单词 | 的情况下 |
释义 | 〔analgesia〕A deadening or absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness.痛觉缺失:在未失去知觉的情况下感到麻木或丧失痛觉〔vamp〕With no hard news available about the summit meeting, the reporters vamped up questions based only on rumor.在没有这次最高会议真实新闻的情况下,记者们只好拼凑上道听途说的消息〔soar〕To glide in an aircraft while maintaining altitude.滑翔:在保持一定高度的情况下在飞机上滑行〔force〕To force to act or speak prematurely or unwillingly.迫使仓促行动:迫使某人在条件未成熟或不情愿的情况下行动或发言〔tinnitus〕A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury.耳鸣:一个耳朵或两耳中的声音,如嗡嗡声或哨声,在没有外界刺激的情况下发生,通常由某种特定情况如耳朵感染、使用某种药物、听觉管道堵塞或头部受伤引起〔unlicensed〕Done without permission; not authorized.未经授权的:在未经允许的情况下做的;未经授权的〔impinge〕"One of a democratic government's continuing challenges is finding a way to protect . . . secrets without impinging the liberties that democracy exists to protect"(Christian Science Monitor)“民主政府的不断挑战是要找到一条途径,以在不侵害受民主保护的自由的情况下保护…机密”(基督教科学箴言报)〔contractarianism〕Any of various theories that justify moral principles or political arrangements by appealing to a social contract that is voluntarily committed to under ideal conditions for such commitment. Also called contractualism 契约论:任何一种可以借着诉诸在理想的情况下所自动做出的社会契约,来为道德理念或政治安排做辩护的各样的理论 也作 contractualism〔closeted〕Being In a state of secrecy or cautious privacy.私下密谈的:在秘密或小心隐密的情况下的〔soliloquy〕A dramatic or literary form of discourse in which a character reveals his or her thoughts when alone or unaware of the presence of other characters.独白:一种戏剧或文学的说话形式,其中某角色在独自一人或不知道其他角色存在的情况下展示他或她的思想〔scrambler〕An electronic device that scrambles telecommunication signals to make them unintelligible to anyone without a special receiver.扰频器:一种电子设备,用于扰乱无线电信号的频率使在无特殊仪器的情况下无法接收〔calcitonin〕A peptide hormone, produced by the thyroid gland in human beings, that lowers plasma calcium and phosphate levels without augmenting calcium accretion. Also called thyrocalcitonin 降钙素:一种缩氨酸荷尔蒙,由人体内的甲状腺产生。在不增加钙含量的情况下,可降低血中钙和磷酸盐的含量 也作 thyrocalcitonin〔cabal〕The history ofcabal reveals how a word can be transferred from one sphere of activity to another while retaining only a tenuous connection with its past. Ultimately from Hebrewbut transmitted to English probably by way of Medieval Latin and French,cabal is first recorded in English in 1616 in the sense "cabala.” Cabala was the name for the Hebrew oral tradition transmitted by Moses and also the name for a Jewish religious philosophy based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures.The notion "esoteric" is central to the development of this word in English,forcabal, probably following the sense development in French, came to mean "a tradition, special interpretation, or secret,” "a private intrigue" (first recorded in 1646-1647),and "a small body of intriguers" (first recorded in 1660).It is probably not coincidental thatcabal is found with these latter meanings during the mid-17th century, that time of plots and counterplots by Royalists and Parliamentarians.The word gained a false etymology when it was noticed that the five most influential ministers of Charles II were named Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale.单词cable 的历史表现出一个单词在与其过去的含义仅保持微弱联系的情况下,如何能够从一个使用范围转向另一个范围。 最起始是源于希伯来语,但可能是通过中世纪的拉丁语和法语转化为英语,cabal 以“秘教”的含义在英语中最早载于1616年。 Cabala 是对摩西所传的希伯来口头传说的称谓, 也是对基于希伯来圣经神秘解说的犹太宗教哲学的称谓。“深奥的”这个概念对于这个英文单词的发展是很重要的,因为cabal 可能是沿用法语里发展起来的含义, 意为“传统,特殊的理解或秘密的,“个人阴谋”(最早记载于1646至1647年),以及“较小的阴谋者的联合体”(最早记载于1660年)。它可能与cabal 的17世纪中叶的后来含义并不一致, 在这一时期内充斥着保皇党人和议员们的阴谋和对策。由于注意到查理二世时期五位最有影响的大臣姓名分别为克利福德,阿灵顿,白金汉,阿什利和劳德戴尔(其姓名首字母合起来为CABAL),该词由此得来一错误的语源说明〔allegation〕A statement asserting something without proof:主观臆测:在没有证据的情况下对某事所下的判断:〔earshot〕The range within which sound can be heard by the unaided ear; hearing distance:可听距离:在没有辅助仪器的情况下,耳朵所能听到的声音范围;听力距离:〔employment〕"a vicious spiral of rising prices under full employment"(William Henry Beveridge)“在就业饱和的情况下,价格上涨恶性循环”(威廉·亨利·贝弗里奇)〔nitrous〕Of, derived from, or containing nitrogen, especially in a valence state lower than that in a comparable nitric compound.含(三价)氮的:氮的,由氮衍生的或含氮的,尤指在其化合价低于其相应的硝酸化合物的情况下〔presume〕"We must never assume that which is incapable of proof" (G.H. Lewes).“我们从不在没有证据证明的情况下假定某事” (G·H·路易斯)〔presume〕To take for granted as being true in the absence of proof to the contrary.推测,假定:在没有证据证明是相反的情况下想当然是正确的〔solo〕To fly an airplane without a companion or an instructor, especially for the first time.单飞:没有陪伴或教练的情况下驾驶一架飞机,尤其指第一次〔wing〕To say or do something without preparation, forethought, or sufficient information or experience; improvise:即兴表演,即兴演讲:在未准备、未预先考虑或没有足够的信息和经验的情况下说或做某事;即兴创作:〔presume〕These verbs signify to take something for granted or as being a fact.Topresume is to suppose that something is reasonable, justifiable, sound, or possible in the absence of proof to the contrary: 这些动词都表示认为某事是理所当然的或认定某事是事实。Presume 是指在没有证据表明结果是相反的情况下认定某事是合理的,无可非议的,完美的或者是可能的: 〔automatic〕Acting or done without volition or conscious control; involuntary:不由自主的:在无决断力或意识力的情况下行为或做的;不情愿的:〔anticipate〕To use in advance, as income not yet available.预支:在没拿到收入的情况下预先支用〔Thyestes〕A king of Mycenae who unknowingly ate the flesh of his own sons, served to him by his brother Atreus, as revenge for seducing his wife and usurping the throne.泰伊斯特斯:迈锡尼的一个国王,他在不知真相的情况下吃了他兄弟阿特柔斯进贡给他的他儿子们的肉,这是阿特柔斯对他勾引其妻子并篡夺王位的报复〔hypothecate〕To pledge (property) as security or collateral for a debt without transfer of title or possession.担保,抵押:在没有交换所有权或财产的情况下以(财产)作为对某一笔债务的抵押〔suspend〕To support or keep from falling without apparent attachment, as by buoyancy:悬浮:在没有明显依托的情况下支持或防止落下,如通过浮力:〔silent〕 Taciturn implies unsociableness and a tendency to speak only when it is absolutely necessary: Taciturn 含有不善交际的意思和只有在绝对不得已的情况下才说话的倾向: 〔surrender〕 Capitulation implies surrender under specific prearranged conditions: Capitulation 暗指在特定的预先安排好的情况下的投降: 〔alternative〕Some traditionalists hold thatalternative should be used only in situations where the number of choices involved is exactly two, because of the word's historical relation to Latinalter, "the other of two.” H.W. Fowler, among others, has considered this restriction a fetish.The Usage Panel is evenly divided on the issue, with 49 percent accepting the sentenceOf the three alternatives, the first is the least distasteful. · Alternative is also sometimes used to refer to a variant or substitute in cases where there is no element of choice involved, as inWe will do our best to secure alternative employment for employees displaced by the closing of the factory. This sentence is unacceptable to 60 percent of the Usage Panel. ·Alternative should not be confused with alternate. Correct usage requiresThe class will meet on alternate (not alternative ) Tuesdays. 有些持传统观点的人认为alternative 只能严格地用在二者择一的情况下, 因为这个词来源于拉丁语alter ,意思是“二者中的另外一个”。 包括H.W.福勒的其他人认为这种限制是一种迷信。用法专题小组中持这两种意见的人各占一半,49%的人都接受这句话在三个选项中,第一个是最不让人讨厌的。 · Alternative 如果没有供选择的成分存在,其有时也指一个变体或替换的事物, 如我们将尽全力保证因工厂倒闭而离开岗位的雇员以某种方式就业。 语言用法专题小组中60%的人不接受这句话。Alternative 不能和 alternate混淆。 正确的用法要求全班每隔 (不是 alternative ) 星期二 见一次面。 〔brave〕These adjectives all mean having or showing courage under difficult or dangerous conditions.这些形容词意思都是在艰难或危险的情况下显示出勇气。〔troglitazone〕An oral antidiabetic agent that lowers blood glucose by improving the response of target cells to insulin without increasing insulin secretion.特洛格列氮酮,降糖氮酮:口服抗糖尿病药剂,在不增加胰岛素分泌物的情况下,藉由增进目标细胞对胰岛素的反应能力以降低血糖〔blind〕Performed without preparation, experience, or knowledge:盲目的:没有准备、经验或知识的情况下进行的:〔make〕To discern or see, especially with difficulty:辨明:辨明或看清,特别是在有困难的情况下:〔host〕Host was used as a verb in Shakespeare's time, but this usage was long obsoletewhen the verb was reintroduced (or perhaps reinvented) in recent yearsto mean "perform the role of a host.”The usage occurs particularly in contexts relating to institutional gatherings or television and radio shows,where the person performing the role of host has not personally invited the guests to his or her own establishment (thus it would be odd to sayThis evening we are hosting a dinner party at our house for my husband's cousins from New York ). Perhaps because the verb involves a suspect extension of the traditional conception of hospitality,it initially met with critical resistance.In a 1968 surveyonly 18 percent of the Usage Panel accepted the usage in the sentenceThe Cleveland chapter will host this year's convention. Over time, however,the usage has become increasingly well establishedand appears to serve a useful purpose in describing the activities of one who performs the ceremonial or practical role of a host (in arranging a conference or entertainment, welcoming guests, and so forth).In our most recent survey53 percent of the Panelists accepted the usage in the phrasea reception hosted by the Secretary of State. The verb is less well accepted when used to describe the role of a performer who acts as a master of ceremonies for a broadcast or film,where the relation of the word to the notion of "hospitality" is stretched still further.Only 31 percent of the Panel accepted the use of the verb in the sentenceStudents have watched Sex, Drugs and AIDS, a graphic film hosted by actress Rae Dawn Chong. · The verbcohost has likewise become well established in its use to refer to those who collaborate in assuming responsibility for an occasion. Fifty-eight percent of the Usage Panel accepted this use in the sentenceThe Department of Architecture and the Department of History will be cohosting a reception for conference participants. Host 一词在莎士比亚时代用作动词, 但自那时起这一用法很长时间不用了,直到近年来又被重新起用(或者可能重新创造),用来表示“担当主人的角色”。这一用法尤其在学术聚会或电视、电台节目的情况下使用,在这些情况下,身为主人的人并没有以私人身份邀请客人去到他或她自己的家中,(这样的话,如果我们说今天晚上我们将在家中为我丈夫来自纽约的表兄妹‘主办’一个晚餐会 就会觉得有点别扭)。 也许是因为有人认为这一动词用法会扩大传统的“好客”概念,所以一开始它就遭到了批评性抑制。在1968年的一次调查中,用法专题使用小组中18%的成员在如下句子中的用法,即克利夫兰分会将主办本年度的大会。 但是,随着时间的推移,这一用法已逐渐被接受,并在描绘一个担当司仪或具体的主人任务(例如安排会议或娱乐活动,欢迎客人等等)时起到了很好的作用。在我们最近一次的调查中,用法专题使用小组中的53%的成员接受了短语由国务卿出面举办的招待会 中"host"一词的用法。 但当这一动词用法用来描绘作为广播节目或电影节目的主持人的主持工作时,人们就不太接受其用法,因为这样用,这个词与“好客”这一概念的关系就更松了。只有31%的用法专题使用小组成员接受host在句子学生们观摩了 由 演员雷·唐·宗主持解说的纪录片 ‘性、毒品与艾滋病’”中的动词用法。 同样,用来表示分工合作共同举办某一活动的动词cohost 也已被普遍接受。 58%的用法专题使用小组成员接受这一动词在如下句子中的用法:建筑系和历史系将共同为与会者举办一次招待会 〔prevailing〕The prevailing opinion seems to be that a trade war can be averted if both countries make concessions.最普遍的观点认为商业战争在两个国家都作出让步的情况下是可避免的。〔keep〕Retain means to continue to hold,especially in the face of possible loss: Retain 意思是继续持有,尤指在有可能失去的情况下: 〔mentor〕The wordmentor is an example of the way in which the great works of literature live on without our knowing it. The word has recently gained currency in the professional world,where it is thought to be a good idea to have a mentor, a wise and trusted counselor, guiding one's career, preferably in the upper reaches of the organization.We owe this word to the more heroic age of Homer,in whoseOdyssey Mentor is the trusted friend of Odysseus left in charge of the household during Odysseus's absence. More important for our usage of the wordmentor, Athena disguised as Mentor guides Odysseus's son Telemachus in his search for his father.Fénelon in his romanceTélémaque (1699) emphasized Mentor as a character, and so it was that in French (1749) and English (1750)mentor, going back through Latin to a Greek name, became a common noun meaning "wise counselor,” first recorded in 1750.Mentor is an appropriate name for such a person because it probably meant "adviser" in Greekand comes from the Indo-European rootmen- 1, meaning "to think.”词语mentor 使我们看到了伟大的文学作品是如何在我们毫无察觉的情况下而经久而不衰的。 这个词最近开始在职业界通用起来,在职业界中,能有一个“良师”, 一个忠实而又聪明的顾问来指导你的职业生涯,尤其是你的提升,真不失为一个好办法。这个词来源于荷马英雄时代,在荷马史诗Odyssey 中,孟托是奥德赛的忠实朋友,奥德赛出征时将其留下以掌管家事。 对于我们今天mentor 这个词的用法更为重要的一个事实是, 雅典娜将自己装扮成孟托而引导奥德赛之子忒勒马科斯去寻找他的父亲。费奈隆在他的传奇故事泰雷马克历险记 (1699年)中强调了孟托这一人物, 正因为如此,这一从一个希腊人名经拉丁文演化而来的词mentor 在法语(1749年)和英语(1750年)中成了一个意为“贤明的顾问”的普通名词, 并在1750年被首次记载。Mentor 对于一个贤明的顾问是个合适的名称, 因为它在希腊语中可能有“顾问”之意,而且源自印欧语词根men- 1, 又有“思考”之意〔Coke〕English jurist who as chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas (1606-1616) ruled that the common law is supreme law, even when the Crown disagrees.科克,爱德华:(1552-1634) 英国法学家、高等民事法庭的首席法官(1606-1616年),即使在国王不同意的情况下仍裁定习惯法是最高法〔theory〕Systematically organized knowledge applicable in a relatively wide variety of circumstances, especially a system of assumptions, accepted principles, and rules of procedure devised to analyze, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of a specified set of phenomena.理论:可用于相对广泛的情况下的系统组织的知识,尤其指一系列假设,已被接受的定理以及用于分析、预测或解释自然或专门现象行为的程序规则 |
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