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单词 皇后
释义 〔Messalina〕Roman empress as the third wife of Claudius I. She was executed after Claudius discovered that she had married a lover in his absence.梅萨利娜,瓦勒利亚:(卒于) 罗马皇后,克劳狄一世的第三个妻子。克劳狄发现她在自己离开期间与情夫结婚后将其除死〔Elizabeth〕Queen of Romania (1881-1916) and poet who wrote under the pseudonym Carmen Sylva.伊丽莎白:罗马尼亚(1881-1916年)皇后和诗人,卡门·西尔瓦为其写作笔名〔Parr〕Queen of England as the sixth and last wife of Henry VIII.帕尔,凯瑟琳:(1512-1548) 英国皇后,是亨利八世的第六位也是最后一位妻子〔cabriole〕A form of furniture leg that curves outward and then narrows downward into an ornamental foot, characteristic of Queen Anne and Chippendale furniture.家具弯脚,饰品腿:家具腿的一种形式,先向外弯成弧形,再向下变窄,形成装饰足,这是安妮皇后和齐朋达尔时代家具所具有的特征〔Esther〕In the Old Testament, the Jewish queen of Persia who saved her people from massacre.以斯帖:在旧约圣经中波斯犹太人的皇后,曾经将人民从大屠杀中拯救出来〔Medici〕Italian noble family that produced three popes (Leo X, Clement VII, and Leo XI) and two queens of France (Catherine de Médicis and Marie de Médicis).Cosimo "the Elder" (1389-1464) was the first of the family to rule Florence. Lorenzo "the Magnificent" (1449-1492) was an outstanding patron of learning and the arts, whose clients included Michelangelo and Botticelli. 美第奇家族:出了三个教皇(利奥十世,克莱蒙七世及利奥十一世及两个法国皇后凯瑟琳·美第奇和玛丽·美第奇)的意大利贵族家庭。“大”科西莫 (1389-1464年)是这个家庭中第一个统治佛罗伦萨的人。“高贵的” 洛伦索 (1449-1492年)是一位杰出的学者与艺术家的赞助人,受到其赞助的包括米开朗基罗和波提比利 〔Aurangabad〕A town of western India east-northeast of Bombay. Founded in 1610, it is near the site of a mausoleum erected by Aurangzeb in honor of his empress. Population, 284,607.奥兰加巴德:位于印度西部、孟买东北偏东一城镇。建于1610年,位于奥朗则布为纪念他的皇后而建的陵墓遗址附近。人口284,607〔Hogg〕British writer known for his rustic verse, includingThe Mountain Bard (1807) and The Queen's Wake (1813). 霍格,詹姆斯:(1770-1835) 英国作家,以乡村诗闻名,作品有《山野诗人》 (1807年)和 《皇后的守灵》 (1813年) 〔czarina〕Alteration perhaps influenced by Latin rēgīna [queen] 可能受 拉丁语 rēgīna的影响 [皇后] 〔Hepburn〕American actress whose unique comedic and dramatic presence marks many fine motion pictures, includingThe Philadelphia Story (1940), Adam's Rib (1949), and The African Queen (1951). 赫本,凯瑟琳·霍顿:(生于 1909) 美国女演员,其独特的喜剧化和戏剧化表演成为许多佳片的特色,如《费城故事》 (1940年), 《亚当的肋骨》 (1949年)和 《非洲皇后》 (1951年) 〔Beauharnais〕Empress of the French (1804-1809) as the wife of Napoleon I. Married first to Alexandre de Beauharnais, she wed Napoleon Bonaparte in 1796. The marriage was annulled (1809) because of her alleged infertility.博阿内,约瑟芬·德:(1763-1814) 法国皇后(1804-1809年),拿破仑一世的妻子。她先与亚历山大·德·博阿内结婚,1769年与拿破仑·波拿巴结婚。据称因她不能生育这个婚姻被解除(1809年)〔Domitian〕Emperor of Rome (81-96) who completed the conquest of Britain. After 89 his government became dictatorial, leading to a reign of terror. Domitian was assassinated by a freedman in connivance with his empress and officers of the court.图密善:罗马皇帝(81-96年)开始了对不列颠的统治。89年以后其专横暴戾的统治导致图密善在他的皇后和廷臣的默许下,为一位解放的奴隶刺杀〔Howard〕Queen of England as the fifth wife of Henry VIII (1540-1542). She was accused of adultery and subsequently executed.霍华德,凯瑟琳:(1520?-1542) 英国皇后,亨利八世的第五位妻子(1540年-1542年),她被控犯有通奸罪后被处死〔pinochle〕The combination of the queen of spades and jack of diamonds in this game.此牌戏中的一种牌组:牌戏中,将红桃或黑桃皇后Q与方块J搭配组合〔Kaiserin〕The wife of a Kaiser.神圣罗马帝国(奥国、德国)皇后〔Boleyn〕Queen of England (1533-1536) as the second wife of Henry VIII. The mother of Elizabeth I, she produced no male heir and was subsequently tried for adultery and beheaded.博林,安妮:(1507-1536) 英格兰皇后(1533-1536年),亨利八世的第二任妻子,伊丽莎白一世的母亲。她没有生养男性继承人,后来因通奸被审判并被砍头〔Agrippina〕Roman empress. She murdered her husband, the emperor Claudius, so that her son by a previous marriage, Nero, would become emperor. Nero, distrusting his mother, had her murdered.阿格丽品娜:罗马皇后。她谋杀了丈夫克劳狄皇帝,以便使她与前夫所生之子尼禄能成为皇帝。尼禄因为不信任她而将其杀害〔empress〕The wife or widow of an emperor.皇后,太后:帝王的妻子或寡妇〔Nefertari〕Queen of Egypt as the wife of Rameses II.弗塔利女王:埃及皇后,拉姆西斯二世的妻子〔Carlota〕Belgian-born empress of Mexico (1864-1867) as the wife of Archduke Maximilian of Austria.卡洛塔:比利时裔墨西哥皇后(1864-1867年),其夫是奥地利的马克西米连大公〔bertha〕after Bertha (died 783), Carolingian queen as the wife of Pepin the Short 源自 伯莎 (卒于783年),加洛林王朝的皇后,矮子丕平的妻子 〔history〕"The queens in history compare favorably with the kings"(Elizabeth Cady Stanton)“历史上的皇后同国王比起来更讨人喜欢”(伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿)〔Kaiserin〕German [feminine of] Kaiser [Kaiser] * see Kaiser 德语 Kaiser的阴性词 [神圣罗马帝国(奥国、德国)皇后] * 参见 Kaiser〔Hepburn〕American actress whose unique comedic and dramatic presence marks many motion pictures, includingThe Philadelphia Story (1940), Adam's Rib (1949), and The African Queen (1951). She has received a record-setting 12 Academy Award nominations. 赫本,凯瑟琳·豪夫顿:美国女演员,其表演具有独特的喜剧及戏剧性,出演了多部电影,包括《费城故事》 (1940年)、 《金屋藏娇》 (1940年)和 《非洲皇后》 (1951年)。她获得了12次奥斯卡金像奖提名




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