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单词 目的在于
释义 〔better〕Resulting in or aiming at an improvement:好转,改善:造成或目的在于改善的:〔brainwashing〕The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation.强制灌输思想:集中劝说的行为,尤指广告战或重复地建议,目的在于使人建立一种信任或形成一种动机〔raid〕A predatory operation mounted against a competitor, especially an attempt to lure away the personnel or membership of a competing organization.掠夺:对竞争对手采取的掠夺式的行动,尤指目的在于吸引走竞争组织的人员或成员〔superheterodyne〕Of, relating to, or being a form of radio reception in which the frequency of an incoming radio signal is mixed with a locally generated signal and converted to an intermediate frequency in order to facilitate amplification and the rejection of unwanted signals.超外差式的:属于、关于或者是无线电接收的一种方式的,接收的无线电信号和当地发射的无线电信号的频率相混合,变成一种折衷的频率,目的在于放大或排除不要的信号〔erotica〕Literature or art intended to arouse sexual desire.色情作品:目的在于引起性欲的文学或艺术作品〔logrolling〕The exchanging of political favors, especially the trading of influence or votes among legislators to achieve passage of projects that are of interest to one another.互投赞成票:交换政治上的赞同意见,尤指议员之间的政治影响或选票交易,目的在于促成对彼此都有利的议案的通过〔infill〕The use of vacant land and property within a built-up area for further construction or development, especially as part of a neighborhood preservation or limited growth program.填实:为进一步的建设或发展,在建好的区域中留下一块空地和地产,尤指目的在于保留邻居环境或限制发展计划〔slash〕To cut a slit or slits in, especially so as to reveal an underlying color:开裂缝:在…上切出一个或几个裂缝,尤指目的在于露出底色:〔practicum〕A school or college course, especially one in a specialized field of study, that is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied theory:实习科目,实习课:学校或学院开设的,尤指某一专业领域的课程,目的在于让学生们在教师指导之下将先前所学的理论加以实际运用:〔dampen〕"trade moves . . . aimed at dampening protectionist pressures in Congress"(Christian Science Monitor)“贸易流动…目的在于抑制贸易保护主义在议会中形成的压力”(基督教科学箴言报)〔tamper〕To engage in improper or secret dealings, as in an effort to influence:收买:从事不正当的或秘密的勾当,其目的在于对这种活动施加影响:〔purport〕To have the intention of doing; purpose.意图:企图;目的在于〔punitive〕Inflicting or aiming to inflict punishment; punishing.惩罚性的或目的在于惩罚的;惩罚的〔lie〕Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.假象:目的在于欺骗或给人造成错觉的某事〔regimen〕A regulated system, as of diet, therapy, or exercise, intended to promote health or achieve another beneficial effect.养生法:有规则的制度,如饮食,疗法或锻炼(制度),目的在于提高健康水平或达到其他有利的效果〔brainwashing〕Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs.洗脑:集中的强制的灌输,通常是政治上的或宗教上的,目的在于摧毁一个人的最基本的信仰和态度,以另一套固定信仰取而代之〔ingratiating〕Calculated to please or win favor:目的在于讨好的,缝迎的:〔immunosuppression〕Suppression of the immune response, as by drugs or radiation, in order to prevent the rejection of grafts or transplants or control autoimmune diseases. Also called immunodepression 免疫抑制:通过药物或放射治疗实现的对免疫反应的抑制,目的在于阻止对移植物或移植的排斥或者来控制自身免疫病 也作 immunodepression〔punitory〕Inflicting or intended to inflict punishment.惩罚性的或目的在于惩罚的〔shenanigan〕Often shenanigans Remarks intended to deceive; deceit. 常作 shenanigans 谎言:目的在于欺骗的言论;谎言〔casuistry〕Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead.诡辩术:目的在于使人合理思考或误导人的貌似有理或过分精细的推导〔trick〕An act or a procedure intended to achieve an end by deceptive or fraudulent means.See Synonyms at artifice 诡计,花招:一种目的在于通过欺骗性的或欺诈性的方式达到某一结果的行为或计策 参见 artifice〔Rambo〕An extremely aggressive person who feels no qualms about defying rules, regulations, or the law in order to right a perceived wrong.爱寻衅的人:极富有好斗性的人,对于抗拒规定、规章或法律毫不犹豫的人,目的在于纠正一个显而易见的错




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