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释义 〔spree〕A spending spree seems a far cry from a cattle raid,yet etymologists have suggested that the wordspree comes from the Scots word spreath, "cattle raid.” The wordspree is first recorded in a poem in Scots dialect in 1804 in the sense of "a lively outing.” This sense is closely connected with a sense recorded soon afterward (in 1811), "a drinking bout,”while the familiar sense "an overindulgence in an activity,”as in aspending spree, is recorded in 1849. Scots and Irish dialect also have a sense "a fight,”which may help connect the word and the sense "lively outing" with the Scots wordspreath, meaning variously, "booty,” "cattle taken as spoils,” "a herd of cattle taken in a raid,” and "cattle raid.” The Scots word comes from Irish and Scottish Gaelicspréidh, "cattle,” which in turn ultimately comes from Latin praeda, "booty.” This last link reveals both the importance of the Latin language to Gaelicand a connection between cattle and plunder in earlier Irish and Scottish societies.狂欢作乐似乎与牛的袭击相去甚远,然而词源学表明spree 来自苏格兰语 spreath “牛的袭击”。 Spree 在1804年首次出现于苏格兰方言写成的一首诗中,意为“活跃的出游”。 这个意思与不久之后(1811年)出现的意思“狂饮”很接近,而相近的意思“无节制的狂热行为”,比如spending spree 于1849年出现。 苏格兰和爱尔兰方言还有“打架”的意思,这可能有助于将该词同其意义与苏格兰语spreath 的不同意思相联系,这些意思为“战利品”、“作为掠夺品的牛”、“袭击中所得的一群牛”或“牛袭击”。 这个苏格兰词来自爱尔兰和苏格兰盖尔人的语言 spréidh “牛”(此词最终源自拉丁语 praeda “战利品”)。 这一最后的联系不仅表明拉丁语同盖尔语的重要联系,也表明早期爱尔兰和苏格兰社会中牛和劫掠的联系〔rape〕Although three senses are listed in our entry for the verbrape, it is unlikely that many people think of the word as having more than one sense.The Latin wordrapere from which rape comes had an even wider range of meanings, including "to ravish.”It must be kept in mind, however, that most of its senses had to do with the notion of seizing or carrying offand that sexual violation was confined to the one sense.In the case of the Middle Englishwordrapen, taken from Latin rapere, fewer senses existed, but some of them differed quite significantly from any in which we would use the word today.It could mean "to fix or set a certain time" ("The tyme he wild [would] not rape" ) or "to carry off somebody to heaven from earth" ( "the visions of seynt poul wan [when] he was rapt in to paradys" ). The past participlerapt has survived in Modern English, where it has become a separate wordreferring to states of deep delight or absorption,far removed from the hideous cruelties ofrape. The sense involving these cruelties was probably present in Middle Englishand has largely taken over the word.尽管在动词rape 这一词条中,我们列了三个意思, 但实际很多人并不认为该词有这么多意思。Rape 从其起源的拉丁语单词 rapere 甚至有更多的词义, 其中包括“使销魂”这一含意。然而,我们必须记住所有这些词义都同“用武力夺取或抢走”有关,性方面的侵犯只是其中的一个意思。在中古英语中,由拉丁语rapere 一词产生的动词 rapen 的词义已经减少, 不过其中有些词义和现在的词义完全不同。它可以意为“约定或确定时间”(“他不肯 约定时间” )或“由人间带某人进入天堂”( “圣保罗进入天堂 的情景” )。 该词的过去分词rapt 仍存在于现代英语中, 在这里它已成为一个单独的单词,意为一种极其兴奋或被深深吸引的状态,这个意思与rape 一词丑恶的词义相去甚远。 与残酷行为有关的词义可能在中世纪就存在,后来被保留了下来




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