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单词 的标志
释义 〔plume〕A token of honor or achievement.荣耀或成就的标志〔cockshy〕A mark aimed at in throwing contests.靶子,标的:投掷比赛中瞄准的标志〔explain〕Why do you construe my silence as a sign of disapproval? 为什么你把我的沉默当成不同意的标志〔gutter〕Certain household words have proved important as markers for major U.S. dialect boundaries.The channels along the edge of a roof for carrying away rainwater (normally referred to in the plural) are variously known aseaves spouts or eaves troughs in New England and the Great Lakes states, spouting or rainspouts in New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, and the Delmarva Peninsula, andgutters from Virginia southward. The transition points mark unusually clear boundaries for the three major dialect areas—Northern, Midland, and Southern—traditionally acknowledged by scholars of American dialects.Atypically, Southerngutters seems to have become the standard U.S. term. 某些常用词作为区分美国各主要方言的标志是非常重要的。在新英格兰和五大湖区,这种装在屋顶边缘用来排走雨水的沟槽(一般都是用作复数)被叫做eaves spouts 或 eaves troughs , 而在新泽西,宾夕法尼亚州东部和德马华群岛被叫做spouting 或 rainspouts , 弗吉尼亚以南人们把它称为gutters 。 这些转变表明了美国方言三大区域通常中比较清楚的边界,这三个地区是北部,中部和南部地区,这通常已为美国的方言学者所确认。而南方人使用的gutters 似乎已经成为美国英语中正规的名称,这种情况是不太常见的 〔lifestyle〕"an anticonventional lifestyle is no sure sign of feminist politics, or indeed, of any politics at all.” “反传统的生活方式不是女权主义政治主张的显著标志,或事实上,它不是任何政治主张的标志”。 〔swastika〕The emblem of Nazi Germany, officially adopted in 1935.万十字章:德国纳粹党的标志,1935年正式起用〔stigma〕A mark or token of infamy, disgrace, or reproach:耻辱:恶名声、不名誉或谴责的标志〔nametag〕A badge of personal identification worn to permit access to areas, such as government installations or industrial plants, or gatherings, such as conventions or sales meetings.标志:一种戴在身上的证明个人身份的标志,使得进入某些地方,如政府军事基地或工业设施,或集会,如会议或展销会〔mark〕To attach or affix identification, such as a price tag or maker's label, to.贴上标记:在…上粘贴或附加识别物,如价格标签或生产者的标志〔badger〕Our name for the Eurasian species of this mammal, which is noted for championing its burrow just like a knight of old,may come from the badger's knightly emblem.The creature's white head with a broad black stripe on each side of the snout may have brought to mind a badge,hence the namebadger. One good piece of supporting evidence for this theory is that an earlier name for the animal wasbauson, which comes from the Old French wordbaucenc, usually referring to a white patch on a horse and also meaning "badger.”Bauson is first recorded before 1375, badger in 1523. 这种以象老骑士般维护它的洞穴而闻名的欧亚大陆哺乳动物,其名字可能来自于獾英勇侠义的寓意。这种动物白色的头部带有宽阔的黑色条纹,分别在口鼻的两侧,这可能使人联想到徽章的标志,因此取了badger 这个名字。 这种理论最好的支持证据就是这种动物较早期的名字叫bauson, 从古法语baucenc 而来, 经常指马身上的白斑,也是“徽章”的意思。Bauson 一词在1375年前第一次被记载,而 badger 一词则记载于1523年 〔rosette〕A roselike marking or formation, such as one of the clusters of spots on a leopard's fur.花号,星号:如豹子皮上的斑点族等形如玫瑰花的标志或组成物〔oriflamme〕from Late Latin laurea flammula [laureled standard] Latin laureus [of laurel] * see laureate Latin flammula [banner] [diminutive of] flamma [flame] 源自 后期拉丁语 laurea flammula [荣誉的标志] 拉丁语 laureus [桂冠的] * 参见 laureate 拉丁语 flammula [旗帜] flamma的小后缀 [火焰] 〔badge〕A device or emblem worn as an insignia of rank, office, or membership in an organization.徽章:一种作为军衔、官衔或某一组织中会员的标志而佩带的图案或符号〔sign〕 Badge usually refers to something that is worn as an insignia of membership,is an emblem of achievement,or is a characteristic sign: Badge 通常指作为表明会员身份的证章而戴的东西,或者是表示成就的徽章,或者表示一个有特色的标志〔Jetway〕A trademark used for a telescoping corridor that extends from an airport terminal to an aircraft, for the boarding and disembarkation of passengers. This trademark often occurs in print in lowercase:登机线路标志:用于对登机和着陆的乘客指示从航空站到飞机的直接通路的标志。这种标志常以小写印刷体字母出现:〔armband〕A band worn around the upper arm, often as identification or as a symbol of mourning or protest.臂章:围在上臂的带子,常用作身分证明或者戴孝、抗议的标志〔TOEFL〕A trademark for a standardized examination for proficiency in English as a foreign language.托福考试:标准考试的标志,测试对作为外语的英语的熟悉程度〔token〕As an indication of:作为…的标志〔personalize〕To take (a general remark or characterization) in a personal manner.使个人化:使(一般的标志或特征)带有人的行为〔laurel〕A wreath of laurel conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes, and victors in athletic contests.桂冠:用月桂编成的花环,古时作为一种荣誉的标志授予诗人、英雄和体育竞赛中的优胜者〔weed〕A token of mourning, as a black band worn on a man's hat or sleeve.黑纱:表示哀悼的标志,如戴在帽子或袖子上的黑带〔fingerprint〕A distinctive or identifying mark or characteristic:特点:独特的或用于鉴定的标志或特征:〔trademark〕the shuffle and snicker that became the comedian's trademark.搅和与窃笑成为喜剧演员的标志〔splash〕A marking produced by or as if by scattered fluid:扩散图:由四周散射的液体或仿佛由四周散射的液体产生的标志或图示:〔showcase〕"The Democrats were going to showcase all the wretchedness and decay and insolvency as a symbol of Republican not-so-benign neglect" (Chicago Tribune).“民主党人准备将所有的卑鄙、腐败与无能加以曝光,并作为不能宽容共和党人的标志” (《芝加哥论坛》)。〔sycee〕Lumps of pure silver bearing the stamp of a banker or an assayer and formerly used in China as money.银锭:成块的纯银,上有某钱庄或某鉴定者的标志,以前在中国用作货币〔garland〕received garlands of praise from the critics.从批评中汲取表示赞扬的标志〔weeper〕A badge of mourning, such as a black hatband or veil.服丧佩带物:表示哀悼的标志,如帽上的黑带或黑色面纱〔common〕Having no special designation, status, or rank:普通的:没有特殊的标志、地位或等级的:〔garland〕A mark of honor or tribute; an accolade:一种荣誉或赞美的标志;一种嘉奖:〔pinta〕Spanish [painted mark, colored spot] 西班牙语 [被画上的标志,涂有彩色的点] 〔vestige〕A visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that once existed but exists or appears no more.See Synonyms at trace 1遗迹:过去曾经存在但现在不再有的一种可见的痕迹、证据或某物的标志 参见 trace1〔sign〕Intolerance is the mark of a bigot. The term can also denote a lasting effect,as of an experience: 不宽容是顽固者的标志。 这个词也可以用来表示一个持久的效果,比如一次经历留下的: 〔ELISA〕A sensitive immunoassay that uses an enzyme linked to an antibody or antigen as a marker for the detection of a specific protein, especially an antigen or antibody. It is often used as a diagnostic test to determine exposure to a particular infectious agent, such as the AIDS virus, by identifying antibodies present in a blood sample.免疫检测法:一种灵敏的免疫测定方法,用一种与抗体或抗原联接的酶作为检测特定蛋白质(尤指抗原或抗体)的标志。它通常作为一种检测方法,通过区别血样中存在的抗体来测定某种特殊感染源的存在,例如爱滋病毒〔Monroe〕The fifth President of the United States (1817-1825), whose administration was marked by the acquisition of Florida (1819), the Missouri Compromise (1820), in which Missouri was declared a slave state, and the profession of the Monroe Doctrine (1823), which declared U.S. opposition to European interference in the Americas.门罗,詹姆斯:(1758-1831) 美国第五任总统(1817-1825年),其执政的标志有购得佛罗里达州(1819年)、规定密苏里为奴隶州的密苏里妥协方案(1820年)和倡导门罗主义(1823年),门罗主义宣布美国反对欧洲干涉美洲事务〔totem〕Ojibwa nindoodem [my totem] 奥吉布瓦语 nindoodem [我的标志] 〔Munich〕A city of southeast Germany near the Bavarian Alps southeast of Augsburg. Founded in 1158, it has long been the center of Bavaria. Adolf Hitler organized the Nazi Party here after World War I and signed the Munich Pact, widely regarded as a symbol of appeasement, with Great Britain, France, and Italy in 1938. The city was largely rebuilt after extensive Allied bombing in World War II. Munich was the site of the 1972 Summer Olympics. Population, 1,267,451.慕尼黑:德国东南部城市,位于奥格斯堡东南,靠近巴伐利亚州境内的阿尔卑斯山脉。1158年建成,长期为巴伐利亚州的中心。一战后阿尔道夫·希特勒在这里成立纳粹党并且签署了被公认为是1938德国与英国、法国、意大利的绥靖政策的标志的《慕尼黑协定》。在二战中盟军的全面轰炸后该城市大规模重建。慕尼黑是1972年夏季奥运会举办地。人口1,267,451〔warder〕A baton formerly used by a ruler or commander as a symbol of authority and to signal orders.权杖:旧时统治者或指挥者用的权杖,作为权威的标志,以此来发放命令〔gesture〕An act or a remark made as a formality or as a sign of intention or attitude:姿态,表示:作为礼节或意图、态度的标志的动作或言语:〔diacritic〕A mark, such as the cedilla offaçade or the acute accents of résumé, added to a letter to indicate a special phonetic value or distinguish words that are otherwise graphically identical. 区别音符:一个添加到一个字母上的标志,如façade 上所加的变音符号或 résumé, 上表示发高音的记号,表示一个特殊的发音或用于区别与图示相同的词




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