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单词 盯着
释义 〔proud〕"His mother eyed me in silence with a supercilious air" (Tobias Smollett).“他母亲以一种目空一切的架势一声不响地盯着我” (托比阿斯·斯摩莱特)〔glum〕He stared down at his dinner plate in a morose and unsociable manner.他低头盯着餐盘,一副冷淡不友好的样子,〔blend〕"His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence"(John Fowles)See Synonyms at mixture “他盯着火焰,脸上显出爱挑剔和不妥协的混合表情。”(约翰·福尔斯) 参见 mixture〔offend〕Affronted at his impertinence, she stared at him coldly and wordlessly.被他的无礼而冒犯,她冷冷地、无言地盯着他。〔amuse〕muser [to stare stupidly] * see muse muser [呆呆地盯着] * 参见 muse〔fix〕fixed her eyes on the road ahead.她盯着前面的路〔theater〕Those who have theories about the theater are no doubt quite observant,at least the etymology of the word leads one to think so.The wordstheory and theater are related in ancestry if we look back to the Greek sources of our words. The Greek ancestor oftheater is theatron, "a place for seeing, especially for dramatic representation, theater.” Theatron is derived quite logically from the verb theasthai, "to gaze at, contemplate, view as spectators, especially in the theater,” fromthea, "a viewing.” The Greek ancestor oftheory is theōria, which meant among other things"the sending oftheōroi (state ambassadors sent to consult oracles or attend games),” "the act of being a spectator at the theater or games,” "viewing,” "contemplation by the mind,” and "theory or speculation.” The source oftheōria, theōros, "an envoy sent to consult an oracle, spectator,” is a compound of thea, "viewing,” and -oros, "seeing.” Thus, viewing is at the root of a theory and the theater.有戏剧理论的人无疑是相当善于观察的,至少这个词的词源学让我们这么想。如果我们追溯它们的希腊词源,单词theory 和 theater 的起源相关。 theater 的希腊语前身是 theatron (“尤指看喜剧表演的地方,剧院”)。 theatreon 相当符合逻辑地来自动词 theasthai (“盯着,注视,观看,尤指在剧院作为观众”), 来自thea, “观看”。 theory 的希腊语前身是 theoria , 其意义介于其它几件事物之间,它们是“派遣theoroi (派出咨询神谕或参加竟技会的政府使节)”“在剧院或竞技会上作为观众的行为”,“观看”,“专心注视”,和“看法和推测”。 theoria,theoros (“派出咨询神谕的使节;观众”)是 thea (“观看”)和 -oros (“看见”)的复合词。 这样,观看是theory(理论)和theater(剧院)的根源〔face〕caught him staring at my physiognomy;看到他盯着我的脸;〔puff〕He puffed up and glared at the importuning questioner.他趾高气扬地盯着追问者〔shy〕"I never laughed, being bashful./Lowering my head, I looked at the wall" (Ezra Pound).“我从来不笑,生性害羞。/低着头,我盯着墙壁” (埃兹拉·庞德)。〔hard〕worked hard all day; stared hard at the accused criminal.一整天都在努力地工作;恶狠狠地盯着那个被控告的罪犯〔gawk〕To stare or gape stupidly.愚蠢地盯着或打哈欠〔glaring〕Staring with anger, fierceness, or hostility:瞪眼的,目光炯炯的:充满愤怒、敌意或厌恶地盯着的:〔breathe〕The boss was breathing down my neck all morning.老板整个上午都死死地盯着〔gape〕To stare wonderingly or stupidly, often with the mouth open.See Synonyms at gaze 瞠目结舌,目瞪口呆:茫然或愚蠢地盯着,常张着嘴 参见 gaze〔gaze〕tourists gaping at the sights. Toglare is to fix another with a hard, piercing stare: 游客们张大嘴看着景色。 Glare 指以一种热切的、凶猛的凝视盯着〔gaze〕construction workers on their lunch hour ogling passing women. 建筑工人在午饭时色迷迷地盯着经过的妇女 〔gaze〕staring into the distance.心不在焉地盯着远方。〔gaze〕stared at them in disbelief;怀疑地盯着他们;〔superman〕Overman and Beyondman hardly seem likely names for a superhero, but perhapsOverman might be "leaping tall buildings at a single bound" had the German word Übermensch been translated differently than it was. However, Nietzsche's term for the ideal superior man was translated into English assuperman, first recorded in a work by George Bernard Shaw published in 1903. Such a term comes to us through a process called loan translation, or calque formation,whereby the semantic components of a word or phrase in one language are literally translated into their equivalents in another language,GermanÜbermensch, made up of über, "super-,” and Mensch, "man,” thus becoming superman. Becauseüber- can also be translated "beyond" and "over,” we also findoverman and beyondman as calques for the word Übermensch, but they did not take root.Shaw, in a letter written before 1917, noted that"some of our most felicitous writers . . . had been using such desperate and unspeakable forms as Beyondman, when the glib Superman was staring them in the face all the time.”Hence, when it came to naming a new comic strip hero,Superman was the logical choice, a name first recorded in 1938. Overman 和 Beyondman 看上去几乎不象超级英雄的名称, 但是,如果将德语中 Übermensch 这个单词译作不同于原有的译法时,那么,也许 Overman 可能是“纵身一跃就能跃过高楼大厦”。 然而,尼采给予理想超人的名称译成英语为Superman , 这个词最早见于乔治·萧伯纳的出版于1903年的一部作品中。这个词是通过借译而来的,或者说是通过仿造而来的,在以上这样的过程中,一个词或词组的语义成分被直译成另一语言中的与之相对应的成分。德语单词 Übermensch 是由 uber (即英语中"super-”之意)和 Mensch (即英语中"man"之意)组成的,这样的话,此词在英语中就成了 Superman 。 因为 über 也可译为"beyond"和"over", 所以我们发现 躡ermensch 也被借译为 overman 和 beyondman 。 但是,这两个词并没有在英语中确立下来。萧伯纳在写于1917年之前的一封信中说道:“一些措辞最巧妙的英语作家,竟一直使用象Beyondman这种令人绝望而又无法形容的词,却对一直面对面盯着他们的‘Superman’视而不见”。这样,当要命名一个新的连环漫画中的英雄时,Superman 一词就成了理所当然的选择,这个名称首次记录于1938年 〔gaze〕peered through her spectacles at the contract. Toogle is to stare in an amorous, usually impertinent manner: 通过她的眼镜看着合同。 Ogle 指盯着,以一种多情的、尤其是无礼的方式: 〔turn〕turned and stared at me.转过身盯着我。




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