单词 | 皇家 |
释义 | 〔royalty〕A right or prerogative of the crown, as that of receiving a percentage of the proceeds from mines in the royal domain.王权:国王的权利或特权,如可以获得皇家领土的矿产收入的一定比例〔extravagant〕extravagant members of the imperial court.浪费的皇家成员〔manor〕A tract of land in certain North American colonies with hereditary rights granted to the proprietor by royal charter.永久租地:某些北美殖民地的一种地契,通过皇家宪章赋予土地所有者以继承权〔Tree〕British actor and theatrical producer who founded the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (1904).特里,赫伯特·比尔博姆:(1853-1917) 英国演员和戏剧制作人,他创立了皇家戏剧学院(1904年)〔purlieu〕of porale, purale [royal perambulation] porale的变化, purale [皇家林苑巡视区] 〔Gotha〕A city of central Germany west of Erfurt. First mentioned in the tenth century, it is an industrial and cultural center. TheAlmanach de Gotha, a record of Europe's aristocratic and royal houses, was first published here in 1763. Population, 57,662. 哥达:德国中部一城市,埃尔富达的西面。第一次有该市名称是在10世纪,是工业和文学中心。《哥达的建筑》 ,一本对欧洲贵族和皇家建筑进行记载的书,于1763年第一次在这儿出版。人口57,662 〔curia〕A medieval royal court of justice.中世纪时皇家法庭〔Naseby〕A village of central England near Northampton. Nearby on June 14, 1645, Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentarian forces decisively defeated Royalist troops led by Charles I and Prince Rupert.内斯比:英国中部靠近北安普敦的一个小村庄。1645年7月14日,奥利弗·克伦威尔率领的议会武装在内斯比附近决定性地击败了由查理一世和鲁伯特王子率领的皇家军队〔Sandringham〕A village of eastern England near the Wash west-northwest of Norwich. Sandringham House, a private royal residence, was purchased in 1861 by Victoria for her son the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, and extensively rebuilt in the 1890's.桑德灵厄姆:英格兰东部的一村庄,靠近诺里奇西北偏西的华士。桑德灵厄姆是一个皇家私人住所,由维多利亚在1861年为其儿子威尔士亲王,即后来的爱德华七世购买,在19世纪90年代被大规模地翻修〔real〕from Latin rēgālis [royal] * see real 2源自 拉丁语 rēgālis [皇家的] * 参见 real2〔eyre〕A circuit court held by itinerant royal justices in medieval England.巡回法庭:中世纪英国由巡回的皇家法官主持的巡回法庭〔footage〕news footage; some good footage of the royal wedding.新闻镜头;一些皇家婚礼的精彩镜头〔regnal〕Medieval Latin rēgnālis [royal] 中世纪拉丁语 rēgnālis [皇家的] 〔Leamington〕A municipal borough of central England northeast of Warwick. It is a health resort with mineral springs. Population, 42,953.利明顿,皇家利明顿矿泉疗养地:英格兰中部一自治城市,位于沃里克东北部。它是一个有矿物温泉的疗养胜地。人口42,953〔majesty〕Royal dignity of bearing or aspect; grandeur.容貌或仪态的皇家尊严;高贵〔governor〕The American Revolution did away with much that was British,but it neglected to discard an important British political term.The wordgovernor certainly seems to denote a very American office, and England has no corresponding official with that title for its counties.Nonetheless,governor has had a long history in English with reference to political rulers. In Middle Englishgovernour, the ancestor of governor, meant both "a sovereign ruler" and "a subordinate or substitute ruler.”In the later sense it was a natural term to use for heads of the British colonies in North America as well as elsewhere.During our colonial periodroyal governors were often unpopular,yet the word was not dropped after the Revolutionary Warand in fact was chosen to designate the executive head of a state when the United States of America was created.美国独立战争扫除了英国的许多东西,但却忽略了摒弃一个重要的英国政治术语。governor 这个单词肯定被看作是一个美国官方职务, 因为英国没有这样的官方职务。然而governor 作政权统治者含义在英国有很长的历史。 在中世纪的英语里,governour 是 governor 的前身, 意思是“主权统治者”和“下一级统治者或代理统治者。”用后一个意思来指英国在北美的殖民地或其他地方的首脑是很贴切的。在美国殖民地时期,皇家总督不大为人所知,然而这个词在独立战争以后并没被废除,实际上它被用来指美国建国以后各州的州长了〔Auvergne〕A historical region and former province of central France traversed north to south by theAuvergne Mountains, a chain of extinct volcanoes. Auvergne became part of the French royal domain in 1615. 奥弗涅:一个历史地区及前法国中部一省份,奥弗涅山脉, (一系列死火山)由北至南穿越这一地区。奥弗涅于1615年成为法国皇家领地的一部分 〔Sarawak〕A region of Malaysia on northwest Borneo. A British protectorate after 1888 and a crown colony after 1946, it joined Malaysia in 1963.沙劳越州:马来西亚婆罗洲西北一地区,1888年成为英国的保护地,1946年成为皇家殖民地并于1963年加入马来西亚〔Kew〕A district of western Greater London in southeast England. The famed Royal Botanic Gardens were established in 1759 and presented to the nation in 1841.克佑区:英格兰东南部大伦敦区的西部一区。著名的皇家植物园于1759年建立,1841年被献给国家〔Kauffmann〕Swiss-born artist known for her historical and allegorical paintings and her portraits of contemporaries. She was a founding member of the British Royal Academy of Arts (1769).考夫曼,安琪利:(1741-1807) 瑞士裔艺术家,因其历史画、寓言画以及为其同时代人的画像著名。她是大不列颠皇家艺术学院(1769年)的创立者之一〔Quebec〕Abbr. PQ,P.Q.,Que.A province of eastern Canada. It joined the confederacy in 1867. The region was first explored and claimed for France by Jacques Cartier (1534) and Samuel de Champlain (1608) and was made a royal colony, known as New France, by Louis XIV in 1663. Conflict between the French and British for control of the territory ended in 1763 when Great Britain was given sovereignty, but the French influence has remained dominant. Quebec is the capital and Montreal the largest city. Population, 6,438,403.缩写 PQ,P.Q.,Que.魁北克省:加拿大东部一省份,1867年加入联邦。这一地区最初被雅克·卡蒂埃(1534年)和萨米埃尔·得·尚普兰(1608年)发现并宣布为法国领土。1663年,在路易十四统治时期,成为一皇家殖民地,被称为新法兰西。为了争夺对这块领土的控制,法国和英国之间的斗争一直持续到1763年,大不列颠获得了主权,但是法国的影响一直占主导地位。魁北克市是其首府,蒙特利尔是第一大城市。人口6,438,403〔Spotswood〕English colonial administrator who served as royal governor of Virginia (1710-1722).斯波茨伍德,亚历山大:(1676-1740) 英国殖民官员,曾任美国弗吉尼亚皇家总督(1710-1722年)〔courtier〕from Old French cortoier [to be at a royal court] 源自 古法语 cortoier [在皇家宫廷] 〔beefeater〕Tourists in England who have seen the warders of the Tower of London and the Yeomen of the Guard know that these men dressed in 15th-century uniforms are calledbeefeaters. Not all tourists are aware, however, that the original use of the term (recorded in 1610) was pejorative,referring to a well-fed servant.In a work published before 1628 the word was also said to have been used contemptuously by the French for an Englishman or an English soldier.The wordbeefeater has thus risen in the world, for the well-fed, well-muscled beefeaters of today (this use was first recorded in 1671) are considered by many to be a national treasure. 到英国旅游见到过伦敦塔的皇家侍卫都知道这些身着15世纪制服的人叫伦敦塔卫士。 但并不是所有的游客都注意到了,这个词最早用作轻蔑语(载于1610年),是指吃得很好的仆人。在1628年前发表的一篇文章中,这个词也被法国人用来蔑称英国人或英国士兵。由于今天营养充足,肌肉发达的皇家侍卫(该意最早使用刊载于1671年)被许多人认为是英国的国宝,伦敦塔卫士 一词于是开始广为流传 〔Burbidge〕British-born American astronomer who worked on the composition of the interior of the stars. She was director of the Royal Greenwich Observatory (1972-1973).伯比奇,(埃莉诺)玛格丽特:(生于 1919) 英国裔的美国天文学家,主要研究星体内部的结构,她曾是格林威治皇家天文台的台长(1972-1973年)〔FRCP〕Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.(英国)皇家内科医师学会会员〔FRCS〕Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.(英国)皇家外科医师学会会员〔Lyonnais〕A historical region and former province of east-central France. It was a county during medieval times and became part of the French royal domain in the 14th century.里昂纳:一历史地区,原为法国中东部一省份。中世纪时是一个县,14世纪时成为法国皇家领地的一部分〔Champagne〕A historical region and former province of northeast France. It was incorporated into the French royal domain in 1314. The sparkling wine champagne was first produced here c. 1700.香巴尼:法国东北部一历史地区,原为法国的一个省。1314年并入法国皇家版图。起泡沫的葡萄香槟酒于1700年首次在这里酿造〔charter〕A royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown.一张皇家的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受英王直接干涉〔janissary〕A member of a group of elite, highly loyal supporters.禁卫军:一支精锐的皇家军队中的成员〔coroner〕Middle English [officer of the crown] 中古英语 [皇家官员] 〔Cassini〕Italian-born French astronomer and first director of the Royal Observatory in Paris (1669).卡西尼,乔瓦尼·多米尼科:(1625-1712) 意大利裔法籍天文学家,是巴黎皇家天文台的第一任主任(1669年)〔Prague〕The capital and largest city of Czechoslovakia, in the western part of the country on the Vltava River. Known since the 9th century, it was a leading cultural and commercial center by the 14th century and came under Hapsburg rule in 1526. In 1618 citizens of Prague expressed their dissatisfaction of Hapsburg rule by throwing several royal officials out of the windows of the Hradčany Castle in the so-called Defenestration of Prague. The city became the capital of newly formed Czechoslovakia in 1918. Population, 1,189,828.布拉格:捷克斯洛伐克首都及最大城市,位于这个国家的西半部,临瓦尔塔瓦河。该城自公元9世纪就已闻名于世,到14世纪为止是一个处于领先地位的文化及商业中心,于1526年开始为哈布斯堡王朝所统治。1618年,为了表示对哈布斯堡王朝统治的不满,布拉格市民将几个皇家官员从克拉克尼城堡的窗中扔了出去,从而制造了所谓的“布拉格扔出窗外”事件。1918年该城成为新形成的捷克斯洛伐克的首都。人口1,189,828〔Touraine〕A historical region and former province of west-central France. Taken by the English in 1152, it was recaptured by Philip II of France in 1204 and incorporated into the royal domain by Henry III.都兰:一历史地区,原先为法国中西部一省份,1152年被英格兰人占领,1204年法国腓力二世将其收复。亨利三世把它并入皇家领地〔Kauai〕An island of Hawaii northwest of Oahu. It was an independent royal domain when visited by Capt. James Cook in 1778 and became part of the kingdom of Hawaii in 1810.考爱岛:夏威夷的一岛,位于瓦胡岛西北部。詹姆斯·库克船长1778年来访时是一个独立的皇家领地,1810年成为夏威夷王国的一部分〔bignonia〕after Jean Paul Bignon (died 1743), French royal librarian 源自琼·保罗 比格侬 (卒于1743年),法国皇家图书馆学专家 〔pennyroyal〕real [royal] from Latin rēgālis * see regal real [皇家的] 源自 拉丁语 rēgālis * 参见 regal〔Plymouth〕A town of southeast Massachusetts onPlymouth Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, southeast of Boston. Founded in 1620 by Pilgrims, who supposedly set foot on Plymouth Rock when disembarking from the Mayflower, it was the center of Plymouth Colony. The colony was governed under precepts laid down in the Mayflower Compact until 1691, when it was absorbed by the royal colony of Massachusetts. Population, 45,608. 普利茅斯:美国马萨诸塞州东南一城镇,位于普利茅斯湾 沿岸,该湾位于波士顿的东南,是大西洋的一个小海湾。该镇由清教徒于1620年建立,这批清教徒被认为是在 普利茅斯海岸巨砾 登陆,从 五月花号 离船登陆。它曾是 普利茅斯殖民地 的中心。直到1691年,该殖民地都一直是按五月花协议上规定的条款业统治的,后被并入马萨诸塞的皇家殖民地。人口45,608 〔queenly〕In a royal way; regally.皇家地;豪华地 |
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