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单词 的舞蹈
释义 〔shuffle〕A dance in which the feet slide along or move close to the floor.曳步舞:一种脚沿着地面滑动或脚靠近地面移动的舞蹈〔gavotte〕A French peasant dance resembling the minuet.加伏特舞:一种法国农民的舞蹈,类似于小步舞〔minuet〕The music for or in the rhythm of the minuet.米奴哀舞曲:为米奴哀舞而写的舞曲或米奴哀舞节奏的舞蹈〔Carioca〕A dance similar to the samba.卡里奥克舞:一种类似桑巴舞的舞蹈〔enamor〕was enamored of the beautiful dancer; were enamored with the charming island.被美丽的舞蹈迷住了;被美丽的岛屿迷上了〔choral〕from chorus [choral dance] 源自 chorus [有歌曲伴唱的舞蹈] 〔minuet〕A slow, stately pattern dance in 3/4 time for groups of couples, originating in 17th-century France.米哀奴舞:一种缓慢的、庄重的四三拍的舞蹈,由一群舞蹈者结伴而跳,源于17世纪的法国〔Nijinsky〕Russian-born dancer and choreographer noted for his leading roles with Diaghilev's Ballets Russes in Paris and for his choreography ofThe Rites of Spring (1913) and other ballets. 尼金斯基,瓦斯拉夫:(1890-1950) 俄裔的舞蹈家和舞蹈动作设计家,以他在巴黎指导的俄罗斯季阿吉列夫芭蕾舞团以及他为《春之庆典》 (1913年)等芭蕾舞剧的舞蹈设计而著名 〔cancan〕An exuberant dance that originated in France, performed by women and marked by high kicking.康康舞,坎坎舞:源于法国的一种快速活泼的舞蹈,由妇女表演,以高踢腿为特征〔confluence〕a confluence of artistry, superb choreography, and stage design.艺术技巧、优美的舞蹈和舞台设计的融合〔cumbia〕A Latin-American dance originating among African slave populations on Colombia's Atlantic coast and characterized by short sliding steps.康比亚舞:为拉丁美洲的舞蹈,起源于在哥伦比亚大西洋的海岸上的非洲奴隶人口,特色为小滑步〔flamenco〕A dance in this style.佛来明哥舞:具有此种风格的舞蹈〔shimmy〕A dance popular in the 1920's, characterized by rapid shaking of the body.希米舞:一种流行于20世纪20年代的舞蹈,特点是身体快速的摆动〔carol〕Middle English carole [a kind of round dance with singing] 中古英语 carole [一种有伴唱的舞蹈] 〔Powell〕British writer best known forA Dance to the Music of Time (1951-1975), a cycle of 12 satirical novels. 鲍威尔,安东尼:(生于 1905) 英国作家,以其十二本系列讽刺小说《配合时代音乐的舞蹈》 (1951-1975年)而闻名 〔fandango〕An animated Spanish or Spanish-American dance in triple time.方丹果舞:一种三拍西班牙或西班牙-美国人跳的舞蹈〔Corybant〕A priest of the Phrygian goddess Cybele whose rites were celebrated with music and ecstatic dances.科瑞本特:弗里吉亚自然女神西布莉的侍从,自然女神的礼拜仪式以音乐和欢快的舞蹈来庆祝〔chaconne〕A slow, stately dance of the 18th century or the music for it.恰空舞:18世纪一种缓慢而庄重的舞蹈或该舞蹈的音乐〔reanimate〕Her dancing reanimates the classical style.她的舞蹈使那种古典风格复苏了〔twist〕A dance characterized by vigorous gyrations of the hips and arms.摇摆舞:屁股和胳膊大幅扭动的舞蹈〔jitterbug〕A strenuous dance performed to quick-tempo swing or jazz music and consisting of various two-step patterns embellished with twirls and sometimes acrobatic maneuvers.吉特巴舞:一种紧张激烈的舞蹈,伴有快节奏的摇摆或爵士舞曲,由不同的两步舞步组成,并有旋转等装饰性舞步,有时还有特技动作〔Munro〕Canadian writer noted for vivid novels and short stories of life in rural Ontario. Her collections of stories includeDance of the Happy Shades (1968) and Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You (1974). 芒罗,艾丽斯:(生于 1931) 加拿大作家,以描写生动的小说和安大略省郊区生活的短篇小说而著名。她的小说集包括《幸福影子的舞蹈》 (1968年)和 《我一直想要告诉你的一些事》 (1974年) 〔mambo〕A dance of Latin American origin, resembling the rumba.曼波舞:一种源于拉丁美洲的舞蹈,类似于伦巴舞〔cotillion〕A lively dance, originating in France in the 18th century, having varied, intricate patterns and steps.舞蹈:一种快活的舞蹈,源于18世纪法国,具有变化的、复杂的形式和舞步〔choreography〕Greek khoreia [choral dance] * see chorea 希腊语 khoreia [有歌唱伴唱的舞蹈] * 参见 chorea〔Berkeley〕American choreographer and film director noted for lavish, synchronized dance routines in films such as42nd Street (1933). 贝克莱,巴斯比:(1895-1976) 美国舞蹈设计家、电影导演,以在电影中采用大量的声画同步的舞蹈而著称,如《第四十二街》 (1933年) 〔pointe〕In ballet, dancing that is performed on the tips of the toes.足尖舞:在芭蕾舞中,脚尖点地来表演的舞蹈〔limbo〕A West Indian dance in which the dancers keep bending over backward and passing under a pole that is lowered slightly each time.林波舞:一种西印度群岛的舞蹈,舞者须向后仰并穿过一支水平杆,每次都要比前一次仰得更低〔witty〕a witty sculpture; witty choreography.别出新裁的雕塑品;新颖的舞蹈设计〔choric〕from khoros [choral dance] * see gher- 1源自 khoros [由歌曲伴唱的舞蹈] * 参见 gher- 1〔german〕An intricate dance for many couples.日耳曼交际舞:由许多对男女参加的一种复杂的舞蹈〔Salome〕In the New Testament, the daughter of Herodias and niece of Herod Antipas, who granted her the head of John the Baptist in return for her dancing.莎乐美:新约中希罗底之女希罗安提帕之侄女,用她的舞蹈向安提帕换来施洗者约翰的头颅〔choir〕from Latin [choral dance] * see chorus 源自 拉丁语 [由歌曲伴唱的舞蹈] * 参见 chorus〔galliard〕A spirited dance popular in France in the 16th and 17th centuries.嘉雅舞:16世纪、17世纪流行于法国的一种活泼轻快的舞蹈〔chorister〕from Latin [choral dance] * see chorus 源自 拉丁语 [有合唱的舞蹈] * 参见 chorus〔Davis〕American entertainer famous for his exuberant dancing, singing, and acting.戴维斯,小萨米:(1925-1990) 美国艺人,因其热情洋溢的舞蹈、歌唱和表演而出名〔tarantism〕A disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to dance, especially prevalent in southern Italy from the 15th to the 17th century and popularly attributed to the bite of a tarantula.毒蜘蛛舞蹈症:为不能控制的舞蹈欲为特征的一种精神错乱,尤指在15世纪到17世纪期间流行于意大利南部的,一般认为是被一种狼蜘蛛咬后所致〔conjunto〕A dance band, especially in Latin America, featuring brass, percussion, and rhythm instruments.以铜管乐器、打击乐器和节拍乐器为特征的舞蹈乐队,尤指拉丁美洲地区的〔flamenco〕The guitar music that usually accompanies a dance in this style.佛来明哥舞曲:经常为这种风格的舞蹈伴奏的吉他音乐〔stomp〕A dance involving a rhythmical, heavy step.跺脚舞:一种有节奏的使劲跺脚的舞蹈




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