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释义 〔facture〕"the gummy surfaces, spectral smudges and woozy contours that . . . appear in counterpoint to the clear, bright facture that had heretofore been[the artist's] hallmark" (Robert Shorr)“涂有树胶的表面,如鬼怪妖魔般的污迹及模糊的轮廓...与清楚、明亮的制作方呈现强烈的对比,这一直到现在都是[某位艺术家] 的特色” (罗伯特·萧尔)〔rigid〕"We have watered down a rigid training . . . until we now have an educational diet in many of our public high schools that nourishes neither the classes nor the masses"(Agnes Meyer)“我们已经减轻了这种乏味严格训练的强度,…直到现在我们还在许多既没有使阶级也使大众繁荣的公立高中里受教育”(阿格尼斯·梅尔)〔Diaspora〕The dispersion of Jews outside of Israel from the sixth centuryb.c. , when the Jews were exiled to Babylonia, until the present time. 大流散:从公元前 6世纪被驱逐到巴比伦起直到现在,犹太人在以色列以外的分散状况 〔Holocene〕Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, or sedimentary deposits of the more recent of the two epochs of the Quaternary Period, extending from the end of the Pleistocene Epoch to the present. See table at geologic time 全新世的:属于、归于或指明在地质年表上第四纪后两世从更新世结束一直到现在岩石时期的泥沙时期 参见 geologic time〔ravel〕To say that we will ravel the history ofravel is an ambiguous statement, given that history. Ravel comes from the obsolete Dutch verbravelen, "to tangle, fray out, unweave,” which comes in turn from the nounravel, "a loose thread.” We can see the ambiguity ofravel already in the notion of a loose thread, because threads can be loose when they are tangled or when they are untangling.The Dutch verb has both notions present in it,denoting both tangling and unweaving.In one of its earliest recorded uses in English (before 1585)the verb means "to become entangled or confused,”and in 1598 we find a use in the sense "to entangle.”But in 1611 the word is used with reference to a fabricin the sense "to fray out,”and in 1607 in the sense "to unwind, unweave, or unravel.”In 1582 we already have an author using the word in a figurative way to mean "to take to pieces or disentangle,”while in a work written before 1656 we have a figurative instance of the sense "to entangle or confuse.”Clearly there was a need for the wordunravel, which is first found in 1603, but strangely enoughit did not solve the problem,ravel retaining up to this day both "entangling" and "disentangling" senses. 说我们要解开ravel 这个词的历史, 只要“历史”的意思不变,这种说法本来就是含糊的。 Ravel 这个词来源于意为“纠缠,磨损掉,解开”的废荷兰语动词ravelen, 而这个词又是从意为“一束松线”的名词ravel 衍生而来的。 在这个意思中,我们已经能看到ravel 的双重意思, 因为一团线缠起来或被解开后都有可能松散。荷兰语的这个词两个意思都有,既指缠起来又指松开。 (1585年前)这个词在英语中第一次使用时,它是“变得纠缠在一起、和含混不清”的意思,1598年我们又发现了“使缠在一起”的意思。但1611年当这个词用于指纺织品时,它却是“使散开”的意思,1607年它的意思是“倒转,松开,打开。”1582年有一位作家已经使用这个词的比喻义“散成一片片或分开”,而在一部写于1656年前的著作中,又有“缠紧,弄混”的比喻意义。毫无疑问,出现于1603年的unravel 这个词有必要的存在, 但非常奇怪的是,这并没有解决ravel 这个词直到现在还有“缠紧”和“分开”这两个意思 〔olicook〕Originally brought to the Hudson Valley of New York by settlers from the Netherlands, a few items of Dutch vocabulary have survived there from colonial times until the present.The wordolicook, meaning "doughnut,” comes from Dutcholiekoek —literally, "oil cake.” And the Dutch wordkill for a small running stream is used throughout New York State. Stoop, "a small porch,” comes from Dutchstoep; this word is now in general use in the Northeast and beyond.开始是由荷兰裔的定居者将荷兰语的一些词汇带到纽约州的哈得逊河流域,而这些词从殖民时代一直到现在一直被使用。单词olicook 的意思是“炸面圈”, 它源于荷兰语的oliekoek ——字面意思是油炸饼。 而在荷兰语中指一条流动的小溪的词kill ,在美国纽约州广泛使用。 stoop 即“小火把”, 源自荷兰语stoep 。 这个词在美国东北及以外地区被广泛使用。




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