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单词 的日子
释义 〔Leech〕American historian and writer. Her best-known work,In the Days of McKinley (1959), won a Pulitzer Prize for history. 利奇,玛格丽特·克尔诺钱:(1893-1974) 美国历史学家和作家。她的最有名的作品是《麦金利时代的日子》 (1959年),获普利策历史奖 〔arrive〕The day of reckoning has arrived.结帐的日子到来了〔back〕Of a past date; not current:过时的,不流行的:属于过去的日子的;不是现时的:〔date〕from Latin data (Romae) [issued (at Rome) (on a certain day)] [feminine past participle of] dare [to give] * see dō- 源自 拉丁语 data (Romae) [发布(在罗马)(在一特定的日子)] dare的阴性过去分词 [给予] * 参见 dō- 〔Christmas〕December 25, the day on which this feast is celebrated.十二月二十五日,庆祝圣诞节的日子〔whiz〕whizzed past on a ten-speed bike; as the days whizzed by.骑着十速自行车飞驶而过;飞逝而过的日子〔Sabbath〕The seventh day of the week, Saturday, observed as the day of rest and worship by the Jews and some Christian sects.安息日:犹太教徒和一些基督教派认为星期六-一周的第七天为休息和拜神的日子即安息日〔anniversary〕A celebration commemorating such a date.周年纪念活动:为纪念这样的日子进行的纪念活动〔meatless〕meatless days.不食肉的日子,斋戒的日子〔solitude〕After the funeral the widow and family spent several days in seclusion.葬礼过后,遗孀和家人过了几天没有与社会接触的日子〔washday〕A day set aside for doing household washing.洗衣日:家庭中固定的洗衣服的日子〔profane〕"Researchers have speculated that in years past people with [certain neurological disorders] were burned at the stake as witches for their unbridled use of blasphemous language" (Jay Siwek).“研究人员推测在过去的日子里, 人们被缚在火刑柱上当作女巫烧死,因为他们毫无节制地使用渎神的语言” (杰伊·西韦克)。〔dismal〕Middle English [unlucky days, unlucky] 中古英语 [不吉利的日子,不幸运的] 〔Thursday〕of thunres dæg [Thor's day] translation of Late Latin Iovis diēs [Jupiter's day] thunres dæg的变化 [雷神的日子] 后期拉丁语 Iovis diēs的翻译 [朱庇特的日子] 〔hang〕"They are people who hung fire even through the bloody days of the Hungarian Revolution"(Mark Muro)“他们是一些就算在匈牙利革命的日子里也举棋不定的人”(马克·穆罗)〔care〕had custody of his friend's car during her absence;他朋友不在的日子里,帮她照管汽车;〔holiday〕A day free from work that one may spend at leisure; a day off.假日:人们可不工作而享受闲暇的日子;休假〔belligerent〕"On the days they worked they were good-natured and cheerful, and . . . they spent the evening jollily; but on our idle days they were mutinous and quarrelsome" (Benjamin Franklin).“工作的日子他们脾气又好,又愉快,并且…快乐地度过夜晚;但当闲暇时,他们捣乱造反,喜好争吵” (本杰明·弗兰克林)〔out〕In the time following; afterward:以后:在后来的日子里;以后:〔calends〕The day of the new moon and the first day of the month in the ancient Roman calendar.朔:新月的日子以及古罗马日历中每月的第一天〔payday〕The day on which employees' salaries or wages are paid.发薪日:发放雇员的薪金或工资的日子〔sensuous〕"Lucullus . . . returned to Rome to lounge away the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence" (J.A. Froude).“卢库卢斯…返回罗马以闲散度过他盛下的奢侈放纵的日子” (J·A·弗劳德)。〔remind〕must remind him to call; reminded her of college days.必须让他记着打电话;使她回想起了大学里的日子〔muddle〕muddled along through my high-school years.把中学的日子混过去〔collation〕A light meal permitted on fast days.斋戒时的点心:允许在斋戒的日子吃的点心〔payoff〕The time of such payment.发薪日:发放工资或薪水的日子〔Michaelmas〕September 29, the day on which this feast is observed.米迦勒日:9月29日,庆祝米迦勒节的日子〔hols〕Days spent on vacation.假期:在假期中度过的日子〔Martinmas〕November 11, the day on which this feast is observed.11月11日,纪念这一节日的日子〔everyday〕The ordinary or routine day or occasion:日常之事:普通的或平常的日子、场合的:〔disgrace〕"December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy" (Franklin D. Roosevelt). "1941年12月7日—将作为一个耻辱的日子传诸后世” (富兰克林·D·罗斯福)。〔still〕"life being very short, and the quiet hours of it few" (John Ruskin).“生命短暂,而其宁静的日子更短” (约翰·罗斯金)。〔vacation〕A fixed period of holidays, especially one during which a school, court, or business suspends activities.休息日:特定时间的假日,尤指学校、法庭或商业部门不上班的日子〔holiday〕A day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event.节日:法定或习俗上能够停止通常的商业活动来纪念或庆祝某一特定事件的日子〔Spender〕British writer whose poetry reflects personal emotional responses to social and political injustices. His works include the collectionThe Still Center (1939) and Generous Days (1971). 斯彭德,斯蒂芬·哈罗德:(生于 1909) 英国作家,他的诗反映了他个人对于社会及政治不平等的反感情绪。他的作品包括诗集《静止的中心》 (1939年)以及 《慷慨的日子》 (1971年) 〔await〕A busy day awaits.忙碌的日子即将来临〔Easter〕The day on which this feast is observed, the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or next after March 21.复活节日:举行此盛会的日子,这个日子是3月21日或其后月满之后的第一个星期天〔Sabbath〕The first day of the week, Sunday, observed as the day of rest and worship by most Christians.安息日:大多数基督教徒把一周的第一天-星期日作为休息和拜神的日子即安息日〔career〕"My hasting days fly on with full career"(John Milton)“我匆匆忙忙的日子全速地飞逝而去”(约翰·米尔顿)〔Thursday〕alteration influenced by Old Norse thōrsdagr [Thor's day] 受 古斯堪的纳维亚语 thōrsdagr的影响 [雷神的日子]




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