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释义 〔polarize〕To cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions.使分裂,使分化:使集中于两个相互冲突或相对的位置〔allelomorph〕Greek allēlōn [mutually] from allos [other] * see al- 1希腊语 allēlōn [相互] 源自 allos [其它] * 参见 al- 1〔melon〕Any of several varieties of two related vines(Cucumis melo or Citrullus lanatus) widely cultivated for their edible fruit. 瓜蔓:被广泛种植以取其可食用之果实的两种相互有联系的瓜蔓(甜瓜 或 西瓜) 〔relativity〕A state of dependence in which the existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another.相对性:一个实体的存在和意义仅仅相互依靠的依附状态〔proportion〕Symmetry andbalance both imply an arrangement of parts and details on either side of a dividing line, butsymmetry frequently emphasizes exact or mirror-image correspondence of parts, whilebalance often suggests dissimilar parts that offset each other to make a harmonious and satisfying whole: Symmetry 和balance 都暗示在分界线两侧的局部或细节的安排, 但symmetry 常强调各部分精确或左右相反镜像的一致, 而balance 经常暗指通过相互抵消以形成和谐、令人满意的整体的不相似部分: 〔reciprocal〕Concerning each of two or more persons or things.交互的,相互的:关于两个或多个人或物中的每一个的〔tempered〕Adjusted or attuned by the addition of a counterbalancing element; moderated or measured:缓和的:被一种相互平衡的因素所调整或混和的;有克制的或温和的:〔keiretsu〕A network of businesses that own stakes in one another as a means of mutual security, especially in Japan, and usually including large manufacturers and their suppliers of raw materials and components.经连:相互拥有利害关系以作为彼此间保障的企业组合,特别是在日本,而且通常包含大型制造商及他们原料及零组件的供货商〔coitus〕co- [co-] co- [前缀,表“相互”] 〔opposite〕Facing the other way; moving or tending away from each other:反方向的:面朝另一方的,趋向相互分离的:〔billiards〕A game played on a rectangular cloth-covered table with raised cushioned edges, in which a cue is used to hit three small, hard balls against one another or the side cushions of the table.台球:一种在用布覆盖的四边凸起的长方形桌子上进行的游戏,用弹子球棒使三个小硬球相互撞击或撞击桌边〔culet〕Armor consisting of overlapping plates used to protect the buttocks.护臀甲:由相互交迭的甲片构成的铠甲,用来保护臀部〔explanation〕A mutual clarification of misunderstandings; a reconciliation.和解:为消除误解而进行的相互说明;和解〔intercommunion〕The practice by which members of different Christian denominations can receive Communion at one another's Eucharistic services or at a common service.不同教会间的相互交往:不同的基督教成员间在相互的圣餐仪式或普通仪式上相互交流的实践〔relate〕To have or establish a reciprocal relationship; interact:和睦相处:有或建立一种相互的关系,相互作用:〔relation〕The mutual dealings or connections of persons, groups, or nations in social, business, or diplomatic matters:(利害)关系:人与人、集团和集团以及国家与国家之间在社会、商业或外交事务中的相互交往和联系:〔scold〕"The incensed priests . . . continued to raise their voices, vituperating each other in bad Latin" (Sir Walter Scott).“激怒了的牧师提高了嗓音,用很脏的拉丁语相互辱骂” (沃特尔·司各脱)。〔bone〕Any of numerous anatomically distinct structures making up the skeleton of a vertebrate animal. There are more than 200 different bones in the human body.骨头:在解剖学上构成脊椎动物骨架的大多相互区别的结构。人体上有200多块不同的骨头〔hemin〕The reddish-brown crystalline chloride of heme, C34H 32N 4O 4FeCl, produced when hemoglobin reacts with glacial acetic acid and sodium chloride in a laboratory test for the presence of blood. 氯高铁血红素:一种红褐色的血红素晶体氯化物C34H 32N 4O 4FeCl,生成于实验室现血实验时血红蛋白和冰状醋酸及氯化纳的相互反应 〔cohabit〕Latin co- [co-] 拉丁语 co- [前缀,表“相互,一起”] 〔mediator〕One that mediates, especially one that reconciles differences between disputants.调解人,调停者:(尤指)使冲突各方就其争端进行相互妥协的调停者〔colinear〕Containing elements that correspond to one another and that are arranged in the same linear sequence.线性对应:包含相互对应并以同样的线性序列排列的元素〔aspect〕The configuration of the stars or planets in relation to one another.星位,行或恒星的相互位置〔coadapted〕Of or relating to characteristics that have become established through mutually beneficial interaction between organisms in a community.相互适应的:群落中组织间相互有益的作用建立起来的特性的,或与其有关的〔trine〕In astrology, situated 120° apart.120度相互方位的:两天体相距120度的占星术相互方位的〔remainder〕 Remainder andrest, used interchangeably, are the least specific: Remainder 和rest 可相互换用, 它们是最不具体的词: 〔repartee〕Conversation marked by the exchange of witty retorts.See Synonyms at wit 1妙语对答:有相互机智对答特征的谈话 参见 wit1〔interplay〕Reciprocal action and reaction; interaction.相互作用:相互的运动和反应;相互作用〔banter〕To exchange mildly teasing remarks.相互善意地取笑〔solvolysis〕A chemical reaction in which the solute and solvent react to form a new compound.溶剂分解作用:溶解物和溶剂相互反应生成一种新的化合物的化学反应〔coadjutor〕co- [co-] co- [前缀,表“相互,一起”] 〔coagulum〕co- [co-] co- [前缀,表“相互,一起”] 〔coadunate〕Latin co- [co-] 拉丁语 co- [前缀,表“相互,一起”] 〔click〕To cause to click, as by striking together:使发出喀哒声:使发出喀哒声,如通过相互碰击:〔coerce〕co- [co-] co- [前缀,表“相互,一起”] 〔individuation〕The act or process of individuating, especially the process by which social individuals become differentiated one from the other.个性形成:个性化的过程或行为,尤指社会性的个体相互离异的过程〔interchange〕To give and receive mutually; exchange.交换:相互给予和收到;交换〔collide〕"When truths collide, compromise becomes the first casualty"(Henry A. Kissinger)“当事实相互抵触时,首当其冲的受害者是妥协”(亨利A.基辛格)〔relationship〕A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other:联系:相互有来往的人之间存在的关联的特殊类型:〔magnetoacoustics〕The science that deals with the interaction or interconversion of magnetic and acoustic phenomena.磁声学:涉及磁场现象与声学现象相互作用或相互转换的科学




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