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单词 的技巧
释义 〔superb〕a superb wine; superb skill.极好的酒;一流的技巧〔art〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "skill in doing or performing that is attained by study, practice, or observation": 这些名词共有的中心意思是“在作或执行时通过学习,操练或观察所获得的技巧”: 〔foil〕Often foils The art or sport of fencing with such a sword: 常作 foils 花剑剑术:用圆头剑防御的技巧或运动:〔Bilbo〕American politician. As Mississippi governor (1916-1920 and 1928-1932) and U.S. senator (1935-1947), he was known for his filibuster techniques and his belief in white supremacy.比尔博,狄奥多拉·吉尔摩:(1877-1947) 美国政治家。任美国密西西比州州长(1916-1920和1928-1932年)和美国参议员(1935-1947年),以其阻挠议事的技巧和白人优越论而著称〔fall〕Any of various wrestling maneuvers so used.摔跤使用的技巧〔outdistance〕To surpass by a wide margin, especially through superior skill or endurance:大大超过:尤指因有较高的技巧或较好的耐力而大大超过:〔mockingbird〕[From its skill in mimicking other birdsongs] [从其模仿其它鸟鸣的技巧而来] 〔ventriloquism〕The art of projecting one's voice so that it seems to come from another source, as from a wooden figure.腹语术,口技:一种发声的技巧,声音仿佛来自它处,如来自木偶〔sailing〕The skill required to operate and navigate a vessel; navigation.航海术:驾驶和航行一条船所需的技巧;航行术〔pianistics〕The art or principles of piano playing.钢琴演奏艺术:演奏钢琴的技巧或原则〔stagecraft〕Skill in the techniques and devices of the theater.舞台技术,演出技术:在剧院技术或装置方面的技巧〔rhetoric〕Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.修辞法:有效并有说服力地使用语言方面的技巧〔medium〕A specific kind of artistic technique or means of expression as determined by the materials used or the creative methods involved:技巧,工具:由所用材料或创造性方法所决定的艺术表现的技巧或手段:〔aim〕Skill at hitting a target:枪法:击中目标的技巧〔art〕Skill arising from the exercise of intuitive faculties:本能:产生于(行使)直觉能力的技巧〔cunning〕Skill or adeptness in execution or performance; dexterity.灵巧:在制作或操作中的技巧或熟练;灵巧〔coloring〕The art, manner, or process of applying color.着色法:着色的技巧、风格或过程〔synthesize〕"His works synthesize photography, painting and linguistic devices"(Paul Taylor)“他的作品综合了摄影、绘画及语言学的技巧”(保罗·泰勒)〔chip〕A trick method of throwing one's opponent in wrestling.摔跤技巧:摔跤中摔倒对手的技巧方法〔address〕Skill, deftness, and grace in dealing with people or situations.See Synonyms at tact 技巧,本领:待人接物方面的技巧、机敏或优雅 参见 tact〔each〕Each person cast a vote. My technique improved with each lesson.每人投一票。我的技巧每节课都有提高〔jugglery〕The skill or performance of a juggler.杂耍,戏法,魔术:玩杂耍或变戏法的人的技巧或表演〔medium〕the medium of lithography.石版印刷术的技巧〔eloquence〕The skill or power of using such discourse.雄辩术:运用这种演讲的技巧或能力〔humanize〕humanized the puppets with great skill.以非凡的技巧使木偶活化了〔silverpoint〕A technique of drawing on specially prepared paper with a silver-tipped instrument.银尖笔作画法:用银尖工具在专门准备的纸上作画的技巧〔gun〕To proceed or perform with great speed, skill, or success.全速进行,大获成功:以很快的速度、高超的技巧或巨大的成功从事或完成〔nondirective〕Of, relating to, or being a psychotherapeutic or counseling technique in which the therapist takes an unobtrusive role in order to encourage free expression by the client or patient.不直接提问的:属于、关于,或是心理治疗或咨询的技巧的,治疗专家为鼓励当事人或病人畅所欲言而扮演并不强加于人的角色〔exquisite〕plays the piano with exquisite technique.用完美无缺的技巧演奏钢琴〔handicraft〕Skill and facility with the hands.手艺:双手的技巧和能力〔work〕To increase one's skill, responsibility, efficiency, or status through work:逐步发展,逐步进步:通过工作提高某人的技巧、责任、效率或地位:〔coruscate〕To exhibit sparkling virtuosity:闪光技巧:显示出闪光的技巧〔tactics〕(used with a sing. verb)The military science that deals with securing objectives set by strategy, especially the technique of deploying and directing troops, ships, and aircraft in efficient maneuvers against an enemy:(与单数动词连用)战术:研究如何实现战略制定目标的军事科学,尤指有效地部署和调动军队、舰船和飞机,以抗击敌人的技巧和策略:〔technique〕Skill or command in handling such fundamentals.See Synonyms at art 1技能:处理这些基本原理的技巧或运用能力 参见 art1〔beauty〕A delightful quality associated with harmony of form or color, excellence of craftsmanship, truthfulness, originality, or another property.美好:一种与形式和颜色的和谐、高超的技巧、真实、新颖或其它特性相联系的令人愉快的性质〔craft〕Skill in evasion or deception; guile.狡诈:逃避或欺骗的技巧;诡计〔swing〕To play with a subtle, intuitively felt sense of rhythm.以精湛的技巧演奏:带着精巧的、直观的节奏或节奏感演奏〔improvisatory〕improvisatory skill.即兴诗人创作的技巧〔horsemanship〕The skill of riding horses; equitation.马术:骑马的技巧;骑马术〔art〕Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation:手艺:通过学习,操练或观察而获得的技巧




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