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释义 〔love〕Their infatuation blinded them to the fundamental differences in their points of view. See also Synonyms at like 1他们之间的迷恋使他们看不到他们之间意见的根本分歧 参见同义词 like1〔cryolite〕An uncommon, white, vitreous natural fluoride of aluminum and sodium, Na3AlF 6, nearly invisible in water in powdered form and used chiefly in the electrolytic recovery of aluminum. Also called Greenland spar 冰晶石:一种罕见的、白色、玻璃状的天然铝和钠的氟化物,Na3AlF 6,以粉末的形式在水中是看不到的,主要用于铝的电解质复原 也作 Greenland spar〔tormentor〕A hanging at each side of a stage directly behind the proscenium that serves to block the wing area and sidelights from the audience.侧幕:舞台前景后面两侧垂下的幕,用来挡住舞台两翼,使观众看不到旁过的光线〔predicament〕"I could see no way out of the pickle I was in" (Robert Louis Stevenson).“我看不到任何使我脱离困境的办法” (罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森)〔idolatrous〕"The religiosity of the[group] is self-righteous and idolatrous. It perceives no virtue in its opponents and magnifies its own" (Christopher Lasch)“[群体] 的宗教信仰是自以为是和盲目崇拜的。它看不到对手的任何优点却把自己的优点扩大化” (克里斯托弗·拉希)〔presume〕"We can see individuals, but we can't see providence; we have to postulate it" (Aldous Huxley). “我们不得不认为我们可以看到个体却看不到远见;我们必须承认它” (阿尔道斯·赫胥黎)。 〔microdensitometer〕An extremely sensitive densitometer used to detect on a film or photographic plate spectrum lines too faint to be seen by the human eye.显微光密度计;测微密度计:一种极其敏感的密度计,用以测定电影或摄影感光版中人眼看不到的微弱光谱线〔latent〕These adjectives mean present or in existence but not active or manifest.What islatent is present but not visible or apparent: 这些形容词都含有存在但不活跃或不明显的意思。Latent 一词的含义是存在但看不到或不明显的: 〔lose〕We lost the plane in the fog. I lost her when she started speaking about thermodynamics.在浓雾中我们看不到飞机了。当她开始讲热力学时,我理解不了〔ultramicroscopic〕Too minute to be seen with an ordinary microscope.超出普通显微镜可见范围的:太小了以致普通显微镜下看不到〔wing〕In the stage wings, unseen by the audience.在观众看不到的舞台两侧〔hide〕These verbs mean to keep from the sight or knowledge of others.这些动词的意思是使别人看不到或不知道。




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