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单词 真实
释义 〔hollow〕Devoid of truth or validity; specious:空洞的:缺乏真实或效力的;徒有其表的:〔warn〕These verbs mean to give someone notice of and put the person on guard against actual or possible danger or risk.这些动词表示通知某人以使其对真实或潜在的危险或险情有所警觉。〔unmask〕To disclose the true character of; expose.揭示:揭示…的真实品格;揭露〔opossum〕The wordopossum takes us back to the earliest days of the United States. The settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, was founded in 1607 by the London Company, chartered for the planting of colonies.Even though the first years were difficult,promotional literature was glowing.In one such piece,A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie in Virginia, published in 1610, we find this passage: "There are . . . Apossouns, in shape like to pigges.”This is the first recorded use ofopossum, although in a spelling that differs from the one later settled on to reproduce the sound of the Virginia Algonquian word from which our word came.The wordopossum and its shortened form possum, first recorded in 1613 in more promotional literature, remind us of a time when the New World was still very new, settlers were few,and the inhabitants for whom the New World was not new were plentiful.词语opossum 把我们带回到了早期的美国社会。 伦敦公司,作为开拓殖民地的委托者,在1607年建立了弗吉尼亚詹姆斯敦的居民点。即使在最初的年代里很困难,激进文学也开始抬头。在其中有一篇于1610年出版的弗吉尼亚殖民地的真实宣言 , 其中有一段“一种形似猪的动物”,就是最早的关于opossum 的记录, 虽然它的拼写和现在我们所使用的弗吉尼亚阿尔贡金语的拼写有所不同。词语opossum 和其缩写形式 possum 最初于1613年记录在更加激进的文学作品中, 让我们回想起当新大陆还很陌生而且只有很少的居住者时,已有许多对于新大陆并不陌生的土著居民〔certify〕To confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuine.确认:正式确认为真实、准确或真正的〔impressionism〕The practice of expressing or developing one's subjective response to a work of art or to actual experience.印象手法:表达或发展对艺术作品或真实经历的主观反应的做法〔iota〕not an iota of truth to that tale.那个故事毫无真实可言〔servitude〕"I have borne thirteen children and seen them most all sold off into slavery" (Sojourner Truth).“我已经生了十三个孩子并且看着他们全部被卖而沦为奴隶” (旅居者的真实〔fact〕A real occurrence; an event:事实:真实存在的事情;事件:〔postulate〕To assume or assert the truth, reality, or necessity of, especially as a basis of an argument.主张…为事实,断言…为必要:假定或断言…为真实、存在或必要,尤指作为论述基础而作的假定〔identify〕In the sense "to associate or affiliate (oneself) closely with a person or group,”identify has developed two distinct subsenses. In one, the verb suggests a psychological empathy with the feelings or experiences of another person,as inMost young readers readily identify (or identify themselves ) with Holden Caulfield. This usage derives originally from psychoanalytic writing,where it has a specific technical sense,but like other terms from that field,it was widely regarded as jargon when introduced into the wider discourse.In particular,critics seized on the fact that in this sense the verb was often used intransitively,with no reflexive pronoun.As Wilson Follett wrote in 1966,"The critic . . . could help restore the true notion in these words if he would give upidentifying at large and resume identifying himself with Ivan Karamazov, Don Quixote, Mary Poppins, or whomever.” In recent years, however, this use ofidentify with without the reflexive has become a standard locution. Eighty-two percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentenceI find it hard to identify with any of his characters; whereas only 63 percent now accepts this same usage when the reflexive pronoun is used,as inI find it hard to identify myself with any of his characters. · Omission of the reflexive with this use ofidentify serves among other things to distinguish it from use of the verb to mean "to associate (oneself) with the goals, interests, or principles of a group.” This use of the verb can be traced back to the 18th century,but it is now somewhat less acceptable to the Panel than the first sense under discussion:58 percent of the Panel accepts the sentenceShe identified herself with the campaign against drug abuse, and only 40 percent acceptsShe identified with the campaign against drug abuse, where no reflexive pronoun is used. 在“使(自己)密切联系或依附于别人”这一意思中的。identify 一词又有两种不同的含义。 第一,这个动词表现了对其他人的感情或经历在心理上的认同,例如大多数青年读者很快认同了 (或 identify themselves ) 霍尔顿·科尔菲德。 这种用法来源于有关心理分析的著作,在这些著作中,这个词具有特殊的科技含义,不过就象从该领域引入的其它词语一样,这个词在日常生活使用中还带有专业术语的痕迹。特别指出的是,批评家们在发现这个词常常作为不及物动词来用,后面不带反身代词。正如威尔逊·福勒特1966年写到的,“如果评论家们很早就全面放弃identifying 而重新使用 identifying himself with 伊万·卡拉玛佐夫、堂吉诃德、玛丽·波普斯等人物,那就会有助于探询出这些词的真实含意。” 不过,近年来使用identify with 中间不加反身代词已成为一种标准搭配。 用法专题小组中82%的成员认为我觉得很难认同于他小说中的人物 一句是正确的; 而现在只有63%的成员接受使用反身代词来表达同一意思的句子,即I find it hard to identify myself with any of his characters。 省略反身代词以及其它一些方法,使identify 这种用法区别于它作为动词在“与某个集团的目标、利益或原则相联系”一句中的意思。 它作为动词的用法可追溯到18世纪,不过对于用法专题小组来说它没有第一种解释那样被易于接受:58%的小组成员接受她支持反对滥用药物的运动 这一说法, 只有40%的成员接受不要反身代词的She identified with the campaign against drug abuse 这一说法 〔concrete〕Existing in reality or in real experience; perceptible by the senses; real:真实的:在现实或真实经历中存在的;感觉能察觉到的;真实的:〔historicity〕Historical authenticity; fact.历史性,真实性:历史真实;事实〔received〕Having been accepted as true or worthy:被普遍接受的:被当作真实或有价值而被接受的:〔bibliotics〕Examination of written documents to determine authorship or authenticity.文件真伪鉴定:检查文献以确定为原作或真实〔essentialism〕The metaphysical theory that the essential properties of an object can be distinguished from those that are accidental to it.本质主义:形而上学的理论,认为事物的真实本质能够同偶然的发生区分开〔warn〕To make aware in advance of actual or potential harm, danger, or evil.警告:在真实或可能的危害、危险或邪恶到来之前使知晓〔beauty〕A delightful quality associated with harmony of form or color, excellence of craftsmanship, truthfulness, originality, or another property.美好:一种与形式和颜色的和谐、高超的技巧、真实、新颖或其它特性相联系的令人愉快的性质〔swear〕To make a solemn declaration, invoking a deity or a sacred person or thing, in confirmation of and witness to the honesty or truth of such a declaration.宣誓:作庄严的声明以唤起神灵、神圣的人或事来证明或证实该声明的诚实或真实〔disguise〕Appearance that misrepresents the true character of something:伪装;掩饰:掩盖某物真实特性的外表:〔claim〕A statement of something as a fact; an assertion of truth:主张:声明某事为事实;断言真实〔sincere〕These adjectives mean genuine, honest, and devoid of hypocrisy or pretense.这些形容词都是真实、诚实、不虚伪或不伪饰的意思。〔warp〕To turn aside from a true, correct, or natural course; go astray.See Synonyms at distort 迷失:偏离真实、正确的或自然的路线;迷路 参见 distort〔general〕Being usually the case; true or applicable in most instances but not all:大致的,概略的:经常是此状况的;大部分情形都真实或适用的但并非全部:〔fact〕had to prove the facts of the accident.不得不证明车祸的真实存在〔real〕"It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true" (Bertrand Russell).“如果一个陈述没有任何理由说明它是真实的话,让人很难心甘情愿地相信它” (伯特兰德·罗素)。〔uncertainty〕 Suspicion is doubt as to the innocence, truth, integrity, honesty, or soundness of someone or something;the word often suggests an uneasy feeling that the person or thing is evil: Suspicion 表示对人或事的清白、真实、正直、诚实或公正等品质的怀疑;该词还经常暗示着认为该人或事邪恶的忧虑感: 〔true〕Truth or reality. Used withthe. 真理,真实。与the 连用 〔dissemble〕To disguise or conceal one's real nature, motives, or feelings behind a false appearance.掩饰感情:用假象掩盖真实的性格、动机或感情〔credence〕Acceptance as true or valid; belief.See Synonyms at belief 接受为真实或有效;信任 参见 belief〔real〕real people, not ghosts; a real problem; a film based on real life.真实的人,不是鬼魂;一个真实的问题;一部以真实生活为基础的影片〔unsell〕To persuade not to believe in the advisability, worth, or truth of something.动摇某人:劝说…不去相信某事的明智,价值或真实〔perceptible〕These adjectives apply to what is capable of being apprehended with the mind or through the senses as being real.这些形容词适用于用意识或通过感官可被察觉到为真实存在的东西。〔honesty〕 Honesty implies truthfulness, fairness in dealing with others,and refusal to engage in fraud, deceit, or dissembling: Honesty 表示与别人相处时的真实和公平,并拒绝参与欺骗、欺诈或作假: 〔mirror〕Something that faithfully reflects or gives a true picture of something else.镜子(比喻义):能真实反映另外事物的情况和给出一个真实的画面的物体〔pig〕Something that is offered in a manner that conceals its true nature or value.在形式上掩盖了真实特性或价值的东西〔show〕To expose or reveal the true character or nature of:暴露或揭示…的真实特征或本质:〔absurdism〕"True absurdism is not less but more real than reality"(John Simon)“真正的荒诞主义不是比现实更虚幻,而是更为真实”(约翰·西蒙)〔real〕"what the actual things were which produced the emotion that you experienced" (Ernest Hemingway).“那些能产生你所经历过的感情的真实事物是什么” (欧内斯特· 海明威)。〔creationism〕The position that the account of the creation of the universe given at the beginning of the Bible is literally true.特创论,创世论:认为《圣经》篇首给出的创造宇宙的叙述是真实无误的学说




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