世界各地的粗糙野草(反枝苋 苋属) ,长有毛茸茸的叶子,绿色花朵中有簇集的顶生圆锥花序和侧生的穗状花序 也作 redroot〔copperleaf〕Any of various plants of the genusAcalypha, especially A. wilkesiana, an ornamental shrub of the Pacific Islands widely grown for its decorative, colorful, variously patterned leaves. 铜叶草:任一种铁苋菜属 的植物,尤指一种产于太平洋诸岛屿上的 铜叶革属铁苋菜 观赏性灌木,因其彩色且形状各异的叶子具有观赏性而被广泛种植 〔scutiform〕scutiform leaves.象盾一般的叶子〔nip〕nipped off the plant leaf.铰下了植物的叶子.〔unifoliolate〕Compound in structure but having a single leaflet, as the leaf of a citrus plant.(复叶)具一小叶的:结构上是复合的,但有单一小叶,如柑橘类植物的叶子〔croton〕An Old World tropical evergreen shrub(Codiaeum variegatum) widely cultivated as a houseplant for its glossy, multicolored foliage. 变叶木:一种产于东半球的热带常绿灌木(变叶木属 变叶木) ,因其有光泽的、色彩多样的叶子而被作为室内盆栽植物广泛培植 〔hellebore〕Any of various plants of the genusVeratrum, especially V. viride of North America, having large leaves and greenish flowers and yielding a toxic alkaloid used medicinally. 藜芦属植物:各种藜芦 属植物的任何一种,尤指产于北美的 美国白藜芦 ,具有宽大的叶子和绿色的花朵,产生一种有毒的生物碱,可入药 〔chamomile〕An aromatic perennial herb(Chamaemelum nobile) in the composite family, native to Europe and the Mediterranean region, having feathery foliage and flower heads with white rays and yellow centers. 黄春菊,果香菊:一种菊科芳香型多年生草本植物(果香菊 果香菊属) ,原产于欧洲和地中海地区,有带毛的叶子和带有舌状白花和黄色花心的头状花序 〔cultrate〕cultrate leaves.象刀片一样的叶子〔barberry〕Any of various shrubs of the genusBerberis having leaves that are often clustered, small yellow flowers, and red, orange, or blackish berries. They are grown as specimen or hedge plants. 小檗:一种小檗属 灌木,有通常是簇生的叶子,小黄花,和红色、橙色,或黑色浆果。因其可作标本或围篱而种植




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