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释义 | 〔retire〕Despite the upbeat books written about retiringand the fact that it is a well-earned time of relaxation from the daily rigors of work,many people do not find it a particularly pleasant prospect.Perhaps the etymology ofretire may hint at why. The ultimate source of our word is the Old French wordretirer, made up of the prefixre-, meaning in this case "back,” and the verb tirer, "to draw,” together meaning "to take back or withdraw.” The first use of the English wordretire is recorded in 1533 in reference to a military force that withdraws.It is not until 1667 that we find the word used to mean "to withdraw from a position for more leisure.”In regard to the sting in all thiswe need to look at the source oftirer, "to draw, draw out, endure,”which ultimately may be from Old Frenchmartir, "a martyr,” probably reflecting the fact that martyrs had to endure the torture of being stretched up to and beyond the point of dislocating their bones.尽管有关于退休的乐观书籍,以及退休是从日常工作的严酷中解放出来的极好时光的事实,许多人并没有发现它特别令人愉悦的地方。也许retire 的语源学暗示了原因。 这个词最早的来源是古法语单词retirer , 由在此意指“向后”的前缀re- 及意为“拉”的动词 tiver 合在一起组成,意为“撤回或退回”。 英语单词retire 的使用则最早记录于1553年, 指撤退的军队。直到1667年我们才发现该词用于表达“为得到更多的闲暇而退出职位。”考虑到所有这些词的负面含义,我们有必要看看tirer 的词源, 其意为“拉,拉出,容忍,”它可能最初源于意为“殉道者”的古法语martir , 这可能反映了一个事实,即殉者不得不忍受四肢被拉直至骨肉脱离的酷刑〔and〕try and find it; come and see.试着去找找;来看看〔hold〕Let's see what the future holds.让我们看看未来会有什么〔off〕stopped by on the off chance that they're home.停下车看看,既使他们在家的可能性很小〔honestly〕Honestly! Look at the mess you've made.哦!看看你弄得这一团糟〔truck〕"Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. Whatis that truck?” (Mark Twain)“看看你的手,再看看你的嘴。那无用的东西是 什么?” (马克·吐温)〔terrain〕climbed a tree to view the surrounding terrain.爬上一棵树来看看周围地区的风景〔milquetoast〕An indication of the effect on the English language of popular culture such as that found in comic strips is the adoption of names from the strips as English words.Casper Milquetoast, created by Harold Webster in 1924, was a timid and retiring man,whose name was, of course, created from the name of a timid food.The first instance ofmilquetoast as a common noun is found in the mid-1930's. Milquetoast thus joins the ranks of other such words, includingsad sack, from a blundering army private invented by George Baker in 1942,andWimpy, from J. Wellington Wimpy in the Popeye comic strip, which became a trade name for a hamburger.If we look to the related world of the animated cartoon,we must of course acknowledgeMickey Mouse, which has become a slang term for something that is easy, insignificant, small-time, worthless, or petty. 如果我们要在戏剧漫画中找到流行文化对英语语言的影响,那么漫画中的人物的名字被接受为英语单词可以算是例证了,1924年赫拉德·韦伯斯特所创造的卡斯珀·米尔克吐斯特是一个胆小如鼠的人,他的名字当然是从一种非常柔软的食品而得来。Milquetoast 作为一个普通名词的第一例子于20世纪30年代中期被发现。 这样milquetoast 就加入了一类词, 这类词包括sad sack , 一个由乔治·贝克于1942年发明指代愚蠢的陆军士兵的词汇,和Wimpy ,一个从滑稽漫画 突眼 中的丁·惠灵顿·温皮而得来的词, 它现在已成为汉堡包的商标。如果我们再看看相关的动画世界,我们当然得承认米奇老鼠 现在已成为指代容易的、不重要的、没有价值的或琐碎的东西的一个俚语词 〔consult〕consult one's checkbook before making a major purchase.在进行大的购买行动之前先看看支票薄〔long〕You can look on the front page of the paper for the long and the short of it.你可以看看第一页上的梗概〔method〕"It is absurd to think that the only way to tell if a poem is lasting is to wait and see if it lasts" (Robert Frost). “知道一首诗是否不朽的唯一方法是等着看看它是否不朽,这简直荒谬可笑” (罗伯特·弗罗斯特)。 〔animadversion〕"Witness[the] animadversions on the bleeding hearts who worried about the hostages" (Benjamin DeMott)“看看 关于为人质担忧的同情者们的评论吧” (本杰明·德莫特)〔move〕"Speak to him, ladies, see if you can move him"(Shakespeare)“女士们,与他谈谈心,看看你们能否说服他”(莎士比亚)〔dicker〕Perhaps a desire to see history repeat itself has been at work in the case of an etymology suggested for the verbdicker, first recorded in 1802with reference to horse trading and the haggling that accompanies it.In a work published in 1848James Fenimore Cooper used the word with reference to frontier trade.This use would support a connection with the noundicker, which denotes a quantity of ten and was a common unit used in trading hides or furs. If the verbdicker originated in the fur trade, a parallel would exist with the noundicker. The noun may have come into the Germanic languages and hence to English by way of trade or tribute in furs between the Germanic peoples and the Roman Empire, with the Germanic word coming from the Latin worddecuria, "a group of ten men,” which in Late Latin was used as a measure of skins. The difficulty with this parallel isthat no existing evidence proves conclusively the derivation of the verbdicker from the noun dicker. 关于对动词dicker 提出的词源问题,也许是想看看历史重演的一种欲望在起作用, 此单词第一次记载是在1802年,同马匹交易和与之伴随的价格争论有关。在1848年出版的一本著作中,詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀根据边境贸易使用了这个词。这种使用将会支持与名词dicker 代表数量“十”并用于皮毛交易的联系。 如果动词dicker 起源于毛皮生意, 那么便会与名词dicker 一起并行存在。 该名词也许是随着来自于拉丁语decuria “十人一组”的日耳曼语单词一起(在拉丁语中它被用作皮革的计量单位),通过日耳曼人和罗马帝国之间毛皮交易或进贡的途径进入日耳曼语中,而从此以后进入英语中。 但是对于这种并行的困难是,没有现成的证据确凿地证明动词dicker 是从名词 dicker 中衍生来的 |
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