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单词 直言不讳
释义 〔outspoken〕Frank and unreserved in speech.See Synonyms at frank 1直言不讳的:在言语上坦率且无保留地 参见 frank1〔strong〕Forthright and explicit, often offensively so:直言不讳的:直接的,清楚的,常具有攻击性的:〔squarely〕spoke squarely on the topic of drug abuse.对滥用毒品的话题直言不讳〔blunt〕"Onscreen, John Wayne was a blunt talker and straight shooter"(Time)See Synonyms at gruff “在荧屏上,约翰·韦恩是一个直言不讳、一针见血的人”(时代) 参见 gruff〔round〕Outspoken; blunt:坦率的;直言不讳的:〔Wallace〕American politician. A three-time governor of Alabama (1963-1967, 1971-1979, and 1983-1987), he first came to national attention as an outspoken segregationist. Wallace ran unsuccessfully for the presidency in 1968 and 1972.华莱士,乔治·科雷:(生于 1919) 美国政治家。连续三次任阿拉巴马州长(1963-1967,1971-1979,1983-1987年),他首先在国内知名是因为是一个直言不讳的主张实行种族隔离制者。华莱士于1968和1972年两次竟选总统未成〔Pentagonese〕"Being open and egalitarian, Americans characteristically speak in a straight-forward, declarative manner—discounting Pentagonese and other jargon"(Jack Pitman)“美国人开放、公允,以直言不讳、宣言般的特有方式说话——不喜欢军事和其它术语”(杰克·皮特曼)〔open〕At last the frightened witness opened up and told the truth.这名吓坏了的目击者终于直言不讳说出了事实〔Belo〕East Timorese Roman Catholic bishop. An outspoken critic of Indonesia's invasion and colonization of East Timor, he shared the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize with José Ramos-Horta.贝罗,卡罗斯·菲力普·西门尼:东帝汶天主教主教。他直言不讳地谴责印度尼西亚入侵和殖民地化东帝汶,与若斯·拉默斯-荷塔共获1996年诺贝尔和平奖〔dishonest〕Lying conveys a blunt accusation of untruth: Lying 表达了对不真实性直言不讳的谴责: 〔slight〕"It is easier to recount grievances and slights than it is to set down a broad redress of such grievances and slights"(Elizabeth Kenny)“详细描述不满和冷落比直言不讳地纠正这些不满和冷落更容易”(伊丽莎白·肯尼)〔join〕I can forgive his bluntness because it is associated with a basic kindliness of spirit. 我可以原谅他的直言不讳,因为这与一种本质上的内心善良有关 〔Woodhull〕American reformer. An outspoken advocate of woman suffrage and free love, she was the first woman to run for the U.S. presidency (1872).伍德哈尔,维多利亚·克拉芬:(1838-1927) 美国改革家。妇女选举权和自由恋受的直言不讳的倡导者,她是第一个竞选美国总统的妇女(1872年)〔forthright〕a forthright appraisal; forthright criticism.直率的评价;直言不讳的批评〔frank〕It is possible to be outspoken without being rude.既直言不讳又不显得粗鲁是可能做到的。〔raw〕a raw portrayal of truth.对真理直言不讳的描述〔Harlan〕American jurist. As an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1877-1911) he was known for his outspoken dissenting opinions. His grandsonJohn Marshall Harlan (1899-1971) also served as an associate justice of the Court (1955-1971). 哈伦,约翰·马歇尔:(1833-1911) 美国法理学家,作为一名美国最高法院(1877-1911年)的助理法官他以直言不讳地发表反对意见而出名,他的孙子约翰·马歇尔·哈兰 (1899-1971年)也是最高法庭的一名助理法官(1955-1971年) 〔crude〕Undisguised or unadorned; blunt:未伪装的,未修饰的;直言不讳的:〔criticize〕The reviewer roundly criticized the novel.评论家直言不讳地批评了这本小说。〔Rotblat〕Polish-born British physicist who developed medical applications for radioactivity. An outspoken opponent of nuclear weapons, he won the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize.劳伯特,约瑟夫:开发放射现象医疗应用的波兰裔英国物理学家。作为核武器直言不讳的反对者,他获得了1995年的诺贝尔和平奖〔talk〕To speak up in a frank, often insolent manner.大肆吹捧:以直言不讳的经常是厚颜无耻的方式大声说出〔rai〕A form of popular Algerian music combining traditional Arabic vocal styles with various elements of popular Western music and featuring outspoken, often controversial lyrics.瑞乐:阿尔及利亚流行音乐的一种,将传统的阿拉伯声乐风格与西方流行音乐的多个成分结合在一起,并以直言不讳且通常是富有争议的歌词为主




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